OBJECTIVE Voice signaling enthusiast looking for VoIP Engineer opportunity to further my understanding of IP telephony, network architecture, maintenance and support for adjacent technologies.
MS in Electrical Engineering, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA December 2017
Emphasis on Networking
Relevant coursework in VoIP and Multimedia Networks, Network Architecture and Protocols
BS in Electronics and Communication Engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad, India
Hypervisor environments AWS
Platforms Cisco IOS, Linux OS, Microsoft Windows
SIP Server Asterisk SIP Server, Brekeke SIP Server
Softphone Software X-Lite Windows Softphone, Zoiper Android Softphone
Network Tools Wireshark, Ping, Trace route, Network Simulator 3 (NS3), GNS3, VirtualBox
Protocols and Technologies Data and Voice networks, SIP signaling, H.323, G.711, IPv4, IPv6, VLAN, NAT, Firewalls, TLS, HTTP, VoIP, Video over IP, Software-defined networking (SDN), MPLS, Routing and Switching, TCP/IP, IP Networking and Subnetting
Knowledge of PBX and Telecommunication systems
Design and test of voice and video over IP [Brekeke/Asterisk SIP Server, X-Lite/Zoiper Softphone, VoIP]
•Implemented a successful voice call establishment between SIP clients over the Ad-Hoc network.
•Identified SIP audio video codecs from IETF standards to achieve video conferencing and call forwarding.
Performed video conferencing among client devices and stood in the top 5% of my class as a team.
Adaptable Wireless Mesh Networks [Linux OS, Eclipse IDE, NS3, IEEE 802.11, C++]
Deployed a 100-node mesh network combining wireless mesh points to test adaptability and disaster recovery.
Ensured prompt route discovery after scaling random mesh nodes to achieve extreme performance.
Analyzed Wireshark packet captures as heatmaps to determine frequent data path.
Design and analysis of MPLS networks using NS3 [Linux OS, Wireshark, NS3, MPLS, C++]
Designed Label Switched Network topologies to boost the capacity of broadband networks.
Generated routing tables at each router (LSR) to examine the process of label assignment over MPLS network.
Designing End-to-End Network Architecture [GNS3, Wireshark, ASA, c3725, c7200]
Configured VLANs, OSPF, BGP and Firewall concepts to understand network functionality.
Pioneered to trace and troubleshoot network topologies by running Wireshark captures on select interfaces.
Volunteered for on-campus mobile food pantry along with 220 others to distribute 175,000 pounds of food.
Organized and led local hikes with groups of 15 for a local adventure club on Meetup.com