Applicant Name: Taylor Tannyson Gamedze
Position Applied For: Safety Officer
Notice Period: Immediately
Educational Qualifications:
Harmony Gold Mines Training Centre
Certificate in Strata Control and Basic Rock Mechanics
Evander Gold Mines Training Centre
Blasting Certificate for schedules mines (No S44038)
Gold Fields Training Academy
Chamber of Mines Safety Officer’s Diploma (COMSOC 2
Gold Fields Training Academy
Chamber of Mines Safety Officer’s certificate (COMSOC 1)
Gold Fields Training Academy
Practical Risk Assessment
Gold Fields Training Academy
Safety Supervision
Evander Technical College
N 2 Electrical Certificate
Siteki Nazarene High School
OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001
Systems Audit.
Computer Literacy:
Micro soft office word
Micro soft office excel
Micro soft out look
Micro soft office power point
Personal Details:
Full Names: Taylor Tannyson
Surname Gamedze
Nationality: South African
Gender/Ethnic Group: Male – Black
Identity Number: 680-***-**** 087
Contact numbers 071-***-****
Physical address Stand no 434 Alverton
Burgersfort 1150
Email ******.*********@*****.***
Gender Male
Marital status Married
Dependents Four (4)
Citizen South African
License Code C1 (10)
Educational Qualifications
Name of school Siteki Nazarene High School
Highest standard passed Grade 12 (Metric) year 1987.
Subjects English, Mathematics, SiSwati, Literature
Physical science, Additional Mathematics,
Biology and Geography.
Tertiary Qualifications
Qualifications Safety Officer’s Diploma
Institution Chamber of mines SA
Date 30 September 1996
Qualification Safety Officer’s certificate
Institution Chamber of mines
Date 26 August 1995
Qualifications Practical Risk Assessment
Institution Chamber of mines
Dates 28 June 1995
Qualifications Health and Safety Supervision
Institution Chamber of mines
Dates 22 June 1995
Qualifications Blasting Certificate
Institution Chamber of mines
Dates 06 May 2000
Qualifications First Aid training in mining
Institution S.A Red Cross Society, (Modikwa Plats)
Dates 29 April 2007
Qualifications Electrical Engineering N2
Institution Evander Technical College
Date 22 August 1993
Qualifications Micro soft office: word, excel and power
Institution Harmony HRD Training center.
Dates 2007 August 05
Qualifications Legal Liability Management
Institution Modikwa Platinum Mine HRD Training center.
Dates 2010 July 05
Qualifications Emergency Rescue Management
Institution ASSORE HRD Training center.
Dates 2013 May 17
Qualifications Basic fire fighting
Institution IRCA - ASSORE Training Center
Date July 2016
Employer: Kiepersol Colliery
(Group of Jindal Africa Proprietary)
Period Employed: October 2017 – April 2018
Position Held: Senior Safety Officer
Status: Contract expires 8 April 2018
Underground coal mine board and pillar mine fully mechanised mining. Mechanical Miner and Electrical shuttle car Inspections.
Review all SOP (Safe Operating Procedure), Risk Assessments (Base Line, Issue and Continuous):
Joint inspections conducted with the Shift Bosses, Safety Representatives and Miners on a weekly basis.
Ensure incidents and accidents on duty or off duty (commuter journey) are reported immediately.
Conducting SHEQ, meetings and waiting place talks.
Ensure continuous risk assessments, issue based assessments are in place before any activity can takes place.
Check if drivers and operators have relevant training, competence certificates and licensed to operate those machines.
Check if legal appointments for those employees who carry legal appointments are in place.
Planned task observations update
Report to the DME by means of Samrass documents, LTI and Reportable accidents.
Do monthly audits on explosives delivery and issuing.
Employer: Rustenburg Minerals Development Company
(A Group of African Mining Trust (PTY) LTD)ASSORE
Period Employed: April 2013 – August 2016
Position Held: Chief Safety Officer
Status: In Retrenched
Underground Works, Decline Sinking, Raises, Winzes, Stopping and Ledging, Conveyor Belts, Chutes, Open cast mining And Mechanical And Electrical Devices Inspections and Review all SOP (Safe Operating Procedure), Risk Assessments(Base Line, Issue and Continuous):
Conducting SHEQ, meetings and waiting place talks.
Ensuring compliance to shafts and open cast mining procedures.
Ensure PPE is worn at all times when performing routine and non-routine inspections.
Ensure SHEQ hazards, injuries on duty or off duty (commuter journey) and incidents are reported.
Planned task observations update matrix,
Ensure continuous risk assessments, issue based assessments are in place before any activity can takes place.
Sit in the standard draft committee meeting.
Safety flashes for accidents and incidents.
Check if all mine equipment including small tools is safe for use in the working places.
Implement SHEQ action plans based on new procedures and special instructions.
Check if legal appointments for those employees who carry legal appointments are in place.
Check if drivers and operators have relevant training, competence certificates and licensed to operate those machines.
Monitor and do follow ups on non-conformances identified during routine visits for the shafts and open casts.
Identify initiatives to address potential SHEQ hazards and remedial action.
Identify and report sub- standard conditions and practices.
Administer Safe Operating Procedures and ensure training has been conducted in all applicable standard procedures.
Provide advice and problem-solving to the employees pertaining their health and safety.
Compiling monthly SHEQ reports.
Report to the DME by means of Samrass documents.
Compile statistical returns for DMR.
Compile Rand Mutual Department 1-2 forms for all injuries and occupational injuries on duty as per requirement of the COID act.
Hold safety meeting with the safety representatives on quarterly basis.
Hold safety meeting with all safety officers weekly or daily depending on issues per operation.
Do monthly audits on explosives delivery and issuing.
Conduct unplanned visits in all operation to determine compliance to applicable safe operating procedures.
Employment History:
(A Group of Impala Platinum Trusts (PTY) LTD).
Period Employed: April 2012 – March 2013
Position Held: Safety Officer
Reason for Leaving: Greener Pastures
Main Underground Works: Drilling, Mining, Winches Plus Rigging and TMM.
Joint inspections conducted with the Shift Bosses, Safety Representatives and Miners on a daily basis.
Filling of the safety officer inspection report log book and submitting to Safety Manager, Mine Overseer and Mine Manager on a daily basis.
Follow-up to ensure deviations are closed out by the shift boss and signed off. Photo or documentation proof added to the report and close-out document.
Conducting stope note observations and reporting findings to Mine Manager and Safety Manager on the status of stop note report.
Conducting weekly inspections and reporting findings to Mine Manager on the inspection report sheet.
Check and ensure all notice boards are updated with relevant safety and legal requirement information.
Ensure all Marula and contractors employees in the respective areas have valid inductions and medicals.
Ensure flash reports are submitted within 24 hrs of incident and accident occurrence.
Attend all and ensure incident/accident is investigated and reports submitted to the Safety Line Manager within 7 days of occurrence.
Ensure all remedial actions are closed-out within 30 days of occurrence and close-out reports signed off and submitted to the Safety Systems Manager.
Ensure all employees are trained and understand the Marula Platinum rules, and at least 15% of the workforce is questioned on a monthly basis in this regard, making use of the Marula Platinum rules questionnaire form.
Submit the Marula Platinum rules on a monthly basis with proof of disciplinary actions taken and maintain Marula Platinum rules Register.
Participates in all internal audits conducted on the mine.
Ensures close-out of all remedial actions within 30 days.
Submits a signed off action close-out document with photo or document proof of close-outs.
Ensures compliance to legislative requirements and Implats Procedures and policies.
Ensures compliance to mine employees and contractor safe work procedures.
Report all non-compliance deviations on the daily safety officer’s report.
Document whether safe work procedures are adequate or not for each task on the safety officers report.
Check if legal appointments for employees are in place for respective areas.
Check if drivers and operators have relevant training, competence certificates and licences to legally operate their machines.
Check if all mine equipment including small tools is safe for use in the works.
Attend safety talks U/G and at least two meetings per week.
Attend weekly Mine specific safety meetings with General Manager.
Ensure task specific risk assessments are properly and effectively communicated at safety meetings.
Supports the promotion of the Whazz up Safety Campaign.
Create and promote safety awareness on site by informal safety talks, posters incentives and other promotion actions to recognise outstanding performance.
(A Group of ESKOM Companies (PTY) LTD)
Period Employed: August 2011 - April 2012
Position Held: Safety Officer (Consultant)
Reason for Leaving: Greener pastures
Drilling, Mining, Quarrying, Milling, Sandblasting, Conveyor Construction and Commissioning, Gantry and Traxles, Steel Fabrication, Conveyor Chute and Devices:
Joint inspections conducted with the contractor safety department on a daily basis.
Compiling of the safety officer inspection report – car report and submitting to Contract Manager and Project Manager on a daily basis.
Follow-up to ensure deviations are closed out by the contractor and signed off. Photo or documentation proof added to the report and close-out document.
Conducting of daily BBS Observations and reporting findings to Contract Manager and Project Manager on the BBS Report Sheet.
Conducting weekly VFL inspections and reporting findings to contract, project Manager on the VFL inspection report sheet.
Check and ensure all notice boards are updated with relevant Safety and legal requirement information.
Ensure all CMI employees in the respective areas have valid inductions and medicals.
SMS all incidents to the Contract and Project Manager on occurrence.
Ensure flash reports are submitted within 24 hrs of incident/accident occurrence.
Attend all and ensure incident/accident is investigated and reports submitted to the Safety Line Manager within 7 days of occurrence.
Ensure all remedial actions are closed-out within 30 days of occurrence and close-out reports signed off and submitted to the Safety Systems Manager.
Ensure all employees are trained and understand the Eskom Cardinal rules, and at least 15% of the workforce is questioned on a monthly basis in this regard, making use of the cardinal rule questionnaire form.
Names of all employees questioned need to be documented.
Submit the cardinal rule form 131 on a monthly basis with proof of disciplinary actions taken and maintain cardinal rule register.
Participates in all internal and external audits conducted on site.
Ensures close-out of all remedial actions within 30 days.
Submits a signed off action close-out document with photo or document proof of close-outs.
Ensures compliance to legislative requirements and Eskom Procedures.
Contractor safe work procedures.
Report all non-compliance deviations on the daily safety officer’s report and BBS/VFL Reports.
Document whether safe work procedures are adequate or not for each task on the Safety Officers Report.
Check if legal appointments for employees are in place for respective areas.
Check if drivers and operators have relevant training, competence certificates as well as licences to legally operate their machines.
Check if all plant and equipment including small tools is safe for use in the works.
Attend five toolbox talks and at least two contractor DSTI meetings per week.
Attend weekly site specific safety meetings with Project Management.
Ensure task specific risk assessments are properly and effectively communicated at Toolbox Talks/DSTI’s.
Documents whether risk assessments are adequate or not for each task on the safety officers report.
Supports the promotion of the goal zero safety campaign.
Create and promote safety awareness on site by informal safety talks, posters incentives and other promotion actions to recognise outstanding performance.
Period Employed: July 2010 –July 2011
Position Held: Snr Risk Officer
Reason for Leaving: Career growth
Underground Works, Decline Sinking, Raises, Winzes, Stopping and Ledging, Conveyor Belts, Chutes And Mechanical And Electrical Devices Inspections:
Conducting SHEQ meetings and waiting place talks.
Ensuring compliance to shafts programs and action plans on PPE.
Compile S.H.E.Q.Q, injury, risk and incident are reported.
Planned task observations, continuous risk and issue based assessments.
Safety flashes for accidents and incidents.
Implement SHEQ action plans based on new procedures and special instructions.
Check if legal appointments for employees are in place for respective areas.
Check if drivers and operators have relevant training, competence certificates and licences to legally operate their machines.
Monitor set accident and incident targets for the shaft.
Identify initiatives to address potential SHEQ hazards and remedial action.
Identify and reporting sub- standard conditions and practices.
Administer SHEQ standards and procedures.
Provide advice and problem-solving service to the employees, pertaining health and safety.
Compiling monthly reports to the SHEQ coordinator, reporting to the DME by means of Samrass documents.
Statistical retains and compiling RMD 1-2 forms.
(A Group of Anglo American Properties (PTY) LTD
Period Employed: May 2007 – July 2010
Position Held: Safety Officer
Reason for Leaving: Career growth
Underground Works, Decline Sinking, Raises, Winzes, Stopping and Ledging, Conveyor Belts, Chutes and Mechanical Electrical Devices Inspections:
Conducting SHEQ meetings and waiting place talks.
Ensuring compliance to shafts programs and action plans on PPE.
Compile SHEQ injury, risk and incident are reported.
Planned task observations, continuous risk and issue based assessments.
Safety flashes for accidents and incidents.
Implement SHEQ action plans based on new procedures and special instructions
Check if legal appointments for employees are in place for respective areas.
Check if drivers and operators have relevant training, competence certificates as well as licences to legally operate their machines.
Monitor set accident and incident targets for the shaft.
Identify initiatives to address potential SHEQ hazards and remedial action.
Identify and reporting sub-standard conditions or practices and administer S.H.E.Q standards and procedures.
Provide advice and problem-solving service to the employees.
Statistical retains and compiling RMD 1-2 forms pertaining health and safety.
Compiling monthly reports to the SHEQ Coordinator.
Reporting to the DME by means of Samrass documents, statistical retains and compiling RMD 1-2 forms.
Period Employed: May 1992 - November 2006
Position Held: Chief Safety Officer
Reason for Leaving: Retrenched
Drilling, Mining, Decline Sinking, Raises and Winzes, Stopping and Ledging:
Inspections conducted with the safety department on a daily basis.
Compiling of the Safety Officer Inspection report and submitting to U/G Manager and Unit Manager (M/O) on daily basis.
Check if legal appointments for employees are in place for respective areas.
Check if winch operators have relevant training, competence certificates and licences to legally operate their machines.
Conduct safety rep training and taking them U/G for final training.
Doing LC51 reports (SAMRASS Documents).
Implement SHEQ action plans based on new procedures and special instructions.
Monitor set accident and incident targets for the shaft.
Identify initiatives to address potential SHEQ hazards and remedial action.
Identify and reporting sub- standard conditions or practices.
Administer S.H.E.Q standards and procedures.
Provide advice and problem-solving service to the employees.
Pertaining health and safety.