** ***** ****** #***, ***** City, California 94587 Phone: 714-***-**** Email: ******@*****.*** FFOORREEIIGGNN AATTTTOORRNNEEYY
PPrriivvaattee EEqquuiittyy aanndd MM&&AAss DDuuee DDiilliiggeennccee CCoorrppoorraattee GGoovveerrnnaannccee CCaappiittaall MMaarrkkeettss SSeeccuurriittiieess FFrraauudd LLeeggaall RReesseeaarrcchh,, AAnnaallyyssiiss,, aanndd WWrriittiinngg CCiivviill aanndd CCoommpplleexx CCoommmmeerrcciiaall LLiittiiggaattiioonn NNeeggoottiiaattiioonn aanndd AAlltteerrnnaattee DDiissppuuttee RReessoolluuttiioonn VVeennttuurree FFiinnaanncciinngg CCoommmmeerrcciiaall,, CCoorrppoorraattee aanndd SSeeccuurriittiieess TTrraannssaaccttiioonnss CCoonnttrraacctt RReevviieewwss
Probono Foreign Legal Consultant, CA USA
Foreign Attorney and Solicitor (International Laws) February, 2018 till date
Negotiated, reviewed and drafted contracts including work orders, confidential agreement, business transfer agreement, arbitration agreement, sale and purchase agreement of asset, legal opinion on pre-closing and post-closing of cross border transactions for international client in accordance with international laws.
Actively assisted international clients in procuring foreign investment, ensuring regulatory compliance, entity formation by seeking requisite approvals and consent from concerned Secretary of States, Internal Revenue Department and other governmental authorities.
Processed and assisted international companies, families, and investors in procuring U.S. immigration visas. Ullasini Joy Dholakia, APC, Placentia, CA USA
Legal Assistant Paralegal (Workers’ Compensation) Aug 2016 – Dec 2017
Processed injured workers’ intake form, identify issues, hold accountability in answering a questionnaire, responding to all employees’ questions and presenting regular case updates.
Conducted legal research, manage workers’ compensation cases and appropriate diary on all workers’ injury claims.
Interacted with clients in a clear, concise manner to approximately administer temporary, permanent or social security benefits.
Processed subpoena records, benefit notices, medical appointments with medical examiners, medical reports, correspondence, coordinating with defendants’ insurance companies and seek the second opinion from doctors listed on medical provider networks of claims, if required.
Assisted attorney and associates in discovery, trial preparation, and filing court documents (both manual and electronic) using electronic filing system or third party vendors with workers’ compensation board as well represent clients in workers’ compensation board by ensuring strict adherence to California Code of Regulation, Labor Code, California Code of Civil Procedure, CAL OSHA, Social Security Act, and other labor-related laws.
Coordinated with attorney, paralegal and support staff in court calendar dates by processing court documents and using A1 Case System and Calendar Management, Google Calendaring, and physical calendaring.
Maintained and monitored regular court rules and procedure, advice attorney, paralegal and staff, accordingly.
Ensured compliance with Firm’s information handling policy including confidentiality and reporting any suspected breach appropriately.
DHS & Associates, Mumbai, India
Associate Attorney and Solicitor (International Business law) July 2015–Jun 2016
Counseled and provided legal opinions to corporate and real estate clients regarding a wide range of matters including taking over of anther companies, compliance with central and state regulations, foreign inward direct investment, issuance of shares to foreign investors, and handled corporate governance issues.
Responsible for organization of business entities, preparation and filing of incorporation, merger, acquisition, dissolution and related documents with Secretary of State, Securities Exchange Commission, Reserve Bank of India, nationalized stock exchange and Revenue authorities.
Represented clients before state courts, and governmental authorities by providing legal support to counsel and protecting client’s interest by drafting court pleadings, applications, demand notices, settlement terms, and conducting discovery on real estate, foreign exchange, business and contract issues. Crawford Bayley & Co., Mumbai, India
Associate Attorney and Solicitor (International Business Law) Dec 2014–Jun 2015
Managed and lead due diligence team in capital markets, private equity, M&As, ensured execution of entity formation documents, corporate governance, handled general corporate matters, processed business, strategic investment and stock agreements in accordance with corporate, foreign investment and international laws.
Rendered legal opinions on structuring of commercial transactions, transfer of shares to foreign shareholders, inward remittance of foreign exchange, and structuring of foreign direct investment into India. 2 P a g e
Responsible for client management, implement of risk management policy, procuring corporate documents from governmental records, and ensured maintenance of corporate record books. Chambers of Late Mrs. A. S. Malvankar, Mumbai, India Associate Attorney and Solicitor (General Corporate and Civil Litigation) Jan 2013– Aug 2013
Conducting legal research, providing legal opinion, executing agreements, and ensuring corporate compliance in the field of corporate laws, and foreign investment regulations to carry out international business transactions.
Responsible for handling civil, commercial and corporate disputes and providing litigation support by finalizing court pleadings, conducting discovery, issuing demand notices, case indexing, and assisting counsel during trials by compliance with civil laws, court rules and procedure.
Hariani and Co., Mumbai, India
Associate Attorney (Corporate and Real Estate) Jun 2012–Aug 2012
Handled litigation and non-litigation corporate, residential and complex commercial real estate transactions including directors’ liability, shareholders’ right, and amalgamation of companies, procuring title report, and finalizing closing real estate transactional documents.
Dinesh Dolas and Associates, Mumbai, India
Associate Attorney (Corporate and Real Estate) June 2011–Mar 2012
Responsible for representation of clients before government and non-governmental intermediaries participating in real estate industry as well as analyzing, drafting and finalizing real estate transactional documents.
Ensuring compliance of legal entities with statutory government authorities regulating corporate, foreign investment and real estate activities including but not limited to corporate formation, corporate governance, taxation, license renewal, zoning laws and securing interest in real estate acquisition. Crawford Bayley and Co., Mumbai, India
Associate Attorney (Capital Markets and Securities) Aug 2010–Mar 2011 Paralegal Jan 2008–Jul 2010
Handled capital market transactions, mergers, acquisitions, public and private securities offerings by conducting due diligence to ensure corporate compliance and governance with Secretary of State, Securities Exchange Commission, Internal Revenue, and nationalized stock exchange.
Handled litigation matters involving civil laws, commercial contract disputes, and corporate laws concerning corporate operations from inception to resolutions, mismanagement and oppression, securities violation, takeover regulations, buy backs and fraudulent trade practice.
Allied Business School, California
California Real Estate Course, July 2018
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Masters of Law (L.L.M) in International Business Law, Sep 2014 The Bombay Incorporate Law Society, Mumbai, India
Solicitor (Examination of Articled Clerk), Oct 2012 University of Bombay, Mumbai, India
Juris Doctor, Apr 2010
ASCL Law School (A Division of Asian School of Cyber Laws), Pune, India Associate Degree Diploma in Corporate Law (DCL), Feb 2009 University of Bombay, Mumbai, India
Bachelor of Legal Science (BLS), Apr 2008
California Department of Real Estate (2018) All India Bar Council of India (2011)
The Bombay Incorporated Law Society, India (2012) Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa, India (2010)
Articled titled “Power of Attorney: Effective Tool for Non-Resident Indian” dated May 27, 2018.
Article titled “Green Card: What to do if it is conditional?” dated May 14, 2018.
Article titled “Indian Real Estate: Rights of NRI Spouse and LTV Holders” dated April 22, 2018.
Microsoft Office and IOS LexisNexis Westlaw and Manupatra A1 Case System and Calendar Management Bridge CaseviewNet LiveNote