Brett Naples
Palatine, IL 60074
Films Edited The Air We Breath, Blockade Runner & The Long Way Home
Blockade Runner: Starred and edited with minor SFX and music.
The Long Way Home: Edited and Created all special effects.
The Air We Breath: Edited
Pictureboy Creative 2018-Present Video Editor, Photographer, Videographer
Product/corporate/Commercial videos and Pictures. Build sets with studio lighting. Shoot both picture/video with Hassleblad H6D and Canon Mark IV. Use Premier, Photoshop and After Effects to edit pictures /videos.
Legend Creative 2017-2018 Video Editor
Corporate/Commercial video edit, testimonials or tutorials. Use Premiere, Photoshop and After Effects to create videos, graphics, stock footage and footage shot using 5D Mark IV.
Alacarte Entertainment 2013-2017 Video Editor/Videographer
Manage digital signage for 23 locations. Ensuring all promotions were up to date and creating new video promotions. Collaborate with the graphics team animating there beautifully made print adds. Film special events (celebrity appearances, grand openings etc.) using a Nikon D7000 to create promotional material for web.
Reynaukds Euro Imports 2011-Present Video Editor/Videographer
Created YouTube Channel for high end model train business and update it with relevant content. Videos from general product presentation to tutorials. Even interviews at the Nuremburg Toyfair in Germany (2017-2018) These were shot with two cameras, separate audio and edited in a multicam sequence.