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Engineering Microsoft Office

Boulder, CO
March 18, 2018

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**** ******* ****, **** ******* Loop Drive, Boulder, CO 80310

C: 720-***-****, ****.*************@********.***


University of Colorado at Boulder Graduating : May 10, 2018

•B.S. Chemical Engineering

•Current GPA: 3.89

•Probable Dean's List


Chem-E-Car (Spring 2016)

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, University of Colorado at Boulder

•Proposed and researched new ideas involving pH sensors and neutralization reactions for the car's stopping mechanism.

•Built and performed numerous test runs on tire car's aluminum air battery.

Spring Break for Research (Spring Break, 2016)

College of Engineerings Applied Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder

•Analyzed data on how non-profit organizations use technolog)', particularly with qualitative data on websites.

•Assisted a graduate student mentor in the Atlas Institute's Information Science Department.

Engineering Projects (Spring 2015)

College of Engineerings Applied Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder

•Designed and manufactured a completely foldable chair with attached desk and Surface Charger.

•Implemented Arduino coding to switch on the Surface Charger and LED lights when drawer was opened.


Resident Advisor (RA) (August 2015 - )

Willard S Reed Halls, University of Colorado Boulder

•Chaired the International Student Panel as part of the Student Support and H elping Skills Session during Student Staff Training.

•Communicated with residents on a regular basis to build a sense of community: applied critical thinking and visual skills to respond toinci dents.

•Developed organizational, time management and interpersonal skills while on the job.

Peer Career Adviser (Spring 2015)

Career Services, University of Colorado Boulder

•Attended die 2^ Annual Rocky Mountain Peer Leadership Conference at CU-Denver.

•Planned, organized and overlooked the Spring Just-In-Time Career Fair.


•1" place overall for Design and Testing in Engineering Projects course. (Spring 2015)

• Engineering Merit Scholarship (Since Fall 2015)

•Chancellor's Achievement Scholarship (Since Fall 2014)

SKILLS: Matlab, Mathematica, SolidWorks, ChemDraw, Microsoft Office.

LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, French, Hindi, Bengali.

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