Proven Execu ve Assistant with a decade of experience providing top-level assistance to
senior execu ves. Interpersonal skills reinforce a skill set including: me and schedule management; event and mee ng prepara on; research, technical, and A/V competence, and implemen ng wri en and/or oral direc ves.
Budge ng/Purchasing Networking
Coaching/Team Building Marke ng
Scheduling/Delega ng Fund Raising
Leadership Development A/V Equipment
Execu ve Assistant / Director of Opera ons
Great Commission Ministries / 1990 - 2012
Supported the CEO and Senior Staff by providing the administra ve support and supervising regular events with audiovisual, educa onal, financial, hospitality, and performance teams. Responsibili es included: excellent wri en and oral communica on, managing, scheduling, recrui ng, coaching, and budge ng.
Theater Technician
Dublin Community Recreation Center / 2007 - 2012
Assisted the Theater director by producing remarkable events that exceeded customers expecta ons. Responsibili es included: customer service, designing sound/ligh ng, producing programs, managing stage, customizing scenery, costuming, etc.. Reconstructed A/V, backstage, and storage areas which increased the quality and efficiency of produc ons. Poker Dealer
Hollywood Casinos / 2012 - Present
Achieved excellent customer service by maintaining an accurate, upbeat environment enabling customers to enjoy their visit.
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI August 1986 Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Equipping Ministries Interna onal Cincinna, OH November 1998 Certified Facilitator and Lay Counselor
HOA President
Darby Pointe Homeowners Association / 2009 - Present Increased security and property value of our neighborhood by implemen ng systems to maintain and light front yards. Established a financial accountability system for trustees and a reserve fund budget for future landscaping, road, and plumbing issues. Coordinated volunteers to manage the HOA web site, social media, trash pick-up, community yard sales, ice cream socials, and neighborhood watch.
The Bridge / 2014 - 2015
Taught English and math to adults learning English as their second language. REFERENCE
Kelly Ramm *******@***.*** 614-***-****
Digital Information Architect at Hilliard City School District Karen
3684 Grimes Drive
Ohio 43204