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Registered Pharmacist

Chicago, IL
June 27, 2018

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**/****-**/**** ********* University College of Pharmacy Schaumburg, IL

Pharm D

**/****-**/**** ********* Colleges of Chicago Chicago. IL

Pre-Pharmacy Courses

**/****- **/**** *****n Community College DesPlaines, IL

Associate in Sciences

08/2007-08/2008 BIR TRAINING CENTER (Language school) Chicago, IL

TOEFL certification

06/2007 BP Preparateur en Pharmacie (French Exam of Pharmacy Technician) Orleans, France

09/2006 – 04/2007 Oakton Community College DesPlaines, IL

Attended and passed Professional Pharmacy Technician Training Course

Attended and passed ESL class

09/2004 – 06/2006 CFA- Centre de Formation en Alternance de Pharmacie Orleans, France

2 Year Professional Pharmacy Technician Degree

09/2003 – 04/2004 Ecole Superieure de Sante (Superior School of Health) Paris, France

Attended preparatory school mandatory for entrance examination to

paramedical schools in France

1999-2003 Lycee Fulbert (Fulbert High School) Chartres, France

Baccalaureat, Science Major, Graduated with Honors


02/2016 Pharmacy Technician Illinois

Illinois Department of Professional Regulation (expire 03/2017)

04/2007 EXCPT – Examination for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians Illinois


06/2016 NorthShore University HealthSystem Pharmacogenomic Clinic Schaumburg, IL

Creation of a patient education tool Allopurinol and the HLA-B Gene.

Dakhlallah, K., Maki, A., Pawelko, S., Renault, C., Salamah, H., Senones, R.

05/2015-07/2015 Summer Research: Dr. Adeyeye Schaumburg, IL

Phytochemistry and Development of Solid Dosage Form of Antisickling Complementary Alternative Medicine.

07/2004- 07/2006 Pharmacie Le Guedard - Luisant, France

2 Year Internship- Total of 3000 hours of practice

-Worked one on one with clients of the pharmacy to fulfill their medical/pharmaceutical needs

-Executed prescriptions, completed insurance forms and managed client/insurance relations

-Compounded mixtures, ointment and creams, recommended and sold OTC drugs

-Maintained and managed stock within the pharmacy

APPE Rotations

04/02-05/12/17 Advocate Sherman Hospital- Medicine Rotation Elgin, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Uplegger

02/02-03/30/17 Norwegian American Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy- Elective Rotation Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Jillian Sanchez

11/14/16-2/17/17 Mariano’s Pharmacy-Community / Neisset Pavillion–Ambulatory Care Rotation

Preceptors: Dr. Seybold John and Dr. Young

10/03-11/11/16 Pharmacy Alternatives LLC – Long Term Care Rotation Elmhurst, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Simon

08/22-09/29/16 Advocate Sherman Hospital- Hospital Rotation Elgin, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Uplegger

IPPE Rotations

09/2015-11/2015 Rush University Medical Center Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Flint

03/2015-05/2015 Rush University Medical Center Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Yu

12/2014-02/2015 Rosen’s Pharmacy Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Rosenberg

09/2014-11/2014 Walgreens #4936 Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Patel

IPE Rotations

03/2016-04/2016 Schwab Rehabilitation Center Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Dr. Patel

12/2015-01/2016 CVS Clinic Chicago, IL

Preceptor: Nurse Johnson


05/2017 MTM Certification Schaumburg, IL

02/2017 Diabetes Certifications Schaumburg, IL

08/2016 American Heart Association CPR Schaumburg, IL

08/2014 Immunization training Schaumburg, IL


Fluent in French

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