Glenn Norris Jr.
A recent graduate with a Bachelors in Computer Engineering with experience in designing, developing and implementing computer-based software and hardware. Also, a detail-oriented and organized professional with creative mindset and strong leadership capabilities gained from leading an organization.
Bachelor of Science: Computer Engineering - Summer 2017 California State University, East Bay
Hayward, Ca
Programming Languages: C, C++(11,14), Python 2.7/3.6, Java,Assembly Language(MIPS),Verilog, VHDL, Go, bash, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, sql, Android Software: Microsoft Office, Mathcad, MATLAB, LabVIEW Computer Aided Design Software: AutoCAD, Fusion360, SolidWorks Version Control: Github
Operating System- Windows(XP/7/8/10), Linux(Ubuntu, Mint,Kali, CentOS, ElementaryOS), Mac OS X
Databases: MySQL, PostGre, Sqlite, RDBMS, MSSQL, Relational Databases, NoSQL Misc: REST, Agile, SCRUM, bootstrap, Flask, DJANGO-Rest-FrameWork(DRF), Django, Qt, Kivy, PyQt, Computer Vison, Image Processing, OO Programming, ASP.NET, MVC, React, NodeJs, Anaconda, Win32, Go
Digital Design Project – Developed a circuit and programmed a FPGA Board in Verilog with speakers and a regular keyboard and programmed the keys on the board to play music notes Microprocessor Project - Built a circuit and created software that would monitor the temperature in a lab down to the fourth decimal place using the Beagle Bone Black in C language GUI Interface Project – Developed a GUI for vector drawing in Qt in the C++ 14 language Django Music Site – Music Site developed in Django 1.10 and Python 3.6 with bootstrap front end, JavaScript, html and CSS
Django Blog – Blog Site Developed in Django 1.10 and Python 3.6, using bootstrap front end, html, CSS and JavaScript
Go News Aggregator – Developed a working news aggregator in the Go Lang Experience
Lab Assistant 9-22-15 to 3-20-16
• Taking statistical data for ongoing physics experiment and helping around the lab with team members
• Analyzing the data for research purposes in the ongoing physics experiment. Lab Assistant 11-15-15 to 5-18-16
CSUEB Hayward, CA
• Created circuits and used Arduino to test and measure a DVD drive that would act as a micro stepper to be used in on going physics experiment.
• Developed software in python 3.5, LabVIEW to control and measure Micro Stepper DVD drive
Research Experience for Undergrads 5-20-16 to 8-3-16 Columbia University New York, New York
• Developed software for CTA Medium Sized telescope for real time analysis of particle showers
• Used Python 2.7 and used libraries like Numpy, Scipy, MatlabplotLib
• Final Paper & Presentation published on Nevis Labs website o o Research Assistant 1-16-16 to 6-12-2017
CSUEB Hayward, CA
• Continued working on CTA Medium Sized telescope for real time analysis of particle showers
• Tested software at various bench marks using Python 2.7, pytest and documenting functions
Software Engineer(Senior Design Project) 1-2017 – 6-12-2017 CSUEB Hayward, CA
• Created and Designed OO Python 3.6 the for Cozmo Robot to complete various tasks
• Designed and built a fully working Foucault Pendulum Software Engineer & Co-Founder 05-2017 – Current
Cliqued Inc. Hayward, CA
• Stealth Mode Start Up.
• Chair July 2016 - July 2017
• Award Recipient for CSUEB Solar Award – Recognizing Top Student Club Leaders
• Nominated for Best Student Chapter/Leader – IEEE OEB Award for Top IEEE Chapters
• Nominated for Best Student Chapter – IEEE Region 6 Award for Top IEEE Chapters
• National Society Of Black Engineers
• Vice President
• National Society of Professional Engineers