AAbbhhiisshheekk GGuuppttaa
E-Mail: ********.****@*****.***~ Contact: +919*********
Contact address: ***, **** *****, ***** ****, Saharanpur (UP)-247001 Profile Summary
Performance-driven Professional with 12 years of experience in
~ Network infrastructure management
~ Team Management and account management
~ Service Delivery and operation management
~ IPLC, Global and MPLS domestic operations
~ Technical training and certifications to team and daily effective session management
Presently associated with NTT communications Noida (senior manager –Operations) Fault management NOC (Service assurance).
Demonstrated excellence by continually improving cross functional processes to reduce costs and gain operational efficiencies.
Skilled in monitoring overall functioning of processes and identifying improvement areas and implementing adequate measures to maximize CSAT.
Skilled in coordinating with internal /external customers for running successful operations and experience of implementing and service standard for business excellence.
Proficient in creating and sustaining a dynamic environment that motivates the high performance amongst team members
Strong interpersonal and analytical skills. Expert ability to accurately determine needs, understand risk tolerances, offer alternatives to current situations, develop action plans, and cultivate longstanding/profitable client relationships
LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp:: PPrroommootteess oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn aammoonnggsstt ccuussttoommeerrss aanndd ddrriivveess oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn mmiissssiioonn tthhrroouugghh eemmppllooyyeeeess aanndd ssuuppppoorrttss mmoottiivvaattiioonn ooff eemmppllooyyeeeess iinn oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn.. VViissiioonnaarryy:: EEnnssuurreess ssttaaffff hhaass ssuuffffiicciieenntt aanndd uupp ttoo ddaattee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff pprroocceessss,, cchhaannggee mmaannaaggeemmeenntt,, llooookkss ttoo ffuuttuurree ffoorr cchhaannggee ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess,, iinntteerrffaacceess bbeettwweeeenn mmaannaaggeemmeenntt,, EEmmppllooyyeeeess.. DDeecciissiioonn MMaakkiinngg:: FFoorrmmuullaatteess ppoolliicciieess aanndd ppllaannnniinngg rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee mmaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd ssuubboorrddiinnaatteess,, ddeecciiddeess oorr gguuiiddeess tthhee ssttaakkeehhoollddeerrss ooff aaccttiioonn iinn ooppeerraattiioonnss bbyy ssttaaffff /eemmppllooyyeeeess.. PPeerrssoonnaall ccrreeddiibbiilliittyy:: UUsseess ppeerrssoonnaall ccrreeddiibbiilliittyy ttoo iinnfflluueennccee oouuttccoommeess bbeeyyoonndd oowwnn bbuussiinneessss aanndd ffuunnccttiioonnaall aarreeaa EExxeeccuuttiioonn sskkiillllss:: MMaakkeess tthhiinnggss hhaappppeennss aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee ooddddss iinn aa ccoollllaabboorraattiivvee wwaayy FFuunnccttiioonnaall::
Meetings with organizational goal,business KPI,Churn management,services credit reductions, partners governance
Staffing and resources planning and staff has sufficient knowledge of process,skills,tools to drive SOP and services with in defined TAT/SLA agreed with customer at appropriate level .
People succession planning, coaching,mentoring
Managing service operations for rendering and achieving quality services providing end to end customer support by answering queries, resolving their issues on time and ensuring minimum TAT.
Leading a team of HFR, Last mile change /off net to on net and vice versa.
Coordination, escalations for those services having high fault rate and degraded services and SIP actionable.
End to end tickets closure with proper RFO/RCA with permanent fix.
Ensuring team KPI to met
Integration of new POP provisioning.
Meeting with end customer for good services always and way to improve services if applicable WORK EXPERIENCE
SSiinnccee AAuugg’’1166 wwiitthh NNTTTT ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss,, NNooiiddaa PPrreesseennttllyy ddeessiiggnnaatteedd aatt sseenniioorr mmaannaaggeerr--NNOOCC ffaauulltt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt GGrroowwtthh PPaatthh::
AAuugg’’1166 ttoo ttiillll ddaattee SSeenniioorr MMaannaaggeerr (OOppeerraattiioonnss)) AAddddiittiioonnaall RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aanndd RRoolleess EEnnhhaanncceemmeenntt (LLaasstt oonnee yyeeaarr)):
Integration of new POP provisioning
Handling change management,service improvement for domestic and global customers
Handling HFR and escalations manager team
Support for First turn up cases and testing plan to ensure stability
Support for high capacity circuits to be delivered
Partner management for hardware suppliers & cables /RF providers/BTS microwave RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass aa SSeenniioorr MMaannaaggeerr ––OOppeerraattiioonnss
Monitoring premium managed and unmanaged enterprise customers (=more than 5000)
Handling reactive base IPLC customer (high capacity –Global customer) = (100)(products /technology involved like P2P/GMPLS/MPLS/IPLC/Clear Channel/RF) and managing CPE and their configurations and reporting size 50+(including TLs/Escalations managers /Shift engineers /L1 and L2 engineers )
Driving Multiple Projects :
Proactive Service improvement site
HFR sites –Reactive sites
Last mile change where BTS infra needs to be changed
Migration project from OFFNET to ONNET and ONNET to OFFNET projects like
Technical training to team on MPLS /SDH /RF technology
Process compliance and governance training, operation certifications to team.
Initiate and deployed program to reduce fault rate per circuit /repeat issues, reduction of churn and penalties due to service instability and due to inefficient work.
Delivered customer delight and committed SLA and KPI
Carried out customer life cycle management for domestic customers Highlights:
Deployed successfully NTT POP at Bangalore and Noida location
Played a stellar role in improving fault rate from 45 % to 30 % and repeat fault from 14% to 9% and network up time from 96.6% to 99.1%
Implemented a fault management life cycle and efficient model followed by other Telco’s PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE
Oct’15 to Aug’16 (9 months) with Bharti Airtel Head office Gurgaon Program manager –IPLC (MEA and APAC region) (Reporting to DGM) Highlights:
Handling fault management L2 team for IPLC and reduce fault rate
Delivery of high capacity circuits from LA to Chikura and support customer for First turn cases
New provisioning for Singapore and London NNI and delivered 500+ customers traffic using it
Technical assistance in trouble shooting to locate fault on transmission and equipment level
Coordination of various global stakeholders for MEA and APAC regions (Colt /Singtel/UBIEZ/China telecom/Telstra/BT/Vodafone etc.)
Reduce credit notes and penalties
July’13 to Aug’15 (2 years) with Accenture, Gurgaon PROJECT LEAD (CFM-IPLC) FOR US/UK/MEA/APAC & EUROPE Highlights:
Handling a big team of more than 25 engineers and shift leaders /Ops manager)
Monitoring day to day operations and ensure to provide end to end resolution with proper RFO/RCA to customer
As an individual, handling critical and high capacity global circuits for all IPLC and global MPLS customers,testing of multiple circuits to identify fault and their rectifications
Technical training to team members to ensure their knowledge updated
Ensuring proper troubleshooting and steps to be followed by team and support to customer timely
Quality analysis of each SLA breach TTs and actioned accordingly
Handling change activity like upgradation /down grade /manage configurations on CPE /PE July’06 to Aug’13 (7 years) with Ericsson, UPW Meerut SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER -
Responsible for IWAN/last mile /RF/WIMAX services to be implemented and their operations within TAT for UP circle.
Handling team of implementation vendors and O&M engineers for integration of IWAN links
Responsible for all operations /up gradation/degradation of services
Handling escalations from customer and internals escalations.
Coordination with transmission and O&M in all respective circle for trouble shooting of outages with in SLA and troubleshooting of networks faults to bring the services up and reduce MTTR.
Monitoring of customers on daily basis through Network Operating Centre(NOC) to drive customer service free from Drops and interference
Troubleshooting of Problems after monitoring of customer either on line or by field team(O&M)
Managing Network operations(BSC/BTS) on daily Basis from G-NOC
Handling customer service from central fault management(CFM) and GNOC
Maintain the service level Agreement(SLA) for our clients
Provide the technical support to our engineers and partners CERTIFICATION
PMP trained
ITIL certified
Pursuing MBA telecom from SCDL Pune
Achieved a certificate from Bharat Electronics LTD GZB in RF Technology in 2005. CERTIFICATION
2002 Bachelor of Science, CCS UNIVERSITY, MEERUT
DDAATTEE OOFF BBIIRRTTHH 0077//1122//11998811