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Support Chemical Engineering

Homestead, PA
June 02, 2018

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JAMES M. BUCHERT, Senior Chemical / Environmental Engineer

Cell: 540-***-****, e-mail: **********@*****.***

EDUCATION: B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, April 1985

Building Inspection for Asbestos, University of California, Berkeley, March 1995

CERTIFICATION: E.I.T. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, April 1985


09/2016 – 05/2018, Care-giver for Senior Citizen. Prepared meals, coordinated medical visits, and managed financial affairs for a senior citizen.

02/2016 – 08/2016: BMPC, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, West Mifflin, PA

Short term positon assessing management of nuclear waste.

01/2013 – 12/2014, Self-employed – Follow-up to previous work at Versar. Primarily, performing review/QC of new Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool (EFAST) model used for the PMN project.

05/1993 – 01/2012: Versar, Incorporated, Springfield, VA.

Environmental Engineer in Versar’s Exposure/Risk Assessment Division with experience in environmental regulatory development support. Specific projects with Versar included: asbestos and lead paint inspections; ground and surface water monitoring; NJPDES Discharge to Surface Water Permit writing; regulatory compliance assistance with EPCRA, RCRA, CERCLA (Superfund), SARA, CAA, and various State-Implemented solid waste management regulations; Effluent Limitations, Guidelines, and Standards development; implementation and management of the National Dioxin Air Monitoring Network; design and implementation of pilot studies examining exposure to vermiculite materials; updating exposure models; and providing PMN support. (specifics below)

12/1990 - 01/1993: Radian Corporation (currently part of Eastern Research Group), Herndon, VA.

Performed environmental regulatory development support, primarily to OSW on the development of LDRs for hazardous soil and debris. Other experience included: ground-water monitoring, air emission regulatory research, data base searches for innovative technologies, and regulatory compliance audits and assistance.

04/1988 - 12/1990: Geo/Resource Consultants (GRC), Arlington, VA.

Provided policy, regulatory, and technical assistance to the general public and industry in support of the RCRA/Superfund Industry Assistance and EPCRA Hotlines. Experience included: documenting significant issues that were resolved with concurrence from EPA; developing and maintaining specialty area files, and writing/maintaining training modules on various sections of EPCRA; reviewing/commenting on various EPCRA technical guidance documents; and managing weekly interpretive meetings between hotline staff and EPA.

06/1987 - 03/1988: International Technology (IT) Corporation, Monroeville, PA.

Experience with IT included providing a variety of hands-on remedial services, including: asbestos abatement/decontamination; PCB soil sampling; inspection/installation of liner and leachate collection system for a hazardous waste landfill; and inspection/installation of a canopy over an existing surface impoundment.


DOT Hazardous Materials Packaging and Handling Awareness, November 29, 2007.

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Information Act Section 313, “Train-the-Trainers Conference,” EPA, Washington, D.C., 1989

VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Church Count Team, HOA Board of Directors, St. Vincent de Paul Society


Projects as an Independent Consultant included review/QC of new Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool (EFAST) model used for the Pre-Manufacturing Notice (PMN) project.

Projects at Versar included: asbestos and lead paint inspections; ground and surface water monitoring; pilot studies examining exposure to vermiculite materials; implementation/management of the National Dioxin Air Monitoring Network; updating exposure models; and providing PMN support to EPA. Projects have also included training of staff such as environmental managers on the requirements of environmental laws, regulations, and basic interpretive issues. These training sessions often included question and answer exercises and discussion sessions. Projects have included work with a variety of EPA offices such as: OPP, OW, OPPT and State regulatory agencies covering a variety of laws and regulations including TSCA, EPCRA, and RCRA and materials such as asbestos, PCBs and dioxins. Projects also included: Regulatory support to OSW - LDRs for hazardous soil and debris, ground-water monitoring, air emission regulatory research, data base searches for information on innovative technologies, and regulatory compliance audits and assistance.

Hotline duties included providing policy, regulatory, and technical assistance to the general public and industry. Experience included: documenting issues that were resolved with EPA concurrence; developing and maintaining specialty area files, and writing and maintaining training modules on the various sections of EPCRA; reviewing and commenting on various EPA technical guidance documents; and managing weekly interpretive meetings between hotline staff and EPA program offices.

Experience with IT included providing a variety of hands-on remedial services, including: asbestos abatement and decontamination; sampling for PCBs; inspection/installation of a liner/leachate collection system for a hazardous waste landfill; and inspection/installation of a hazardous waste surface impoundment.

Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)

EPA/OPPT/FOB - Conducted risk assessments regarding potential asbestos exposure to occupants (1) from using horticultural products and (2) from living in homes containing vermiculite attic insulation (VAI). Contacted local authorities for access to abandoned homes, slated for demolition. Conducted studies involving the disturbance of VAI. Simulations also performed in a containment system using commercially available VAI. The results of bulk sampling and air monitoring conducted during all simulations were used to prepare a risk assessment. After submission to EPA, the document was sent for review by various government and industry representatives. A response to comment document was prepared and submitted to EPA.

Army Corps of Engineers - Conducted surveys of commercial and residential buildings at the Presidio of San Francisco to identify suspect ACM. Collected bulk samples and prepared line drawings to identify locations of suspect ACM. Performed QC checks on reports that included: lab data, building plans, locations of ACM, and recommendations for proper management. Project also involved conducting lead-based paint (LBP) surveys of buildings. Recorded data from XRF machines, sample locations, paint condition, and substrate type.

RCRA / State Solid Waste Regulations

EPA/OSW - Provided support in the coordination of the disposal of contaminated soil, groundwater, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and other residuals from several EPA-sponsored treatment tests conducted in support of the LDR regulations for soil; and provided support for the disposal of nonhazardous solid waste and RCRA hazardous waste generated during remedial and site investigation activities.

EPA/OSW - Provided regulatory and technical support to EPA on the development of various regulations including Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs) for hazardous soil and debris, and newly identified Toxicity Characteristic (TC) wastes. Support included investigation and analysis of current industrial processes, waste management practices, and possible pollution prevention measures in addition to researching State regulations; preparing regulatory options papers; briefing support; reviewing/commenting on drafts of EPA Federal Register notices; managing a team to prepare summaries of comments/responses submitted in response to proposed rules, and preparing rulemaking dockets.

Various Industry Clients - Conducted site visits, document reviews, interviews with site environmental personnel, photo documentation, and report preparation in support of regulatory compliance assistance for private clients. These projects included: Preparing responses to issues raised by State officials regarding an interim status closure plan and post-closure permit application for a surface impoundment; Preparing and reviewing hazardous waste management action plans; Identifying waste minimization/pollution prevention options; and Researching/reviewing State regulations regarding proper management of spent solvent wastes.

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act (EPCRA)

EPA, OSWER and OPPTS - Organized/managed weekly interpretive meetings between hotline staff and OPPTS program office. Participated in regular meetings with various OPPTS and regional personnel to discuss and resolve outstanding policy issues. Identified outstanding issues and provided guidance on regulatory interpretations dealing with EPCRA. Provided a forum for discussion of current issues and generated written policy concerning these issues after concurrence within EPA program office. Developed/maintained specialty area files and materials, and wrote and maintained training modules on sections of EPCRA. Conducted training sessions covering EPPCRS law and regulations.

Clean Water Act (CWA)

State of New Jersey - Conducted facility visits and drafted Discharge to Surface Water Permits for potable water production facilities in New Jersey. The project involved: researching previous discharge data and facility operations; characterizing the effluent from the various facilities to their respective receiving waters; determining the allowable discharge limits based on the most stringent NJPDES limitations; and submission of initial and final drafts of the permits to State regulators for comment and acceptance.

EPA/OW - Assisted in the development of loadings database covering all EPA water regulations. Updated Excel workbook that quantified the reduction in the amount of chemicals being discharged annually as a result of promulgated effluent limitation guidelines. Researched development documents, federal registers, and other publications to obtain information necessary for determining pre and post guideline levels.

EPA/OW - Provided support to EPA in the development of Effluent Limitations and Guidelines for over 10 years. Support included developing methodology/modeling; estimating pollutant levels; comparing these to levels of concern; estimating/monetizing benefits; comparing benefits to the estimated cost to industry; and presenting options to EPA. Prepared regulatory options papers, briefing material, and rulemaking dockets. Support also included developing and updating water quality model; updating/maintaining environmental data; preparing toxic weighting factor reports; and performing economic analyses. Projects were completed for over 10 industries.

Clean Air Act (CAA)

WMATA - Visited a number of bus and rail terminals in the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority (WMATA) system to: (1) identify and classify sources of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), and particulate air emissions; and (2) to locate hazardous substance storage areas. Prepared EPCRA Tier II, Maryland Hazardous Materials use Permit, and Virginia Air Emission Permit forms for these facilities. Updated and prepared Tier II submissions for WMATA on an annual basis.

WMATA - Conducted air emissions permit review and calculated pollution emission estimates for Metro. The report (1) summarized Titles I, III, and V of the CAA Amendments; (2) identified potential impact of new CAAA regulations on the facility; (3) provided an analysis of emission trends; and (4) identified potential sources of fugitive emissions. Also identified and classified sources of VOC and particulate air emissions from several facilities. Identified State permitting requirements covering the operation of certain air pollution control equipment. Prepared reports quantifying amounts of pollutants released on an annual basis, itemized by source.

Private Client - Reviewed and summarized the Federal Clean Air Act regulations regarding EPA's New Source Review, and the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Summaries were incorporated into a regulatory timeline to assist a client in presenting its regulatory compliance history to the State EPA. Reviewed and quantified emission sources for the purpose of determining if one of the client's facilities was required to complete the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Release Reporting Form (Form R) for Section 313 of EPCRA.

OPPT / Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

EPA/OPPT - Served as the Work Assignment Manager (WAM) for PMN support task for EAB/EETD/OPPT in support of Section 5 of TSCA by assessing exposure to new chemicals. Reviewed information from FOCUS agenda, Fate pages, Engineering Reports, and SAT Reports. Prepared Initial Review Exposure Reports for new chemicals using various versions of computerized exposure models, such as Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool (E-FAST) and New Chemicals Exposure Model (NCEM), to characterize and quantify environmental releases and consumer uses of the chemical. Provided support to EPA for over 10 years.

EPA/OPPT - Was the WAM for seven years on the PMN task supporting the development of models for EAB/EETD/OPPT. Provided support to OPPT in the development and update of E-FAST, Version 2.0, used in OPPT's new and existing chemicals programs. The model, which was first released in April, 2006, is available on the EPA website. Updates were made to address programming issues. Also provided support to OPPT in the development and update of NCEM, Version 2.0, EPA's internal version of E-FAST2.


EPA/ORD/NCEA - Managed the National Dioxin Air Monitoring Network (NDAMN) project from October 1998 to August, 2000. Installed, maintained, and operated Polyurethane Foam (PUF) samplers at 29 sites in a network across the United States as part of EPA's Dioxin Exposure Initiative. Designed data collection forms for site technicians to record relevant information. Trained local site technicians to operate the machine and collect samples. Provided support to all technicians over the phone. Coordinated sample collection for the various phases of the project. Created a database in Lotus Notes to store and analyze the information collected by NDAMN.

EPA/OPPT - WAM for a task to provide OPPT/NPCD/FOB with technical support on the conduct and review of technical submissions related to exposure/risk assessment for PCBs, fibers, and other contaminants such as mercury and dioxins. Work related to PCBs has included: reviews of numerous PCB remediation risk assessments and related site-specific documents, conducting literature searches related to volatilization of PCB spills and transportation of PCB wastes, participation in conference calls, quick response tasks, and evaluating landfill options using TCLP computer modeling.

EPA/NCEA/ORD - Field sampling team leader for EPA-sponsored dioxin deposition and diurnal/nocturnal studies. Assembled and maintained air sampling field equipment, performed sampling and equipment calibrations throughout study. Deposition study collected samples from a variety of active/passive collection devices.

Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)

EPA/OPP - Conducted reviews of QAPPs and sampling protocols related to CCA-treated wood products. These Protocols addressed soil, bulk, and surface wipe sampling. The QAPPs and protocols were compared to other published documents, including EPA guidelines, covering the sampling of CCA-containing materials.

EPA/OPP - WAM for a task to support the Inerts Team of OPP's Re-registration Division. The tasks performed under this WA include: label and CSF extraction; performance of screening-level exposure assessments; performance of science/risk assessments; development of the newer OPPIN database; and administrative support for the Lower Risk Pesticide Chemical Focus Group meetings. Performed screening-level exposure assessments using CEM, the PIRAT model, or other methods. Also managed and made changes to the OPPIN database.

EPA/OPP - Prepared Data Evaluation Reports (DERs) for laboratory studies submitted to EPA addressing the FIFRA and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines. Reviews have been prepared for: Fish Early Life Stage; Hydrolysis, and Leach studies.

EPA/OPP - Provided support to EPA's Environmental Fate and Effects Division (EFED) of OPP by providing a mechanism by which EFED can have access to public information on fate, exposures, and effects of selected pesticides in the environment. The primary task performed was the retrieval of STORET monitoring data regarding surface/ground water, and the compilation of this data for presentation as requested by EPA.


“The National Dioxin Air Monitoring Network (NDAMN): Results of the First Year of Atmospheric Measurements of CDDs, CDFs, and Dioxin Like PCBs in Rural and Agricultural Areas of the United States: June 1998 B June 1999.” Cleverly, D.H., D. Winters, J. Ferrario, J. Schaum, G. Schweer, J. Buchert, C. Greene, A. Dupuy, C. Byrne. Presented at Dioxin 2000, 20th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPS, held Aug 13 17 at Monterey, CA. Short paper in, Organohalogen Compounds 45:248 251.

“A Study of the Diurnal and Nocturnal Measurement of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (CDDs) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (CDFs) in Ambient Air” David Cleverly, Dwain Winters, Greg Schweer, Sharon McCarthy, Joseph Ferrario, James Buchert, Chris Greene, John Schaum, Christian Byrne, and Aubry Dupruy. Presented at the September 1999 Dioxin Conference in Venice, Italy.

“The Impact of RCRA on the Aerospace Industry” Buchert, J. and L. Huber. Radian Corporation; 1st International SAMPE Environmental Conference, Volume 1, Environment in the 1990's, A Global Concern, San Diego, CA.

“Title III of SARA, the facts you need to know” Buchert, J., A. Bartera, J. Roland, and K. Mitchell, Ph.D. GEO/Resource Consultants; Superfund ‘90, Proceedings of the 11th National Conference, Sponsored by HMCRI, Washington, D.C.

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