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Data Java Developer

Miami, FL
May 09, 2018

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Naga Kunaparaju

Software Engineer 347-***-****

8+ years of experience in Business Systems analysis, Design and Development. Skilled in architecting and leading application development projects. Proficient in design and implementing machine learning models and converting them into complete independent modules.

Skill Set

Programming Languages Scala, Java(Certified), Python, R, SAS Big data Frameworks Spark(Certified), Hadoop, Kafka MVC Frameworks Play Framework

Database DB2, Oracle, MySql, Cassandra

Source Control GitHub, Bitbucket

Cloud Amazon Web Services, Kinesis

Tools Plotly, Tableau, Matplotlib, Google Maps, Git, Jira, Wincvs, Linux, Tomcat, Apache Web Server,Flask,AWS Kinesis, AWS


Datamining Data Mining, LDA, Predictive Modeling, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Time Series Analysis, Clustering, Recommendation Systems, Principal


Analysis, Ensemble Models.

Recent Projects

Monitoring and Reporting system for Royal Caribbean Ship to Shore Micro services Messaging Platform.

Reading different Kafka Topics serialized in Avro format. Create reporting and querying capability for administrators on Kafka topics using spark direct streaming.

Create reporting system on Cassandra databases by loading Cassandra tables into spark data frames.

Join multiple Kafka topics with with spark structured streaming and reporting to admin by parameterizing the input.

Technology: Spark, Scala, AWS, Bitbucket, Jira, Cassandra, Kafka, Confluent, Maven Topic Modeling on Stream Data (Web and News Data) for Dun & Bradstreet Economics Group.

● Responsible for developing end to end natural language processing (NLP) pipeline for real time analytics processing of large amount of news and web data.

● The analytics pipeline was developed using a distributed queuing system (Kinesis) for large scale data ingestion and Spark structural streaming which allowed for continuous data processing in near real time.

● Topic modeling/classification/scoring of news data used Spark ML-lib's Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Named entity recognition (NER) and sentiment analysis was done with Spark NLP/Stanford CoreNLP.

● Built on AWS using EMR, EC2, Kinesis, S3 and using Databricks Spark and notebook.

● Technology Stack- Technical Stack: Scala 2.11, Tableau, Athena, EMR, EC2, Databricks, S3, Spark 2.2.0, Spark MLIB, Spark Streaming, Kinesis Streaming, Paquet,Python 3.6,Flask, Databricks 3.4, Shell scripts, LDA topic modeling. Previous:

● Various Knoldus Internal Projects and POCs (Spark, Spark ML, Hadoop, Scala, Play)

● (Former is apartment rentals and Real Estate media business leader with 14 million monthly visitors. Played key role in 900 million dollar merger between Home store and Architected and led the team for website into production. (Java, ATG dynamo, JHTML, Wincvs, JSP, HTML, CSS, Oracle, SQL, UML)

● JCH are Russian-speaking Jewish residents of Brooklyn( Automating process of JCH Member registration, Camp Activities including Report generation. Implemented pilot project with AWS S3, EC2, Glacier for backup data(Python, Django, MySql, AWS)

● Built and Hosted, A Conference Event Management System startup.( JAVA 1.6, Mysql, Eclipse, Tomcat, AWS, EC2, S3, IAM ). Non functional currently.

● Oversee offshore activity of Apartments Rental and Senior Housing websites ( (ATG Dynamo, JAVA, JSP, Oracle)

● Implementation of various MCI telecom billing systems And Nevada state DMV occupational and vehicle licensing system.(Java servlets, HTML, JAVA Applet) Certified Spark Developer, Oracle Certified Java Developer EDUCATION

Master of Science in Data Science Saint Peter's University, Jersey City, NJ Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication, JNT University, India

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