Jacksonville, Florida 32218 KEITH PALMER 904-***-****
Unloading of trucks with the breakdown of organization of pallets. While authorize to use motor pallet jack vehicle when order picking of tires around warehouse 01/Present01/2018 - Present Unloader/PickerUnloader/Picker BBrriiddggeessttoonnee A customer service representative, or CSR, will act as a liaison, provide product/services information and resolve any emerging problems that our customer accounts might face with accuracy and efficiency 03/201703/2016 - 12/2017 CallRepresentative Call Representative CCoommccaasstt Distribution of items in correct location off freight while having work department area clean of any trash 11/201811/2018 - 11/2018 StockAssociate Stock Associate WWaallmmaarrtt A customer service representative, or CSR, will act as a liaison, provide product/services information and resolve any emerging problems that our customer accounts might face with accuracy and efficiency 09/201809/2015 - 07/2018 CallRepresentative Call Representative CCoonnvveerrggyyss Customer service and revenue management. Cook distributor of service 08/201508/2014 - 11/2015 Cashier/Cook Cashier/ Cook DmorInc Dmor Inc EDUCATION HISTORY
07/201807/2018 FloridaMechanical Florida Agricultural and Mechanical UUnniivveerrssiittyy
Business, Management,
Marketing,Related Marketing, and Related
SupportSome Support Services, Some
CollegeDiploma College But No Diploma
06/201506/2015 WilliamRaines William M Raines Diploma,School Diploma, High School SKILLS & ABILITIES
CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn UUnnllooaaddiinngg AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt CCoommpplleettiioonn
SSttoocckkiinngg FFoorrkklliifftt
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