Kendra Orth, MLS(ASCP)C M
San Antonio, TX 78256
CHI Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center Microbiology Laboratory, Houston, TX Medical Technologist (2011-present)
● Work up routine and acid fast cultures based on source and specimen type including respiratory, wound, urine/stool, surgical, cystic fibrosis, and blood cultures
● Perform Accuprobe DNA probes for M . avium complex and M . tuberculosis
● Led validation, implemented workflow, and trained lab personnel for Vitek MS mass spectrometer
● Principal liaison between the Infectious Disease group and the microbiology lab
● Set up and processed specimens for rapid tests, routine and acid fast cultures
● Utilize Truant and Calcufluor White stains to visualize AFB and fungus
● Identify parasites through coccidian, trichrome, direct and saline preparations
● Set up and interpret identifications and sensitivities using Vitek, Kirby-Bauer, E-Test, Sensititer methods
● Manage BacT/Alert blood and Mycobacteria instruments
● Organize and prepare for CAP inspections
● Aid in updating procedures and compliance among technicians
● Trained fellow technicians in culture workup and procedures
● Accession specimens and perform daily quality control protocols
● Read gram stains, Kinyoun, acridine orange, and fecal leukocyte slides Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences, Houston, TX DNA Laboratory Technician (2007-2010)
● Prepare blood staincards from medico-legal blood samples for DNA analysis
● Obtain evidence and maintain chain of custody for crime scene evidence and toxicological specimens
● Submit DNA laboratory reports to respective law enforcement agencies
● Ensure compliance with quality standards set by ASCLD/LAB International/ISO 17025
● Record temperatures for equipment, manage logs for inspection documentation
● Perform bimonthly inventory, enter purchasing requisitions into IFAS Banfield, The Pet Hospital, Houston, TX
Director of Pet Nursing (2006-2007)
● Develop X-Rays and run diagnostic laboratory tests including blood work and urinalysis
● Assist doctor in surgery and maintain post-operative care
● Take medical history and perform initial exam on patient
● Hire Pet Nurses and lead them through an intensive training program
● Manage inventory and order supplies for the hospital EDUCATION
The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX ( 2010-2011)
Medical Laboratory Science Program
University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX (2006-2007) School of Public Health: Public Health Certificate Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2002-2005) Bachelor of Science, Biology
ASCP Certificate Maintenance Program
36 hours every three years of ASCP certified online courses Biomerieux Vitek Mass Spectrometer training – Durham, North Carolina (2014) Agents of Bioterrorism: Sentinel Laboratory Training- City of Houston Health Department (2013) Ethics in Forensic Science - West Virginia University (2010) AWARDS AND HONORS
College of Science Distinguished Student Award (2004)