Avondale Estates. 4A4 -421-5692
4)rau;rJle'A r Jniia\i xet
PROFESSIONAL A teaching position in the areas of .G*ted-Education rvherc my related expcrience and OBJECTI/E backgrcund will have valuable apphcatron. QUALIFICATION . Possess experience in feachimg, curriculum development, pro,ieca/ program SUllivlARY manflgement, ermruunity serviceo arts and crafts, lrusiness manag,ement, and pubiic relations.
e Ahle to f*nction effectively on an iredependent basis and as menrber of a profession*l tenm.
e Excellent org*rrizational, time manegement, interpersomal, and probiem soiving abilities"
u Crrnprehensive experierrce rruorking with comrnuniry organizatians nwl voiunteer progr&ms,
s Basic cornputer skills.
EDUCATIOI\J IAIIES*V4OI$ON_U;_NI}E&$ffi" F{arris,rntrurg. Vrgr*ra tsr.h-l-r
S.t .ut,or. f qf+
GLOBGlAST.{1il;injE&ll If, z\tianta. Georgra
Currentlv riorkuig on I'la;Ierl ciegrcc,
CERTIFICATION Georsia State Teachieg Certrficatlons in Speeial Educati*n",,1n. Englisl:r, Reading. ESOi and Ciftcrl
C L,'\YT.ON C QU5]1 -L qii0-Q]j. J *nes b r:ro" Georgi a EXPERIENCE .ProviderJ professilna, ilsi:.rei:or1 :n Special Edueaticn * 1 r'*:r'hrgii scircoi. 5 rears 20Li,5-20i4 scli-comarnc<J au:rsl'- s:r ::r cias! lrriascs anei Things. A:"lr.:n. Gcorgra
ilr',-i:er. oi:i:aior i)rciilre frardng busincss. Responsible fcrr supenision of all i9B5 - 1995 comooncrlrs of busrness
i9li0 - 1984 I--fieorsrai nstructor' "IORIZOSS SCIiO{JL. {rlanra"
* Pror idcc proi*s.tional instruetion to students ln the area of Art. English ancl locial Siucii;:,
. Assisted tn curricuium dclclcnment and instrucfi*nal desigu w.hile *rnpl*3ed
*rrh this alicrnative school rvitl: a large p*rcentage of grfl*ti students. i978 - i980 THE IIiCTURE ST'ORI1. Atlama" ficorera C*t-*-r S"'rk esentative
. Suoplied pictures to various remil cutlets tiuring crnplor,ment r';ith tliis eustom lian:e *nd nicture busurcss.
1975 - 19?8 ViliTO} RECREAT]O IIIEPART\,{IhT. Vjnton. Viruima C"l;*'rtA
* Cr:n*eplualizeeJ" d*vcloped"
1:lannea arrd unplementeci rarrous eornnrunlr=.
rciucation Dror:rams.
n Taught children's,,\rt and Potter"r,courses.
r irerfbrmed orher rciated funetious as necessarrr. RF:FERE\CES \1,'i1l h* provirictr ul)olr rcqucs'-