As salama, ****,
Jeddah City, Makkah ***** LAILA GARINGAN (056-***-****
Well-trained and qualified medical assistant aiming to leverage acquired expertise and experience to fill the role at your company. Proven ability to handle any medical emergency or situation and remain calm under pressure. Perform all tasks quickly and correctly.
-Perform any treatment needed including restorative, crown and bridge, endodontics and extractions.
-Design and review treatment plans with patients.
-Interact effectively with colleagues, managers and patients on all levels.
-Provided direct dental care to patients, following approved protocols for standard of care.
-Oral surgery including extraction of third molars which were soft and partial bony impactions. 07/Present07/2014 - Present DentalAssistant Dental Assistant L ife CClliinniicc
-Assist Patient ambulatory
- Giving oral Medication
- Check patient Vital Signs
10/201310/2010 - 07/2013 CCaarreeggiivveerr Engr.AlirezaEngr.Hussein Alireza Performing data encoding task regarding soil.
07/200907/2007 - 01/2009 DataEncoder Data Encoder QudaratAlqabbani Qudarat Alqabbani ConstructionCompany Construction Company
-Worked at Operating room
- Assist Surgeons Minor and major operation.
- Circulating and Recovery Nurse pre-post operative patient
-Worked at Ward
- checking patient vitals signs,giving oral,iv,im meds as doctor presciption.
- Worked as OPD nurse(cardiology,Internal Medicine,EENT,Gynecology) 04/200604/2003 - 07/2006 StaffNurse Staff Nurse Al-HospitalAl-Zahraa Hospital EDUCATION HISTORY
04/200304/2003 WesternUniversity Western Mindanao State University Bacheclorin Bacheclor of Science in Nursing,Bachelor's Nursing, Bachelor's
06/201806/2018 DentalCOE Dental Assistant COE LifeClinic L ife Clinic 04/200604/2006 StaffNurse Staff Nurse AlHospital Al Zahraa Hospital SKILLS & ABILITIES
CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioo Abilityunder Ability to work under pprreessssuurree
TimeManagement Time Management LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp Expert Advanced Advanced Advanced
AArraabbiicc EEnngglliisshh
Fluent Fluent