**** ***** ****** ***** *********, North Carolina 28214 704-***-****
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Seasoned, detail-oriented, and performance-focused professional, offering extensive experience in civil and electrical computer-aided design (CAD), complemented with solid expertise in MicroStation programming. Armed with in-depth background in structural and instrumentation designing, strategic planning and implementation, as well as profile development. Adept at managing and completing tasks in accordance with set-forth safety standards, schedule, and scope. Equipped with strong critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. AREAS OF EXPERTISE
Drawing Interpretation and Reviews Process Control Instrumentation System Maintenance Sample and Mockup Development
Cross-functional Collaboration Equipment, Panel, and Lighting Layouts PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
SSuurrvveeyy CCAADD TTeecchhnniicciiaann Nov 2017–Feb 2018
Document Onsite Utilities, Electrical, Gas, Water, Telephone and TV.
Displayed skills in providing technical support to MicroStation V8i, and Geopak CAD designing.
Seamless coordination of design initiatives in collaboration with onsite Survey Technicians.. . VC SUMMER #2 & #2 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT – AP1000 – JENKINSVILLE, SC CCiivviill DDeessiiggnneerr CCoonnttrraacctt Feb 2017–Jul 2017
Took charge of preparing plans and profiles for the sanitary delivery system and waste water system.
Displayed skills in providing technical support to civil, structural MicroStation, and inroads CAD designing.
Ensured seamless coordination of design initiatives in collaboration with designers, drafters, and engineers.
Carried out multiple responsibilities, which included completing drawing and project tasks within set-forth scope, budget, and schedule constraints; while reviewing and maintaining accuracy of drawings. WECTEC – CHICAGO BRIDGE AND IRON SHAW GROUP – CHARLOTTE, NC SSttrruuccttuurraall DDeessiiggnneerr EElleeccttrriiccaall DDeessiiggnneerr PPhhyyssiiccaall LLaayyoouutt GGrroouupp Power and Civil, AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant Design, and Electrical CAD Design Support Sep 2007–Oct 2016
Held accountability in delivering electrical CAD design support involving cable tray; conduit; communication system; equipment, panel, and lighting layouts; installation details; and motor control and drive.
Rendered civil and structural CAD design assistance to designer group lead, plans and profiles, as well as steel structure model, layout, and details.
Led the development of computer models and drawings for final construction plans in accordance with the project needs.
Utilized different drafting methods in generating samples and mockup versions of structures. EARLIER CAREER
33DD EElleeccttrriiccaall CCAADD PPDDSS TTeecchhnniicciiaann Engineering AREVA NP INC. – CHARLOTTE, NC
CCAADD TTeecchhnniicciiaann Engineering
1300 Sugar Hollow Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28214 704-***-****
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IInnssttrruummeennttaattiioonn DDeessiiggnneerr Chemical MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE – ROCHESTER, NY
SSeenniioorr DDrraaffttiinngg TTeecchhnniicciiaann (NNYYSS CCiivviill SSeerrvviiccee)) Academic EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY – PARK DIVISION – ROCHESTER, NY EElleeccttrriiccaall DDeessiiggnneerr Roll Coating West PPrroocceessss CCoonnttrrooll IInnssttrruummeennttaattiioonn DDeessiiggnneerr Manufacturing EDUCATION
Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY
Intergraph and MicroStation Chairperson, Eastman Kodak Park Division PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Eastman Kodak: Motor Controls I and II AC Power and Lighting Bentley Institute: MicroStation V8 XM Edition: Everything 3D Everything 3D – 3D Basics and Sold Modeling, V8 MicroStation VBA for VB Professionals Getting Started with MicroStation VBA TECHNICAL ACUMEN
CAD Software: AutoCAD Bentley MicroStation V8i
Bentley MicroStation VBA Frameworks Plus InRoads Microsoft Office Applications: Word Excel OneNote Access Adobe Suite: Acrobat
“I knew when I hired Kevin that his background was weighted heavier in electrical design than structural design. However, Kevin quickly adapted to our work. He produced our structural design drawings with minimal supervision and a knack for conveying clearly and precisely the information our construction forces needed to build from our drawings. We rarely had field comments from the drawings he produced. His mastery of MicroStation enabled him to “hit the ground running” with each drawing he created producing a thoroughly professional product.” Stephen O. Leary, P.E. (Retired), Lead Structural Engineer, Shaw Group