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Manager Executive

Wood-Ridge, NJ, 07075
June 28, 2018

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Wood Ridge, New Jersey H: 201-***-**** *************@*****.***


Experienced content and strategy professional with a passion for using data-driven solutions to grow audiences, influence business decisions, and develop rollout schedules. Excellent communicator with an ability to take complex data and tell meaningful and actionable stories with it. Skills

Strategic Planning, Media Strategy, SEO VHX, Brightcove, MailChimp, Netsuite Business Analysis, Nielsen, Comscore Salesforce, Moat, Broadview, Wide Orbit Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics,Tableau MediaRights, PowerPivot, IRIS.TV, DFP Hootsuite, Social Listening FileMaker Pro, YouTube Analytics Experience

Manager of Video Strategy and Scheduling 09/2015 to 10/2017 Blue Ant Media Toronto

Slashed content costs by 20%, by negotiating rights fees and audience segmentation, while increasing viewership.

Boosted streaming subscriptions by 50% by identifying relevant distribution partners, upgrading technology vendors, managing those ongoing relationships, and optimizing SEO. Project managed content, ops, marketing, and sales to grow multi-platform ad revenues by 30% from 2015-17. Facilitated 100% growth in broadcast audience from 2015-17, increasing time spent and reach, using performance trends.

Grew government content funding by 400% ($2,000,000) from 2015-17 using multi-platform scheduling strategies.

Lifted mobile video views by 75% identifying on brand usage trends from 2015-17. Spearheaded weekly global competitive and strategic analyses for executive management, and weekly client updates to establish a high level of engagement.

Initiated licenses with global brands, launched large and complex campaigns, maintained consistent communication, leading to long lasting relationships. Manager of Program Scheduling 11/2008 to 09/2015

Blue Ant Media Toronto

Successfully project managed launches of 3 cable television channels, with their VOD and digital components. Provided requirements documentation to upgrade video transcoding equipment, doubling efficiency, increasing Blue Ant Media's ability to react to content trends. Populated channels with hundreds of content hours on small budgets by negotiating favorable output deals. Increased iTunes downloads 300% in 2014 by partnering with Starbucks for national in-store promotion. Account Executive 09/2007 to 11/2008

Highway Entertainment Toronto

Negotiated multi-million dollar broadcast agreements with advertisers into US border stations. Handled daily contact and research tracking between media buying agencies and border stations. Produced video presentations for Highway Entertainment, and Omnicom media agencies. Assisted executive executive development and execution of new multi-million dollar digital media initiatives including in-game advertising and pre-roll video advertising. Education and Training

BS: Marketing

Missouri Valley College Marshall, MO, United States GPA: 3.2 - Attended on baseball scholarship HBR Finance Certificate

Forecasting, Financial Statements, Capital Structure, Projection Valuation Udemy Business Analysis Certificate

Requirements Documentation, Agile SDLC, Analysis, Modeling

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