Alexis C. Barrow 306-***-****-home
**** ******* ** 306-***-****-cell
Regina SK S4N 4A1 *-****-*******@********.**
Personal Profile
Completed computer upgrading at SaskPolytechnic (SIAST) November 2010, Accurate Keyboarding speed of 45 wpm
Computer skills learned: Basic Computer Skills, Windows 7, MS Office Suite 2007 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and e-mail (Outlook)
Electronic and manual filing
Professional Experience
Arcas Advertising June 2017-October 2017
(Full-Time Casual/Temporary)
Data Entry Clerk
Entered outside customers pledge donation information into the clients database
Separated different outside customers incoming mail into appropriate groups
Stuffed envelopes for a different outside customers mail outs
24-7 InTouch Inc. February 2011-June 2015
Inbound Call Center Call Handler
Answered incoming calls for various companies (computer showed which company was being called) from all over the USA, Canada and other countries
Placed customers orders and helped to look up specific products that they were looking for
Listened to customers concerns and took messages for the company to have someone contact them back
Provided customers with the information requested on the specific product they were looking at
Checked the status of customers orders
Took online customer chats while taking calls
Assisted with the training of new associates
Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources November 2010-January 2011
Clerical-Work Placement (no pay)
Recorded and boxed up files to be sent to storage, to be then archived or destroyed
Gathered Items together to be sent to Trade Shows
Assembled and compiled promotional material to be given to patrons attending an Open House in Saskatoon
Created spreadsheet list of the people who attended the Open House
Created computer spreadsheet of handwritten flowchart/spreadsheet
Covered the reception desk during meetings
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Professional Experience continued
CAA Saskatchewan August 2009-June 2010 CAA Emergency Road Service Call Handler
Answered incoming emergency calls, entered the information into the computer which was then passed to the dispatcher
Processed new member applications, renewals and upgrades
Promoted the benefits of CAA services to members and people inquiring about memberships
Sears Canada Inc. Product Repair Services Call Taker February 2002-August 2009 Online Catalogue Order Taker October 2000-February 2002
Set up service calls requiring product repair for all of Canada
Ordered parts as required for service technicians and customers
Counseled customers on warranty and problem solving
Accurately recorded customer telephone orders and suggested alternatives if item wasn’t available
Assisted customers to locate required items in catalogue, flyer or internet
San Francisco Gifts March 1999-October 2000 Sales Associate
Responsible for opening/closing of store, balanced cash registers at the end of each shift and made nightly bank deposits when scheduled to work the night shift
Provided expertise and training for other associates regarding cash out
Packed up old stock to send back to head office, unpacked new store stock and set up displays, and assisted other branches when they were short of staff
Regina Public Library (Ed2go)
Introduction to Word 2016 November 13-December 28 2016
Introduction to Word 2013 November 13-December 28 2016
Accounting Fundamentals I (Basic Accounting) September 14-October 22 2016
SaskPolyTechnic (SIAST) Computer Skills Upgrading September-November 2010
STEC Certificate (Sask Tourism Education Certificate)
Compucollege School of Business
Microcomputer Business Applications Diploma 1990
SaskPolyTechnic (SIAST)
Secretarial Studies Certificate 1985
Scott Collegiate High School
Grade 12 Certificate 1984
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Volunteer Experience
Canvassing for the Heart and stroke Foundation 1991-1995
The Red Cross Programs (now Canadian Blood Services) November 1991-June 1992
Typed certificates and wallet-sized forms for person completing the Standard and Emergency First Aid courses
Entered data on the First Aid and CPR Instructor files
Typed reports for the Water Safety Consultant
Reorganized the First Aid Department filing system to their specifications
Interests and Activities
Active member in my church 2005-2010
Assisted in Genealogy Research of my ancestors 1995-present
Aided in teaching Children’s Liturgy (Sunday School) 1994-2005
Enjoy working on computer and reading