Robert Gunn
Richmond, TX 77407
Profession l Summ ry
To obt in Perform nce co ch
position where I c n pply my
educ tion, knowledge nd 23
ye rs Milit ry experience to
encour ge soci liz tion,
sportsm nship nd te m spirit of
August 2017 – Present
Intern tion l Le dership Tex s –
Richmond, Tex s
Position: Bus Driver
Provided tr nsport tion for
gr de K-12.
M int ined logbook nd
s fety records for p ssengers.
Documented written pre-
nd post-trip inspection d ily for
ll ssigned vehicles.
August 2016 – August 2017
Houston Independent School
District – Houston, Tex s
Position: Bus Driver
Documented written pre-
nd post – trip inspection, on
d ily b sis for ssigned vehicles
Adhered to ll required
regul tions nd guidelines
rel ted to the Americ ns with
Dis bilities Act (ADA), to
ccommod te dis bility
individu ls with oper ted power
lifts nd secured wheelch irs
with proper restr ints.
July 2015 – M y 2016
Fort Bend Independent School
District – Sug r L nd, Tex s
Position: Substitute Te cher
Performed ll Substitute
duties th t were required in the
bsence of the cl ssroom
te cher.
M int ined complete nd
ccur te dministr tive records,
including studentsʼ progress
ttend nce report.
Responsible for t king ll
necess ry nd re son ble
prec utions to protect students,
the equipment, nd f cilities.
M rch 2012 – Present
Fort Bend Youth Athletic
Associ tion – Sug r L nd, Tex s
Position: Footb ll Tr iner
Provided footb ll tr ining to
over 20 youth thletes
Scheduled nd coordin ted
footb ll pr ctice meetings
Monitored ll children,
ensuring th t ll pl y w s
he lthy, s fe, nd positive.
Resolved ll conflicts s
M int ined nd continued
strong rel tionship with ll youth
nd their f milies once
gr du ted.
December 2011 – December 2015
Houston Methodist – Houston,
Tex s Position:
Security Represent tive Le der
M n ged ssignments nd
st ffing for of 12-15 security
Responsible for ssisting
nd restr ints of non-compli nce
ment l p tients in the Ment l
He lth Unit.
Communic ted nd
enforced s fety requirements by
the St te nd l ws regul tion.
April 1992 – M rch 2004
United St tes Army – Fort Sill,
Okl hom
Position: Drill Serge nt
Responsible for nine week
individu l tr ining, supervision,
nd development of 40-60 Initi l
Entry Tr ining soldiers in B sic
Comb t Tr ining (BCT).
Responsible for ensuring
st nd rds met to provide the
United St tes Army with
disciplined, physic lly nd
mor lly soldiers.
Coordin ted nd integr ted
ll MOS logistics, m inten nce,
nd s fety in ll pl toons.
Educ tion
August 2005- December 2009
Upper Iow University, F yette, IA
- BS/Soci l Sciences
Commerci l Driver License(CDL)
Tex s Dep rtment Of Public
S fety
Reference given upon request