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Assistant Data

Arlington, TX
June 08, 2018

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Updated January 2016



P. O. Box 19408

Department of Mathematics

University of Texas at Arlington

Arlington, TX 76019-0408


DATE OF BIRTH: 4/26/54


Ph.D. Biostatistics, Minor in Operations Research

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, August 1983 Ph. D. Dissertation: Sequential Detection Procedures for Autoregressive Processes Research Advisor: Dr. P. K. Sen

M.S. Statistics, Texas A&M University, December 1977 B.S. Mathematics, Lamar University, May 1976



June, 2000 – May 2013 Associate Chair, Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Arlington. Teaching

September 1990 - Present Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Arlington. Teach graduate courses in mathematical statistics, regression analysis, linear models, nonparametric theory, categorical data, and survival analysis; undergraduate courses in mathematical statistics, regression, and statistical methods.

September 1989 - August 1990 Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Arlington September 1988 - August 1989 Visiting Assistant Professor and Director of Statistical Consulting Center in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Iowa. Taught graduate courses in regression analysis and data analysis, undergraduate course in engineering statistics.

September 1983 - August 1987 Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Arlington. Same duties as above.



June 2004-2007 Data analysis for Mentor Corporation. I was working in SAS, which, to this day, was part of a lawsuit filed against breast reduction. April-June 2000 Clinical trial analysis for Ethicon Corp. SAS was used to fit various functions

of Survival Analysis.

August-September 2000 Survey analysis for Cigna HMO. June 1994 - May 1995 Haag Engineering Company, 2455 McIver Rd., Dallas, TX 75006. Developed Logistic models for hail damage analyses in roofing material experiments. Developed estimates of hail frequency in U.S., accounting for historical under-reporting. (Contact: Scott Morrison, 214-***-****). January 1991 - December 1994 Johnson and Johnson Medical, Inc., P. O. Box 130, Arlington, TX 76004. Duties included design and protocol review of clinical trials for wound care products, design and analysis of pre-clinical studies, power calculations, software support.

July 1991 U.S. Public Health Service/Region VI. Performed statistical assessment of efficacy of ventilation fans in toll booths in El Paso, Texas border control stations. (Contact: John Regula, U.S. Public Health Service, 1200 Main Tower, Suite 1820, Dallas, TX 75202.)

September 1988 - August 1989 Director, Statistical Consulting Center in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Iowa.

September 1979 - May 1983 Data Analyst on the Lipids Coronary Primary Prevention Trial, University of North Carolina. Duties included analysis of survival data, categorical data and quality control data.

September 1977 - August 1979 Statistical Consultant/Computer Programmer for the Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A & M University. Duties included data management and consulting on research projects.

Other: Proficient in SAS, FORTRAN, BMDP.


Teaching: Mathematical statistics, linear models, large sample theory, nonparametrics, time series, categorical data analysis, generalized linear models. Research: Statistical methodology.

PhD Students Supervised

1. Richard Kloser (1995)

2. Steven Hua (2000)

3. Nancy Rowe (2003)

4. Vinh Nguyen (2004)

5. Lynn Millwood (Geology, 2003)

6. Min Mo (2008)

7. Nathan Dong (2009)



Dr. Chien-Pai Han Dr. Danny Dyer

Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics P. O. Box 19408 P. O. Box 19408

University of Texas at Arlington University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, Texas 76019 Arlington, Texas 76019

817-***-**** 817-***-****

Dr. P. K. Sen

Department of Biostatistics

Rosenau Hall

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514


1. Hawkins, D. L. (1984). Sequential procedures for detecting deviations in the parameters of the Autoregressive model from specified targets. Sequential Analysis, 3, 121-154. 2. Knoke, J. D. and Hawkins, D. L. (1985). Estimating baseline values of the variable of intervention in a clinical trial. Controlled Clinical Trials, 6, 136-145. 3. Hawkins, D. L. (1985). Sequential procedures for monitoring the parameters of the Autoregressive model relative to unspecified targets. Sequential Analysis, 4, 275-310. 4. Hawkins, D. L. and Han, C.P. (1986). A power comparison of three tests for design effects in a random effects covariance model. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 15, 3401-3418. 5. Hawkins, D. L. and Han, C. P. (1986). Power of analysis of covariance tests under conditional specification. Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation, 15, 323-344. 6. Hawkins, D. L. and Han, C. P. (1986). Bivariate distributions of some ratios of independent noncentral chi-square random variables. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 15, 261-278. 7. Hawkins, D. L. (1986). A simple least squares method for estimating a change in mean. Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation, 15, 655-679. 8. Hawkins, D. L. (1987). A test for a change point in a parametric model based on a maximal Wald-type statistic. Sankhya, A49, 368-76.

9. Hawkins, D. L. (1988). Retrospective and sequential tests for shifts in linear models with time series regressors and errors. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economic Statistics Section, 516-521.

10. Hawkins, D. L. (1988). Retrospective and sequential tests for a change in distribution based on Kolmogrov-Smirnov-type statistics. Sequential Analysis, 7, 23-51. 11. Korzeniowski, A. and Hawkins, D. L. (1989). On simulating Wiener integrals and their expectations. Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences, 5, 101-112. CURRICULUM VITAE - D. L. Hawkins, Jr.

12. Chang, K.C., Han, C. P. and Hawkins, D. L. (1989). Improved estimators of regression coefficients in measurement error models. J. Statist. Comput. Simul., 39, 21-35. 13. Hawkins, D. L. (1989). Retrospective and sequential tests for change in an estimable parameter based on U-statistics. Sankhya, B 51, 762-785.

14. Hawkins, D. L. (1989). Estimating changes in a multi-parameter exponential family. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, A 18, 3595-3623.

15. Hawkins, D.L., Conaway, M., Hackl, P., Kovacevic, M., Sedransk, J., Woodworth, G., Bosch, R. and Breen, C. (1989). Report on Statistical quality of Endocrine Society Journals. Paper in the Journal of Endocrinology, October, 1989.

16. Hawkins, D. L. (1989). Using U-statistics to derive the asymptotic distribution of Fisher's Z-statistic. American Statistician, Teacher's Corner, November, 235-237. 17. Hawkins, D. L. (1989). A note on the asymptotic distribution of a statistic for testing the stability of a correlation coefficient. Statistics and Probability Letters, 9, 149-154. 18. Hawkins, D. L. (1989). A U-I approach to retrospective testing for a shift in a linear parametric function in a time varying linear model. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 18, 3117-3134. 19. Hawkins, D. L. and Hsing, T. (1989). A sequential procedure for monitoring the mean of a shot-noise process. Sequential Analysis, 8, 237-252.

20. Hawkins, D. L. (1989). Some practical issues in implementing a certain sieve estimator of the Gaussian mean function. Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation, 18, 481-500. 21. Hawkins, D. L. and Han, C. P. (1989). A minimum average risk approach to shrinkage estimators of the normal mean. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 41, 347-64. 22. Hawkins, D. L. and Kochar, S. (1991). Inference for the crossing point of two continuous cdf's. Annals of Statistics, 19, 1626-38.

23. Hawkins, D. L., Kochar, S. and Loader, C. (1992). Testing Exponentiality versus IDMRL distributions with unknown change point. Annals of Statistics, 20, 280-290. 24. Hawkins, D. L. (1992). Retrospective and sequential procedures for detecting shifts in functions of Multivariate location and covariance parameters. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 33, 233- 244.

25. Hawkins, D. L. and Lakshminarayan, C. K. (1994). An adaptive estimator of location based on the t- distributions. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 23, 747-762. 26. Han, C. P. and Hawkins, D. L. (1994). A smooth adaptive estimator of the mean of a symmetric or asymmetric distribution. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 23, 1-10.

27. Hawkins, D. L. and Kochar, S. (1995). Inference about the change-point in a NBUE-NWUE model. Sankhya, 59, 117-132.

28. Hawkins, D. L. (1995). A Gateaux-scores test of equality versus crossing hazards of two survival distributions. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 6, 43-56. 29. Hawkins, D. L., Han, C.-P. and Eisenfeld, J. (1996). Estimating transition probabilities from marginal samples augmented by haphazard recaptures. Biometrics, 52, 625-638. CURRICULUM VITAE - D. L. Hawkins, Jr.

30. Hawkins, D. L. (1997). Can the finiteness of a mean be tested? Statistics and Probability Letters 32, 273-277.

31. Hawkins, D. L. (1998). A central limit theorem for certain nonlinear statistics in repeated sampling of a finite population. Statistics and Probability Letters. 32. Chang, K. C., Han, C.-P. and Hawkins, D. L. (1999). Truncated multiple inverse sampling in poststratification. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 76, 215-234. 33. Hawkins, D. L., Han, C.-P. (2000). Estimating transition probabilities from aggregate samples plus partial transition data. Biometrics 56, 63-69.

34. Hicks, D. W., Hawkins, D. L. and McMahon, R. F. (2000). Salinity tolerance of brown mussel perna from the Gulf of Mexico: an extension of life table analysis to estimate median survival time in the presence of regressor variables. Journal of Shellfish Research, 19. 35. Hawkins, D. L. (2000). A proof of the asymptotic normality of the inverse sampling estimator in finite population sampling. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 92, 175-180.

36. Nguyen, V. and Hawkins, D.L. (2005). Regression model with ordinal predictor subject to measurement error. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 34, 283-292. 37. Peng, Y.B., LaGraize, S.C., Borzan, J. and Hawkins, D.L. (2005). Dorsal horn neuron response patterns to graded heat stimuli in the rat. Brain Research 1045:1-2, 72-79. 38. Johaneson, K., Cortes, A. and Hawkins, DL (2006). Do Archean chemical

sediments record ancient seawater rare earth element patterns? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 871-890.

39. Malone, J.H., Michalak, P and Hawkins, D.L. (2006) Sex-biased gene expression in a ZW sex determination system . Journal of Molecular Evolution 63, 427-438. 40. Angarano M-B, McMahon RF, Hawkins DL, Schetz JA. (2007). Exploration of structure-antifouling relationships of capsaicin-like compounds that inhibit zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) macrofouling. Biofouling 23, 1- 11.

41. Karel J. Zuzak Sabira C. Naik, George Alexandrakis, Doyle Hawkins, Khosrow Behbehani, and Edward H. Livingston (2007). Characterization of a Near-Infrared Laparoscopic Hyperspectral Imaging System for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Analytical Chemistry A. 42. STEVEN Y. HUA, DOYLE L. HAWKINS, CHIEN-PAI HAN, AND YINGQI ZHAO.(2011). Multivariate Failure Time Analysis when .only the Time to First Failure is Observed. Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation®, 40: 125–140.

43. Leary, C., Garcia, A., Knapp, R. and Hawlins, D. (2008). Relationships among steroid Hormone levels. Animal Behavior 76, 175-185.

44. Leary, C., Lippincott, J., Harris, S. and Hawkins, D. (2015). A test of the Energetics-Hormone Vocalization model in the green treefrog. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 213,32-39. CURRICULUM VITAE - D. L. Hawkins, Jr.

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