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Human Resource Manager

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
May 05, 2018

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Hassaan I qtida K han

Desired G oal

Accomplished marketer and business manager seeking to leverage extensive background in product, sales and project management, for a midlevel marketing management role in a leading pharmaceutical or FMCG concern. I am a resourceful, creative and innovative manager who always focusses on delivering value for money. Extremely motivated for career change and eager to contribute positively towards t he a chievement o f t he f irm's o bjectives. EXPERIENCE

ZIK E nterprise, H ead o f C lient S ervices August 2 013 - P RESENT

● Created t he c ompany's o fficial s ales p resentation.

● Identified a n iche m arket t hat h as p roven h ighly p rofitable.

● Worked w ith g raphic d esigners t o d esign c ustom p resentations & p roposals for e ach c lient.

● Participated i n b riefing & b rainstorming s essions w ith c lients f or t he campaign d evelopment &

● execution o f r elevant a ssignments.

● Created a b usiness s trategy o f o ne w indow s olution f or c lients f rom i dea generation t ill f inished p roduct i .e. p rinting AIMVIZ, M arketing M anager

July 2 011 - D ecember 2 013 ( 2 y ears 5 m onths) Limited b ut q uality y ears e xperience i n c lient s ervice. H ave m anaged o ver 2 0 accounts a nd c ultivated m utually p rofitable, l ong-term r elations. R ecognized b y clients f or e xcellent c ustomer s ervice s kills.

● Exceptional c ommunication s kills; a ble t o w rite a nd s peak c learly a nd effectively.

● Most-productive e mployee a s d etermined b y s upervisor.

● Manage a ccounts a nd e nsured p erfect c lient s atisfaction b y q uickly resolving a ll a ccount d isputes.

● Increase r evenue t hrough u p-selling t o n ew a nd e xisting c lients.

● Opened a nd s erviced s everal l arge a ccounts. S old t o h igh-net w orth individuals.

● Develop / r eview c ontact n otes, s tatus r eports, p resentations a nd o ther relevant d ocuments f or c lients.

JS B ank, A ssistant M anager

July 2 009 - J uly 2 011

● Developed t he b usiness p lan f or B ranchless B anking, V isa D ebit a nd e-Statement p roduct p lans.

● Conducted b oth p rimary a nd s econdary r esearch i n o rder t o g auge competitor a ctivity a nd i mpact a nalysis o f e xisting m arketing offerings f or J S B ank.

● Developed a s ystem f or r ecording D eposit R ate C ompetitive S cans helping t he b ank g auge c ompetitions d eposit o fferings i n r eal t ime

● Developed a p rocess f or l odging a nd t racking c ustomer c omplaints across 30 b ranches

● Worked c losely w ith s enior m anagement a nd c lients t o c reate customized p urchasing p roposals

● Instrumental in d eveloping K PIs a nd i ncentive p lans f or s ales a nd business d evelopment s taff o n a t erritory w ide b asis

● Helped d eveloped a n umber o f m arketing c ampaign i n c lose l iaison w ith corporate communications f or m arketing J S B anks o ffering t hrough both A TL a nd B TL v ectors

JS B ank, B usiness S upport O fficer

January 2 008 - J uly 2 009

● Liaised w ith b ranch o ffices t o i nform a bout l atest u pdates r egarding their Deposits a nd R M p ortfolios

● Prepared c omprehensive r eport o n R M’s P erformance

● Monitored R M p ortfolios a nd r eported a bnormal p erformance o f R M’s t o Regional H ead S outh

● Responsible f or a ddressing c orporate c ustomer n eeds q ueries, c omplaints and p rovided t hem a dequate i nformation a bout t he b anks

● Monitored s ervice s tandards t hrough d aily r eports, a nd o ther m onitoring measures o n d aily o r w eekly b ases

● Assisted A rea a nd B ranch M anagers i n t heir r outine t asks a nd s hared t heir responsibilities e nsuring s uccess o f t eam

● Coordinated w ith C orporate c lients i n u nderstanding t heir q ueries a nd solving t hem b y t aking efficient a nd e ffective m easures

● Acted a s a c entral p oint o f r eference f or i nterpreting J S b ank's v arious organizational p olicies pertaining t o l oan d isbursement a nd d eposit management

ACB P vt L td. A ccounts A ssistant

April 2 003 - A pril 2 005

● Liaison w ith branch o ffices t o i nform a bout l atest u pdates o n b illing and t racking a ctivities a nd t hen b riefing a nd u pdating s taff

● Review a nd u pdate d emand p lans.

● Scanning p roducts a nd p romotions

● Stock p lanning & o rdering

● Establishing a nd c hallenging c urrent p rocesses a nd d ocumenting feedback a ppropriately

● Supervising d omestic c ourier n etwork b illing

● Maintaining I nternational a nd d omestic a irway b ills s tock

● Managing a ll m atters r elated w ith b illing

● Preparing a ging a nalysis

● Scheduling P rojects a nd a ssigning s taff i n a reas o f r esponsibility, follow policies, p rocedures a nd s ystem i mprovement i nstructions Total P arco, I nternship

January 2 003 - F ebruary 2 003

● Undertook m arket r esearch o f p roduct d evelopment.

● Focus o n p roviding a dministrative s upport a nd c ontrol.

● Defining o bjectives a nd p roblems, a nd p rescribing g eneral a nd detailed w ork m ethods a s necessary.

● Liaison w ith head o ffice t o g et l atest u pdate o n p romotional a ctivities and t hen b riefing a nd u pdating s taff m embers o n r egular b asis. United B ank L imited, I nternship

June 2 000 - J uly 2 000

● Worked i n F orex D epartment w here I d ealt w ith L C's a nd L G's.

● Managed d ifferent F orex , I mport a nd E xport d ocuments. EDUCATION

MBA i n I nternational M arketing a nd G lobal O perations a nd Logistics M anagement, L ondon S outh B ank U niversity - 2 007 MONTH 2 0XX - M ONTH 2 0XX, L OCATION

Lorem i psum d olor s it a met, c onsectetuer a dipiscing e lit, s ed d iam n onummy n ibh euismod t incidunt u t l aoreet d olore.

BBA , H amdard U niversity - 2 003


FOOD F OR T HOUGHT: A g roup p roject w here a t eam ( in w hich I w as i nvolved) designed c omplete b usiness p lan f or S ave-a-Lot A merican F ood R etail C ompany i n order t o e xpand t heir b usiness i n t he U K. T his p lan w as a dopted i n d ifferent business s trategies o f m arketing, h uman r esource m anagement a nd f inance. GOING I NTERNATIONAL: A g roup p roject i n V alencia, S pain w here o ur t eam d eveloped business s trategies f or C afé N ero a c offee c ompany l ike S tarBucks i n o rder t o expand t heir b usiness o utside t he U K.

PROCTER & G AMBLE: O bjective o f t his p roject w as t o s tudy t heir P rocter s trategy centering a round A riel W ashing P owder t o p osition a nd t o r ecommend a s t o h ow P&G c an b ecome s uccessful i n N igeria.

FINAL P ROJECT: L ogistics S trategy f or N ordic E nterprises a nd M anufacturing outsourcing t o C hina, A C ase s tudy a nalysis o f N okia, S onyericsson, V olvo a nd Ikea.


● Ms E xcel, M s W ord, M s P ower p oint

● Planning a nd O rganizing, T eam w ork a bility.

● Have g ained c onsiderable a bility t o o rganize p eople, a ctivities a nd resources f rom j ob e xperiences.

● Good c ommunication a nd i nterpersonal s kills. Interests a nd H obbies

● Swimming a nd p laying t ennis.

● Research r elating t o u pcoming n ew c omputer p roducts a nd i ts a ccessories REFERENCES

● Arif u r R ehman

E x. D y D irector H amdard I nstitute o f M anagement S ciences

E x. C ontroller o f E xaminations H amdard U niversity

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