Tulsa, Oklahoma ***** CHRISTY D'ARCANGELO 918-***-****
To pursue a highly rewarding career, seeking for a job in challenging and healthy work environment where I can utilize my skills and knowledge efficiently for organizational growth. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
Customer service, greeting clients, appointment scheduling, running insurance quotes, planning trips and events. AR/AP, payroll
11/201711/2015 - 08/2017 RReecceeppttiioonniisstt AllstateInsurance Allstate Insurance Any and all administrative work, spreadsheet, payroll, AR/AP inventory, proficient in MS Office and QuickBooks and peachtree
12/201512/2013 - 10/2015 AdministrativeAssistant Administrative Assistant DiversifiedRubber Diversified Rubber EDUCATION HISTORY
05/199505/1995 UnionSchool Union High School GeneralHigh General Studies, High SScchhooooll
• Associates of Arts, Communication Studies.
07/200107/2001 TulsaCollege Tulsa Community College Accounting,Associate Accounting, Associate DDeeggrreeee
MicrosoftOffice Microsoft Office QQuuiicckkBBooookkss AP/ARAP/AR CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn Expert Expert Expert Expert