Michael Durst
Curriculum vitae
ECS Limited
Environmental Technician
On-site environmental consultant on multiple large scale excavations. Responsible for operations of
multiple large scale ground water remediation sys- tems. Conducted soil, vapor, and ground water
sampling. Co-wrote Phase I and II environmental
site assessments.
OCTOBER 2015 – AUGUST 2016
Keystone Trade Group
Purchasing Assistant
Managed and organized purchasing and inventory
accounting. Utilized Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)
to increase sales. Improved shipment processes
increasing efficiency and lowering costs.
JUNE 2015 – AUGUST 2016
Fairfax County
Natural Resources Intern
Wrote 2015 Annual Water Quality Report. Sam-
pled water quality in Huntley Meadows Wetland
using the EPA Rapid Bio-Assessment Protocols. As-
sisted in Doctoral studies pertaining to wetland
vegetation and avian life. Conducted Purple Milk-
weed and Deer Survey projects.
JUNE 2013 – AUGUST 2013
Virginia Government
Governor’s Fellow to Agriculture and
Constructed the Virginia Wine Distribution Com-
panys Operations Manual. Recommended rein-
stating and restructuring the Physician Loan Re-
payment Program to the Governor. Organized cam-
paign to raise funds for Virginias Food Banks.
Languages (Front End Visualization): HTML, CSS,
Bootstrap, Dashboarding, D3.js, Javascript Chart-
ing, Handlebars,Git
Databases: MySQL, Mongo DB
Programming Technologies: Python 3, Pandas, Mat-
plotlib, API Interactions, Social Media Mining, NumPy, scikit-learn
Frameworks/Tools: Excel VBA, Excel (Modeling and
Github:// michaeljdurst12
LinkedIn:// Michael Durst
Email: ***************@*****.***
Phone: 703-***-****
2017 – 2018 George Washington University
Data Analytics and Visualiza-
2012 – 2016 Ursinus College
Environmental Studies, Busi-
ness Management
News Mood Analysis
Used vader analysis to gauge the sentiment of ma-
jor news media outlets through Twitter. Utilized
the Tweepy API to retrieve Tweet data from CNN,
FOX, BBC, NY Times, and CBS. Graphed the over-
all sentiment of these news organization using Mat- plotLib and Seaborn.
News Analysis Link
Weather Analysis
A webpage displaying weather by comparing lati-
tudes to temperature, humidity, cloud cover, and
wind speed. HTML, CSS, and bootstrap were used
to complete this.
Weather Link
Earth Quake Visualization
Created a simple web page showing earth quakes
over the past 7 days. Used d3 to retrieve USGS
GeoJSON data and Leaflet to create a map visual-
izing the data. The map displayed the size of the
earth quakes by magnitude and fault lines.
EarthQuake link
Used Tableau to visualize New York City CitiBike
ridership data. Aggregated the data found in the
Citi Bike Trip History Logs from 2013 through to-
day and built a data story highlighting trends in
CitiBike link