ER physician
General Practitioner
Name: Magdy Salah Gerges
Nationality: Egyptian
Date of birth: 10/02/1979
Marital status: married.
Current address: Dubai, UAE
E-mail: **************@*****.***
Mobile: 009***********
o Dubai DHCC license: as a general practitioner.
o USA Medical License exam ( USMLE ):
Step 1 : Score 236 (99%)
Step 2 CK: Score 252 (99%)
Step 2 CS: Passed
Step 3 : score 222
Date: December 2002
Ain Shams University (Egypt)
Grade: Very good
o Egypt Medical License.
o Saudi Medical License.
o Courses :
Basic Life support ( BLS )
Advanced Cardiac Life Support ( ACLS )
Advanced Trauma life support ( ATLS )
Pediatric advanced life support ( PALS )
Years of work experience: 13 years
Current Job
General practitioner / ER physician
Date: since 26/4/2016 up to date
Hospital: Dr Sulaiman AlHabib hospital, Dubai
Position: General practitioner and ER physician
Job description:
• Good experience in first aid response & cCPR & other emergency medical responses professionally as having many American Herat Association-accredited courses in emergencies and advanced CPR.
• Able to deal with accidents & minor/major illness effectively.
• Deal with usual (cold) cases and arrange follow up appointment for general heath checkup.
Previous Job
Date: since 23/2/2013 to 22/2/2016
Hospital: IABFH (National Guard hospital, Dammam, KSA) Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital in Dammam is one of the National Guard Health Affairs Medical Cities. It was officially opened on October 14th 2002. It is considered one of the leading hospitals in the eastern region due to the international accreditation from JCIA for its recognized efforts
The hospital accommodates 112 beds, an Intensive Care Unit of 6 beds, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of 5 beds, 4 Operation Rooms, and 4 Delivery Rooms all equipped with the latest high-quality medical devices to provide the best services for patients Position: ER staff physician
The Emergency Department has up to 4000 patients per month where there are high quality medical services. In addition to that there is the Medical Imaging Department which is equipped with advanced equipment and techniques such as Computerized Tomography Scan and Ultrasound. Laboratory and Blood bank which has the state of the art equipments.
Job description:
• Good experience in first aid response & can do CPR & other emergency medical responses professionally as having many American Herat Association-accredited courses in emergencies and advanced CPR.
• Able to deal with accidents & minor/major illness effectively.
• Deal with usual (cold) cases and arrange follow up appointment for general heath checkup.
I am actively participating in the CME lectures and meetings in the Emergency department and I share in reviewing and updating the policies of management of various diseases in Emergency department.
In my department, Iam taking part in auditing medical files and I work as a team leader about 4- 6 shifts/month. We enjoy professional and friendly atmosphere with our managers and consultants.
Also iam interested in many public health activities like vaccination campaign and blood donation campaign and recently I received a very kind appreciation letter from the hospital due to my active participation in such events.
Through my career I found great happiness to participate in community-based activities and I had the opportunity to give many presentations to some youth clubs and local schools about health topics like:
• Iron deficiency anemia
• Causes and protection of osteoporosis
• First Aid for trauma and burn
Beside some medical presentations in my current and previous hospitals like:
• Evidence Based Management of Acute Heart Failure
• Blood transfusion Associated-GVH reaction and irradiation of blood products Direct supervisors:
Dr Ramesh Baskaran: ER consultant, Dr sulaiman alhabib hospital, Dubai. 009*********** Dr Dia Ageib (ER consultant )( *******@****.***.** ) 009*********** Dr Mohammed alzaeem ( ER team leader ) ( ******@****.***.** ) 009*********** Dr Haider Mattinuldin (ER staff physician) (********@****.***.**) 009***********