Miss Rekha Kalgonda Parvate
Mobile: +917*********/797-***-****
E-Mail: ************@*****.***
Career Objective:
To associate with an organization which gives me a chance to update my knowledge and enhance my skills, and part of team that excels in working towards the growth of organization. Professional Training:
Undergoing Software Development Training in Jspiders Institute Pune. The course includes Core Java, Advanced Java, SQL, HTML,CSS.
Educational Details:
Year of passing Course Name University/College Name Percentage Obtained 2017
(Computer Science & Engg) from
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engg
& Technology, Warananagar.
2014 Diploma (Computer Science)from Y.D.
Mane Polytechnic, Kagal.
2010 SSC L.P.G.H, Sulkud. 80.36
Technical Skills
Very good knowledge on basic concept in core java like variables, Data types, operators, control statement, and loop.
Having good knowledge on methods, class and object, block, Constructors.
Good knowledge on OOPS concept like inheritance, polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction.
Good knowledge on Access Specifier.
Knowledge on Exception, file Handling, collection.
Design Pattern, JDBC, Servlets.
Basic knowledge about session, sessionFactory, Transaction
Hibernate Annotation, Inheritance Mapping, Association, CRUD Operation
Basic knowledge about Bean Factory, Injection Object, Annotation, AOP.
Knowledge on SQL Statement, Group Function, SQL Operator, SQL Clauses, SQL Joins
Academic Projects:
Title: Smart Class Automation.
Platform used: PHP, Android Studio, XAMPP server, SQL database. Aim: In this project we are going to implement an android application for Department students to check attendance status and teachers for taking attendance.
Title: Payroll Management System.
Platform used: ASP.NET with SQL server.
Aim: In this project we have developed an Attendance Software for College. Strengths:
Work efficiently with a team.
Have a capability to work for long time.
Good Management
Personal Information:
Date of Birth: 15 June 1994
Languages known: English, Hindi and Marathi.
Address: At-Sulkud, Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur. Pin No. 416216. Personal Interest: Sketches, Coding/Programming.
I do hereby state that the above mention information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: Signature:
Place: (Rekha Kalgonda Parvate)