Zubaidah Alqaisi
Rockford, IL 61109
Cell: 520-***-****
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science-Enterprise Software, May 2018
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
GPA: 3.94 /4.00
Associate of Science, December 2015
Rock Valley College, Rockford, Illinois
GPA: 3.98 /4.00
Junior Programmer, Digital Intent, Freeport, IL, May 2017-August 2017
Built and tested web and native mobile applications utilizing PHP 7, JavaScript, React.JS, HTML 5, CSS.
Wrote automated unit, integration, and end-to-end tests.
Supported existing code by fixing bugs or refactoring.
Wrote REST Documentation using Swagger Editor.
Managed code using GitHUb.
Eagle Support and Training, Rock Valley College, Rockford IL, May 2015 - December 2015
Communicated with students to help solve issues related to Eagle Management System as well as student Gmail accounts.
Assisted professors in uploading documents, creating drop boxes online, setting up quizzes online, set due dates, importing and exporting past course work into the system.
Performed computer software troubleshooting through calls and emails to students, faculty, and staff.
Worked independently, such as holding training classes for professors and students on how to use the system.
Installed anti-virus and Microsoft office software for professors and students as required.
Northern Illinois University Rock Valley College
The Unix System (330) C++ (276)
Date Structure Algorithm Analysis (340) Intermediate C++ (277)
Databases (466)
Computer Programming in assembler Language (360)
Intro to Software Engineering (467)
Computer Architecture and System Organization (463)
Enterprise Application Environment (465)
JAVA (470)
.NET Programming (473)
Principle Operating System (480)
Computer Skills
UNIX, C++, C#, ASP.Net, MySQL, SQL, HTML5, PHP 7, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, SASS, JSON, Data Structure Algorithm Analysis, ER Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagram, UML, GitHub, ReactJS, JAVA, Postman, Electron, Twig.
JCL, TSO/E, z/OS, ISPF, Assembler, COBOL.
Honors and Associations
Dean’s List, Northern Illinois University, Spring 2016 - Fall 2016
Dean’s List, Rock valley College, August 2013 - December 2015
Active Member, The Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), January 2017- Present