Mostafa Adel Abd alaal Mohammed Atia Khalil
(civil engineer)
Personal information:-
NNaattiioonnaalliittyy :EEggyyppttiiaann
DDaattee ooff BBiirrtthh :OOccttoobbeerr 11sstt,, 11999911 CCeelllluullaarr PPhhoonnee :00552255330077889999
EE - -AAddddrreessssMMaaiill :*****************@*****.*** DDrriivviinngg LLiicceennssee :Valid
Seeking a responsible position as a Civil Engineer in a great Company where I can use my Ability and gain more Experience..
EEdduuccaatteedd ffrroomm tthhee FFaaccuullttyy ooff eennggiinneeeerriinngg,, cciivviill ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt,, .MMaannssoouurraa University,, JJuunnee 22001133,, ggrraaddee ggoooodd,, MMaatteerriiaall PPrroojjeecctt,, ggrraaddee EExxcceelllleenntt Courses:-
AUTOCAD (very good)
Total experience 4.5 year (3.5 year in UAE) In (Alsaad General Contracting co ), site supervision, Engineering Work, Quantity Surveying, Quality control
- Project engineer Experience for one in UAE
Construction of services and facilities for jumeirah beach (Dubai municipality)
Mosque in Alayas Area (Dubai municipality)
Majlis in Mazher area (Dubai municipality)
- Site engineer Experience for two year in UAE
Dubai municipality building Nad Shipa Branch
Two villa in Dhedna - Fujairah
Additional building for Almaarfa school in Dhedna ( MOPW )
Additional sport hall for Hamad school in roll Dibba – Fujairah ( MOPW )
Additional sport hall for Anas school in Roll Dhedna – Fujairah ( MOPW )
Maintenance work for Tiwian hospital-Fujairah ( MOPW )
One villa in Dibba-Fujairah
Personal Skills:-
Excellent communication skills
Time management Team Work Skills
Ability to get knowledge and learn from others rapidly.
Set Goals and plan to achieve them.
A very organized worker.
Working under stress skills
Ambitious Self motivated.
CCaappaabbllee ooff MMaannuuaall aanndd HHeeaavvyy OOuuttddoooorr WWoorrkk Computer Skills:-
Excellent Knowledge of sending mails
Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office
Excellent knowledge of Windows Operations
Language :-
Arabic Mother Tongue
English very good