Greg Wegner
***** * ******** ***, **********, IL. 60544 *******.******@*****.***
Home: 815-***-**** Cell: 815-***-****
Senior Computer Operations, Systems Management experience and Senior Software Installation and configuration Specialist on Non-Stop systems with varying marketplace backgrounds. Successfully demonstrates a customer-focused attitude, ability to engage in multiple, simultaneous projects that conclude in successful implementations with little or no supervision needed. Proven ability in consulting, project management, and business development. Excellent problem-solving and leadership skills. I get the job done no matter what the sacrifice that I must endure. My objective is to secure a job to be challenged at by becoming your software specialist in the field or remotely for the hottest growing company in the USA while learning as much as possible along the way. Focusing on the programming side of data processing.
Slashed Mobile Phone Fraud, Saving Millions. HP and Motorola client in Kazakhstan faced 47% mobile phone fraud and was losing over $7M in revenue. Tasked with installing, testing and configuring first HP authentic center in the country, trained customer to use application. Created software solution, reducing fraud to 3%, and recouping $6.6M.
Turned Around and Retained Key Account. Cricket Wireless, an HP client, was suffering from a one year delay in upgrades and threatened to return millions in hardware. Tasked with upgrading hardware and software to new blade systems. Collaborated with client and end-users, saving key account, and securing $1.5M contract for Premier Services.
Executed Roaming Ability in Russia. Tasked with implementing roaming capabilities in Russia; faced upset HP/Motorola client and language barrier. Worked with switch engineers to test cases one by one, integrating roaming ability on time to Russian customers. Saved multi-million dollar account and shaped loyal client relationship.
Implemented Off-Site Upgrades, Saving Thousands. Motorola faced budget constraints and could not upgrade necessary HP operating systems, middleware and applications on-site. Assumed leadership, creating off-site upgrade plan. Ensured contracts were met, saving $200K+ in expenses for Motorola and securing future business for HP.
Upgraded Software Despite Challenges. HP software upgrade faced customs complications in Lima, Peru. Created alternate plan, arranging for three gigabytes of software to be transferred electronically. Installed three layers of software, providing error-free upgrade and ensuring smooth transition for client.
Professional experience
Lewis University
Network Administrator April 2015-Present
Diagnose and resolve network related software and hardware failures, for entire campus, and all student’s needs.
Maintain and create network policies, and procedures Monitor performance and availability of the network for about 20k students.
Analyze current network functionality, access future needs, research new technologies, automation, and efficient designs.
Monitor and maintain Windows and Linux based server environment.
The WI-FI site survey resource using Ekahau software; successfully surveyed and adjusted entire WI-FI environment of all campus buildings using Juniper (WLA532) AP’s and Ringmaster to adjust power settings of the AP’s.
JPMorgan Chase, Elk Grove, IL.
Lead shift Data Center Technician Feb 2014-Apr 2015
Promoted in first 2 months to shift Lead in a 100,000 sq. foot Data Center, with thousands of multipurpose servers, responsible for all activities of the shift, and 3 other resources on my shift.
Racking thousands of servers, new, old, re-purposed. Running copper and fiber cables, over multiple patch panel connections, usually 5 across entire Data Center. Loading OS and troubleshooting server hardware/connectivity. On-site and remote troubleshooting and diagnosis of various computer and networking systems. Responsible for installing, configuring, troubleshooting, administrating and maintaining Servers and Workstations. Certified Resource for all Government servers, a very high level of security was necessary.
******-************@**.**, London, UK
Deployment Automation Specialist 2012–2013
The Deployment Automation Specialist role is a consulting role whereby I was responsible for the Design and Implementation of Automated Application Deployment solutions for clients across all sectors in the United States. All solutions will be based on UC4’s ARA application to monitor and deploy software in the cloud ( The role is working for an Automation Professional Services delivery team called Forest Technologies ( based out of the United Kingdom. The role focusses on automating the deployment process for applications across the whole lifecycle as well as release management in the cloud. It will encompass infrastructure design, deployment workflow modeling, scripting, testing, documentation and implementation.
We had to upgrade, downgrade servers (real and virtual) Unix, Linux, Windows, IIS, at customer sites to install UC4’s applications. POC’s and Implementations were the main tasks we had to accomplish in a very short timeframe. Many times we installed the UC4’s apps off of an empty server.
6 POC’s done -install manually UC4’s Apps; implement a customer’s use case into their environment(Dev,QA,Prod), build to deployment, different technologies (high level customers)
3 large customer business applications on boarded using UC4’s cloud monitoring, and deployment APPS. 4 wks. each. Each implementation includes, but was not limited to just installing software to their business and adding best practices to the customers software deployments, from build to production.
Worked through all connectivity, software version compatibility, server performance, security issues onsite in front of the customer.
Application Release Automation and Application Engine certified, which are IP based applications for the entire Software Deployment lifecycle.
HP, Plainfield, IL. 2009-July, 2012
Premier Support / Operations Specialist
In 2009, Cricket Wireless upgraded from 3 S-series Non-Stop machines to NB-blade systems. They had about 6 million subs; and really are focused to be the low cost mobile provider in the Telco world. I provided on-site technical support for operating system/middleware/application HLR, INS, NSK areas, CDMA network; handle all their cases, escalations. I also provided much of the hands on operations issues that were needed to migrate to the blades.
Migration of systems was delayed by a year due to frustration prior to my involvement; no end in sight. Once involved, we were migrated to new platform in 6 months.
Provided backup support as NRCE responsibilities for Verizon/GD/MetroPCS.
Was offered a full time job at Cricket if I was willing to move to Colorado.
Was given to customer for 2 months free of charge, and resulted in a $500k contract for a yr for 3 yrs for 50% of my time.
5 remote installs and configuration of nsk/ins/hlr’s, one onsite install for a pair of mated Telefonica systems in Lima, Peru.
Telefonica Lima Peru, Upgraded nsk/ins/hlr on mated systems in 2 days because the software was held up in customs for 8 days.
HP, Plainfield, IL. 1999-2008 Professional Services Delivery Team
Returned to Compaq, to the Professional Services group. Three years in the Telco services field with the main project installing, building ss7 networks and upgrading HLR’s for Motorola’s customers all around the world. Installed 8 HLR’s from the ground up, operating system/middleware/application HLR, INS, NSK areas, CDMA network. At the end of the HLR rollout project (2002) I was offered a position as an on-site support role as the technical resource to fulfill the Premier Support contract for all the field/lab systems that are on any HP S-series machine. Motorola uses HP’s HLR, and they also have 3 of their own applications running on our Non-Stop and SCP releases; they are MMSC/MR/Gateway applications.
I was 120-140% chargeable during the entire project. I traveled 80%, worked from home 20%. Learned a lot, very happy.
Travels included Russia (3), Kazakhstan(2), Ireland, Honduras, 8 sites in the USA.
Built the first HP HLR in Russia. It was a Motorola FOA (First time done for Motorola)
Kazakhstan – Built the first HLR/AC (authentication center) fraud went from 47% to 3% for customer.
Honduras – After returning from Russia for a month, 4hrs later on a plane to Honduras to fix a broken HLR database that another
engineer corrupted. I had only 1 chance at a 4 hour window by federal law to correct all of the database problems. It was a success.
McDonald’s Headquarters, Oakbrook, IL. 1998-1999 Consultant in charge of all Tandem operations
McDonald’s called me back to do their Y2K work. Coordinated, tested and implemented Y2K compliance and enhancements for all business applications on the Tandem platform including all day to day production environment. This effort was comprised of 800 modules, four pathway environments, and five major business applications. Used XY2000 as simulation software on first pass initial testing followed by final acceptance testing based on changing the system clock with actual data. The Y2K project ran concurrently with two C30 to D45 Non-Stop Operating System Upgrades, as well as, upgrading VLX and CLX to two K2000 platforms.
Project was under budget, and on time for Y2K.
During disaster recovery the Tandem group was the only group that passed all tests, other MIS groups failed.
Was offered a full time position at McDonald’s after project was done, by 3 different departments.
Rockwell Corporation, Itasca, IL. 1996 – 1998
Software Installer/Applications Engineer
Primary Software Installation technical liaison between the Customer, Rockwell Application Engineer and third party Vendors. Responsible for the accuracy of all of the software installations. Responsible for the technical expertise required to advise customers and developers in identification of software installation requirements. Responsible for the design, implementation, training and integration of those requirements into the Customer’s Call Center. Identify and implement software installation process improvements. I worked mainly on 2 products; VarCTI, on a Non-Stop Host and UniverCTI, on a Unix based platform.
Took 2 resources 8 weeks to install/configure 1 VarCTI app. I got it down to 1 resource in 3 wks, 2-3 VarCTI installs at the same time.
Created and implemented new procedures, practices to install remotely, saving travel costs to company and customer.
2 of the largest call centers were Church of Latter day Saints, RevCAN (Canada IRS), 10 others installed.
Reliability; before NONE of the software features worked the same. For all of my installs, the features ALL worked the same.
Tandem Computers, Itasca, IL. 1995-1996 Technical Specialist 1
Implementing Remote System Management concepts for all the Education Centers across the U.S for Tandem Computers 8 sites. Responsible for planning, implementing and documenting all technical functions needed to teach all Tandem Non-stop classes. Emphasis on building an Education network using Cisco routers and frame relay circuits; also PC LAN environment/automated PC software downloads/NT servers.
When Ed Centers closed, created the 3 mobile traveling classroom (Tandem host/pc’s/routers, etc.) in 3 months.
Tandem Computers, Oakbrook-Itasca, IL. 1987 – 1995
Technical Specialist for the Midwest Region
Created and implemented a centralized infrastructure to plan and support 500 internal Tandem Non-Stop users in the Central Region. Managed 15 systems remotely from a centralized office; sysgens, all MIS business activities, standard applications, hardware planning/installs, network/LAN management, software upgrades and configurations.
Investigated the ability to implement 15 of 20 districts for remote system management; took advantage of selling their systems, they received a new system, 1 year no maintenance fee’s, 1 year no depreciation costs.
In 48 hours 2 of us, Installed new system, and installed all apps on the old system(email/parts/CE tracking/quote systems, etc.) also implemented standards that Tandem NEVER did before to ensure there were needed resources for every user on any system.
Implemented and supported a hotline phone number for help for any end user problem on any system in our region.
Flash report (7 financial reports) was just facts and figures for each district when we started. We developed a graphical set of reports that ran from one super macro, and automatically printed in color. It was consistently the same data at each district now. Numbers could now be compared dollar for dollar the same for each district.
Official Airline Guides, Oakbrook, IL. 1985 – 1987
Network Specialist
Monitor and trouble shoot the online systems to insure maximum availability and minimum response time on two 3084 MVS/XA split systems, using CICS/VS, and IMS as the teleprocessing systems using the following tools; NCCF, NPDA, NLDM, and VTAM.
McDonald’s headquarters, Oakbrook, IL. 1981 – 1986
Senior Operator / Micrographics manager 85-86 Senior member of shift, in charge of all processing, scheduling, abends, and problem resolution. Two 3084's running MVS/XA, 3800 printers. Production Non-Stop and Test systems for all store processing.
Additional Experience
Continental Cable, Elmhurst, IL. (Non-Stop) system 3rd shift operator -offered full time job 1983-1984
Bachelors of Science, CSC Lewis University, need 4 more classes Romeoville, IL.
Training Experience –only last 5 classes at HP.
Diameter classes / HSS EPS install and operations classes / ALL INS/SCP training
ANSI HLR (C00 – E40) / GSM HLR (C00-E40 / 2 week onsite Blade configuration and operations
Programming Languages: Cobol, Tacl, C++, Python, Java, Object Oriented Programming.
Additional: An avid adventurer, I have ridden my bicycle across the USA twice: once in 24 days and once in 26 days. I have finished eight marathons and 12 triathlons. An outdoor enthusiast, I enjoy downhill, cross country, and skate skiing, as well as hiking, fishing and playing golf.