Sai Krishna Nadimpalli
**** ** ***** *** 503-***-****
Portland, OR 97229 **********.*************@*****.***
One full year of experience in Data Science and machine learning including one internship and two academic projects
1+ year of experience as a software developer including one internship and three academic projects
Approximately two years of experience in cloud technologies including one internship, certification, term paper and two academic projects
Proficiency in data structures and algorithms which helped in gaining efficiency of writing code in different programming languages
Experience in designing kernel for the operating system
Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, Python, R, Scala, SQL
Web Services: SOAP, REST
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
Database: DB2, MySQL, MongoDB
Software: Android Studio, LAMP, XAMPP, Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, GIT
Certifications: AWS Certified Developer - Associate
Big Data Frameworks: Apache Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, Dynamo DB, Kafka
Operating Systems: Linux, Unix, Windows
University of Missouri-Kansas City May 2018
Master of Science in Computer Science GPA: 3.4
K L University, India May 2016
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science CGPA: 7.6/10
Sprint Corporation, Overland Park, KS May 2017 - Aug 2017
Data Scientist Intern
Developed a Hybrid Recommendation System for Sprint LearningX IOS application using Python and Java
Implemented Statistical Learning methods and Machine Learning algorithms on huge data sets to clean unwanted data and generate predictive analysis for the recommendation system
Developed a Relational Data Model for Video Content Management System
Technologies & Tools Used: Python, R, Java, SQL, Eclipse IDE, Hadoop, Jupyter notebook
IBM, India
Software Developer Intern Sept 2015 - Jan 2016
Created and Configured IaaS, PaaS and SaaS applications
Designed and Coded servers, applications and databases that are scalable and reusable
Presented at workshops for IBM Bluemix in various Colleges & Universities all over India
Technologies & Tools Used: IBM Bluemix, C, C++, Java, Java Script, SQL
Search Engine for NFL related news Aug 2017 - Sept 2017
oDeveloped a search engine which crawls the web for NFL related news using Crawler4j and built an index on the crawled pages using Apache Lucene
oDeveloped the query expansion module using Rocchio algorithm and Apache Tika
oThis search engine expands a given query and searches for results based on the expanded query on the pre-ranked pages
oTechnologies & Tools: Java, Crawler4j, Apache Lucene, Tomcat and Information Retrieval
Twitter Sentiment Analysis: Sep 2016 - Dec 2016
oTwitter data is collected in JSON format using Python and stored in HDFS
oDeveloped queries using Spark RDD and Data Frames to analyze this Data
oDeveloped a query using REST API for real-time data analysis and processing
oD3.js is used to visualize the retrieved data in the form of different charts
oTechnologies & Tools: Python, Scala, Apache Spark, Hadoop, IntelliJ IDEA
Android Application for online market place: Sep 2016 - Dec 2016
oDesigned and simulated multiple UML Class diagrams, state diagrams, sequence diagrams and wire frames to create the flow of processes
oCreated database in MongoDB and Java programs to implement the insertion and retrieval of data from application to database
oDeveloped Java Script algorithms to design the User Interface in Android Studio
oTechnologies & Tools: Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Android Studio, MongoDB, Lucidchart
Simulation of Weather Data through Smart Phone Sensors: Feb 2016 - Apr 2016
oUsed Mobile Sensors to collect weather data and stored them in cloud storage connected to application by cleaning unwanted noisy data, outliers and empty values
oImplemented techniques like binning, band-pass filter and low-pass filter for data pre-processing
oApplied Map reducing techniques to process the data and predicted weather results are displayed to user through the application
oUsed Google Cloud Messaging to push notifications from server to client’s Android gadgets
oTechnologies & Tools: Hadoop, Java, Linux, Android Studio, Google Cloud Messaging
Implementation of Classical Problems with OpenMP and Pthreads Feb 2015 - Apr 2015
oDeveloped Parallel Dining Philosopher’s, N Queens and Knight’s tour problem in parallel achieving less computation time than serial algorithm
oImplemented thread synchronization and uniform load distribution is achieved among thread processors
oDeveloped a cache simulator for the above problems to report cache hits, misses and time taken for cache memory to fetch data from main memory
oTechnologies & Tools Used: Linux, C, C++
Discussion Forum for University: Jan 2015 - Mar 2015
oUsed JavaScript algorithms to develop a discussion forum where students can post questions and replies on a variety of topics
oCreated Databases in MySQL RDBMS using SQL queries and LAMP stack
oUser Interface was developed using HTML, CSS, and JSP was used to post and retrieve objects from user interface to data base
oTechnologies & Tools: HTML, CSS, Java script, MySQL, LAMP, Net beans