Yixuan Yang
*** **** ***** ******, *** *, New York, 10025 • 217-***-**** • ******@********.***
Columbia University New York, NY
Master of Science in Actuarial Science Sep. 2017–Dec. 2018 (Expected)
• Academic: Cumulative GPA 3.78/4.00, courses included: Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Intro to Finance, Statistical Computing and Introduction to Data Science, Actuarial Methods I, Actuarial Methods II
• Actuarial Exams (SOA/CAS): P/1 (Passed), FM/2 (Passed) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBABNA-CHAMPAIGN Champaign, IL Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (High Distinction) Graduated Aug. 2017 Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science (Distinction)
• Academic: Cumulative GPA 3.76/4.0, courses included: Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, Advanced Corporate Finance, Introduction to Computer Science, Methods of Applied Statistics, Statistics and Probability II
• Honor: Dean’s List 5 out of 5 Eligible Semesters
• Teamwork: Lead a group of 4 for Financial Markets Equity Project to design investment strategies for a potential investor PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Investment Banking Division Analyst June 2017-Aug. 2017
• Designed an exit strategy with a merger option for a pharmaceutical client by in-depth researching and analyzing peer companies to find a suitable match and satisfy client’s needs
• Gathered and synthesized financial and operating information on companies and industry by reviewing company announcements in the past 5 years from Wind Financial Terminal to ensure target company’s operating efficiency
• Performed various financial analyses including valuation and pro-forma analyses by building up Excel to foster client’s relationship and improve client’s satisfaction
• Participated in the due diligence processes by checking the reliability of financial statements and assessing the risk involved in this activity to provide more accurate and comprehensive insights ESSENCE SECURITIES CO., LTD Shanghai, China
Summer Analyst – Real Estate June 2016-Aug. 2016
• Performed comprehensive analyses of Real Estate companies by collecting and evaluating data using Excel to provide investment advisory services for fund managers
• Informed decision making for management by compiling daily and weekly reports on client-based information from Wind Financial Terminal to keep track company’s operating conditions
• Supported the team by preparing research materials and reviewing industry reports to enhance teamwork efficiency
• Coordinated field trips and phone calls with relevant departments of companies to better evaluate investment opportunities ACADEMIC PROJECTS
NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF ASYMTOTICS OF DIFFUSION Champaign, IL Research Assistant, Supervised by Prof. Samantha, X. June 2015-Aug. 2015
• Generated numerical simulations of different diffusion processes such as Brownian Motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process under different conditions in short time and long time by using Matlab
• Developed and supplemented simulation models by changing parameters and functions to accomplish the regularity of random processes
FINANCIAL MARKETS CLASS EQUITY PROJECT Champaign, IL Team Leader Jan. 2017-Feb. 2017
• Conducted research on Titan International Inc. by collecting and integrating stock data from Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg to provide investment strategies
• Created a minimum variance portfolio consisting of 6% Titan’s stock and 94% AT&T’s stock that can generate 9.978% abnormal return to diversify the risk of investing Titan’s stock
• Prepared a 18-page report summarizing the investment thesis, the investment overview and financial analysis FINANCIAL MARKETS CLASS BOND PROJECT Champaign, IL Team Leader, 2nd Place Feb. 2017-Apr. 2017
• Outlined work list and time list to distribute responsibilities to team members and master the process of the project
• Gathered Match Group Inc.’s bond information by reading indenture and prospectus for further analysis
• Analyzed bond by calculating durations and convexities, developing sensitivity analysis, and researching 22 similar bonds to compare yield-to-maturities
• Skills: Bloomberg Terminal, R-Studio, Matlab, Microsoft Word, Excel, VBA, SQL, Pivot tables, VLOOPUP
• Languages: English, Mandarin
• Interests: Violin, Yoga, Jogging, Cooking, Music, Movie