Address **** ******** ****
Telephone / Mobile 503-***-****
E-mail *******.********@*****.***
Nationality Italian
January 2017 - October 2017
(9 months)
C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - National Council of Researches ) / I.B.F.M. (Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare – Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology Institute) University of Catania
/ INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - National Nuclear Physic Institute) - Italy
- Development of the breast cancer and its features
- Radiotherapy
- Development of glioma and its features
- Effects of radiotherapy on cells
- Molecular biology techniques
- Optical microscopy
- In vivo experiments
October 2015 - April 2016
(6 months)
- Wastewater analysis
- Waste analysis
- E.B.I. (Extended Biotic Index)
- Environmental analysis
- Chemical analysis
- Bacteriological and microbiological analysis
November 2013 - January 2015
(1 year and 2 months)
Internship for thesis (Master’s degree)
C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche - National Council of Researches)- I.C.B.(Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare - Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry) - Italy
- T.L.C. ( Thin Layer Chromatography)
- Column chromatography
- E.B.I. (Extended Biotic Index)
- H.P.L.C. (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)
- N.M.R. (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
- Hydrodistillation
- Separation and purification of organic compounds
- Identification of organic compound by chromatographic techniques
- Synthesis of organic molecules
June 2013 - September 2013
(3 months)
I.O.M. (Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo – Mediterranean Institute of Oncology ) - Italy
- Blood and urine analysis
- Blood protein electrophoresis
- Clinic microbiology
- Antibiogram
March 2015 Master's Degree, Molecular and Cellular Biology Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Thesis Title: Anti-biofilmic activity of limonoids and their derivatives October 2012 Bachelor's Degree, Biological Sciences Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Thesis Title: Spermathophore of Insects
April 2013
"Epithelial stem cells and Regenerative medicine” (29th April 2013 - Catania) Professor M. De Luca, centre of regenerative medicine "Stefano Ferrari" University of Modena
June 2013
"Stem cells and neurons for neurologic diseases” Professor Elena Cattaneo, University Of Milan.
Languages Italian
Native language
B2 (IELTS certification)
Other IT Skills
- Excellent skills in the use of Windows
- Good typing skills in Italian (~70 wpm) and English (~55 wpm) languages.
- High proficiency in the use of scientific databases
- Great mastery of office automation packages for desktop (Word, Excel, Power Point) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Pubblications Biological effects induced by ionizing radiation: application of theoretical and experimental models
F. Torrisi1, M. Bulgari1, R. Tringali2, V. Bravatà1-3, L. Minafra1-3, GI. Forte1-3, G. Russo1- 3, P.
Pisciotta1-3, V. Marchese3, GAP.Cirrone3, L. Manti4, FP.Cammarata1-3.
(ETHICS Collaboration)
1) CNR-IBFM, UOS Cefalù (PA), Italy
2) University of Catania - Department of Drug Science, Catania, Italy 3) INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy 4) University of Napoli Federico II – Physics Department- Napoli, Italy First preclinical experiment at LNS - INFN
P.Pisciotta1-2, FP.Cammarata1-2, GI. Forte1-2, V. Bravatà1-2, L. Minafra1-2, V. Marchese1, R.
Tringali3, F. Torrisi2, M. Bulgari2, M. Abate4, V. Zimmitti4, L.Manti5, G. Petringa1, GAP. Cirrone1,
R. Acquaviva3, G.Russo1-2.
(ETHICS Collaboration)
1) INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud,Via S. Sofia 62, 95125 Catania, Italy 2) CNR-IBFM, UOS Cefalù (PA), Italy
3) University of Catania - Department of Drug Science, Catania, Italy. 4) University of Catania – CAPiR, Catania, Italy
5) University of Napoli Federico II – Physics Department- Napoli, Italy Preliminary studies for the Oxygen Enhancement Ratio occur at the CATANA beam line
M. Bulgari1, R. Tringali2, F. Torrisi1, V. Bravatà1-3, L. Minafra1-3, GI. Forte1-3, G.Russo1- 3, P.
Pisciotta1-3, V. Marchese3, G. Petringa3, E. Scifoni4, W. Tinganelli4, GAP Cirrone3, FP. Cammarata1-3
1) CNR-IBFM, UOS Cefalù (PA), Italy
2) University of Catania - Department of Drug Science, Catania, Italy 3) INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy 4) Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications (TIFPA-INFN), Trento, Italy STUDY OF PROTON BEAM RBE ASSESSMENT IN VIVO
R. Tringali1, F. Torrisi2, M. Bulgari2, E. Scifoni3, GI. Forte2-4, G.Russo2-4, P. Pisciotta2- 4, V.
Marchese4, GAP.Cirrone4, G. Petringa4, R. Acquaviva1, M. Abbate5, V. Zimmitti5, R. Parenti6,
(MOVE-IT Collaboration)
1) University of Catania - Department of Drug Science, Catania, Italy. 2) CNR-IBFM, UOS Cefalù (PA)
3) Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications (TIFPA-INFN), Trento, Italy 4) INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy 5) University of Catania – CAPiR, Catania, Italy
6) University of Catania Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Catania, Italy
Volunteering ABIO
ABIO is an association that helps children to overcome the impact with the hospital through gaming, listening and the smile!