**** * *** * ** S treet
Cleveland, O H 4 4111
cell: 2-16-857-**** e mail: r ****.***@*****.*** PROFESSIONAL S UMMARY
Bilingual H R M anager w ith m ulti-state e xperience, a ccountable f or d eveloping, d irecting, a nd coordinating a v ariety o f m anufacturing a nd p rofessional w ork r elated t o s taffing, c ompensation a nd benefits, e mployee r elations, s afety a nd o perations; p roviding H R g eneralist s upport t o a ll l evels within t he o rganization.
● Staff R ecruitment a nd D evelopment
● HR P olicies, P rocesses a nd P rocedures
● Compensation A dministration
● New H ire O rientations
● Leadership C oaching a nd C ounseling
● Change a nd C onflict M anagement
● Employee R elations & I ncentive P rograms
● Benefits N egotiation, I mplementation &
● Safety/Safety T raining
● Community R elations
● Investigations
● Workers C ompensation
● Payroll P rocessing & A dministration
AMOTEC, I NC, C leveland, O H 2017- p resent
HR R ecruiter C onsultant
● Recruited, s creened, i nterviewed, p erformed r eference c hecks a nd c oordinated d epartment interviews f or h ighly q ualified a pplicants, d eveloped a nd o versaw n ew e mployee o rientation.
● Place i ndividuals i n v arious A dministrative a nd I ndustrial a ssignments, t emp-to-perm a nd permanent p ositions.
ATHENS F OODS, I NC., B rook P ark, O H 2014-2017 Plant H uman R esources / R ecruiting M anager
● Implemented e mployee i ncentive p rograms d esigned t o p rovide w orkers w ith a dditional benefits, r etirement b onus, m erit a wards, a nd a ppreciation p rograms t o r educe t urnover.
● Prevented a u nion t akeover c hallenge i n 2 016.
● Communication e ffectively w ith a ll l evels o f e mployees s hare i nformation a nd h ave a c lear a nd concise u nderstanding o f c oncerns, n eeds a nd o pportunities o f i mprovement.
● Serve a s a l iaison w ith c oaching o thers o n d epartmental c oncerns; w ork w ith o thers t o i dentify concerns a nd e valuate o ptions t o d etermine a ppropriate a ctions.
● Implemented c ost s aving m easures t o r educe p ersonnel O T c ost w ithout s acrificing q uality
● Revamped t he S afety/Quality/HR t raining p rogram t o i nclude a ll c ompetencies w ere c overed and i mplemented a l eadership t raining p rogram f or s upervisors, t eam l eads a nd p otential t eam leads
● Updated p ersonnel a nd s afety p olicies, i ncluding t he c ompany h andbook
● Ensure r equired E EO d ata i s c ollected a nd m aintained.
● Established a s uccessful s uccession p lanning p rogram a s t hey a l ot o f p ersonnel r etiring. PRODUCE P ACKAGING, I NC, C leveland, O H 2005-2011 Plant H uman R esources M anager 2012-2014 r ehired
● Helped g row t he o rganization f rom 6 0 t o 2 30 e mployees
● Administration a nd i mplementation o f a ll a spects o f p ayroll a nd t imeclock o perations w eekly
● Effective a dministration o f a ll a spects o f e mployment p rocess t o i nclude p re-employment t o post-employment i ssues.
● Recruited, s creened a nd h ired n on-exempt p ersonnel.
● Updated a ll p olicies a nd p rocedures i ncluding t he h andbook
● Directed a nd c oordinated a ll a ctivities i nvolving t he r ecruitment a nd s creening p rocess.
● Interface w ith o ther d epartments t o e nsure a h armonious w orking r elationship.
● Provided e mployee r elations c ounseling, a dministered t he E mployee C omplaint p rocess, provided g uidance a nd s upport t o s upervisors a nd m anagers a nd a ssured f air a nd e quitable treatment t hroughout t he o rganization.
● Investigated c laims o f d iscrimination a nd h arassment, p repared r eports o f f indings, a nd m ade recommendation o f a ction.
● Established a nd i mplemented a nnual e mployee t raining
● Implemented a ll H R p rocedures a nd r elated a spects f or t heir s ister c ompany, G reat L akes Packers
GARICK L LC, C leveland, O H 2011 - 2 012
Corporate H uman R esources M anager
● Managed a nd p rovided H R s upport t o a pproximately 2 50 e mployees l ocated i n 1 1 d ifferent states ( OH ( 2 s ites), G A, N C, S C, I L, K Y, V T, T N, F L, I L, N H)
● Managed 4 A dministrators i n H R A dministration, P ersonnel R ecords, P ayroll P rocessing, H iring Practices
● Provided e mployee r elations c ounseling, a dministered t he e mployee c omplaint p rocess, provided g uidance a nd s upport f or P lant M anagers a nd S upervisors
● Provided s afety a nd h uman r esources t raining i n E nglish a nd S panish
● Managed a nd p rocessed p ayroll o n a w eekly b asis
● Recruit, S creen a nd I nterview p otential c andidates f or v acancies.
● Develop r ecruitment s trategies t o i ncrease s ales a nd a chieve s ustainable c ompetitive a dvantage.
● Processed w eekly p ayroll a nd m aintained e mployee d atabase
● Coordinated a ll p ayroll d eductions, a nd p repared r elevant b enefit i nformation f or p rocessing Form 5 500 a nnually.
● Handles a ll W orkers C omp c laims f or a ll s ites.
● Coordinate a ll U IB A dministration f or a ll o f t hose s tates RAN A SSOCIATES, I NC. C leveland, O H 2000 – 2 005 Recruitment/Operations M anager
● Recruited, s creened, i nterviewed, p erformed r eference c hecks a nd c oordinated d epartment interviews f or h ighly q ualified a pplicants, d eveloped a nd o versaw n ew e mployee o rientation.
● Place i ndividuals i n v arious A dministrative a nd I ndustrial a ssignments, t emp-to-perm a nd permanent p ositions.
● Contracted a nd s olicited n ew e mployers i n t he N E O hio a reas.
● Recommended n ew a pproaches, p olicies, a nd p rocedures t o e ffect c ontinual i mprovements i n efficiency o f d epartment a nd s ervices p erformed.
● Reviewed a nd n egotiated c ontracts. E xtensive b udgetary p lanning u sing M S E xcel.
● Performed t raining a s n eeded a t v arious c lients.
● Negotiated, r evised a nd c alculated p ayment a nd b illing r ates, b alancing p rofit m argins a nd forecasts f or b udget p lanning.
● Investigated W orkers C omp a nd U IB c laims THE E MPLOYMENT R EGISTRY, I NC. N Y, N Y 1996 – 2 000 Operations/Sales M anager
● Managed t he t emporary p lacement d ivision o f t his p ersonnel a gency.
● Recruited, i nterviewed, s creened a nd p laced a dministrative, f inancial a nd c omputer p ersonnel in v arious c orporations a nd n on-profit c ompanies t hroughout N ew Y ork C ity.
● Solicited a nd d eveloped r elationships w ith H uman R esources D epartments, a nd p laced personnel i n b oth t emporary a nd p ermanent p ositions.
● Negotiated a nd r eviewed c ontracts.
CHURCH A VENUE M ERCHANTS B LOCK A SSOC, B rooklyn, N Y 1994 - 1 996 Project M anager E mployment P rograms
● Developed, i mplemented a nd m anaged p rograms d esigned t o p lace w elfare r ecipients a nd refugees b ack i nto t he w orkforce.
● Recruited a nd h ired s taff a nd p articipants a nd o ffered s upport s ervices.
● Consistently e xceeded p rogram g oals r equired b y t he N Y D ept. o f S ocial S ervices a nd N YC D ept. of E mployment.
● Managed t he f ollowing s upportive s ervices: l iaison w ith S tate a nd C ity a gencies, p resent pre-employment j ob r eadiness, i nterview t echniques, a nd j ob p lacement. EDUCATION
Cleveland S tate U niversity, C leveland, O H May 2 005 Bachelor o f A rts D egree i n G overnment a nd P sychology w ith a c oncentration i n I ndustrial a nd Organizational P sychology G PS 3 .45
MS O ffice, M icrosoft O utlook, B roadBean, C leveland T imeClock, T imeTrax, C BIZ H RIS, C BIZ T ime & Payroll S ystem; E mpower H R T ime & P ayroll; T imeclock P lus, A vionte, M axHire, e xposure t o A DP Payroll S ystems
Society o f H uman R esource M a nagement