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Forklift operator

Pasadena, TX
April 23, 2018

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Jennifer Castaneda


Summary: Reliable W arehouse W orker w ith e xtensive experience o perating r each t ruck, s lip truck, o rder p icker a nd e lectric p allet jack. F orklift . I a lso h ave e xperience i n p icking/packing. I also h ave p roven a bility t o p lan, o rganize a nd l oad t rucks f rom skids t o t rucks f or f ast a nd efficient c ustomer d elivery. Committed t o g etting t he j ob d one a s q uickly, e fficiently, a nd safely a s p ossible.

Highlights* Forklift o peration * Lifting 6 0+ l bs.*Lifting c argo * A ble t o w ork i ndependently *Able to u nload s hipments * Used M icrosoft w ord * 10 k ey * data e ntry * spreadsheet

*Multi-tasker*Comfortable w ith r epetitive m otion. * E xcellent p hysical h ealth*Hard w orking a nd self-motivated * K nowledge o f s afe w arehouse p ractices. Preventative


Kept f orklift o perating b y f ollowing o perating i nstructions, t roubleshooting b reakdowns a nd performing p reventive m aintenance. L oaded f latbed b y f orklift a nd h and t ruck. U sed i tem numbers t o properly s tock w arehouse. C leared d amaged i tems a nd l oaded f reight. Loaded and u nloaded p ieces i nto b oxes f or s hipment. P repared p allets by f ollowing p rescribed stacking a rrangement a nd p roperly t agging p allets. R ecorded n umbers o f u nits h andled a nd moved, u sing d aily p roduction s heets or w ork t ickets. R ead w ork o rders o r r eceived o ral instructions t o d etermine work a ssignments a nd m aterial a nd e quipment n eeds. Experience:

Csr:0 7/2016-07/2017

Valero S tore,Pasadena T exas

Assist c ustomers,handle r egister r estock s helves a nd c ooler. Inventory c lerk: 02/2014-05/2016

Gesco H ouston, T exas

Loaded a nd u nloaded t rucks w ith s it d own f orklift. S hipping a nd r eceiving,ups,fedex,picking and p ulling o rders.Keeping t rack o f a ll i nventory t hat c ame i n a nd w ent o ut. Order P icker: 10/2012-12/2013

OHL, L A P orte, T exas

*Worked o n a r each t ruck p icking o rders f or s hipment t o b e s ent o ut.Loaded t rucks w ith completed o rders t hat w here p icked. H andled s hipping a nd r eceiving f or U PS,Fedex. Order S elector. 1 1/2010-09/2012

McLane, L ubbock T exas

*Used e lectric p allet j ack, a nd p ropane f orklift P repared p allets b y f ollowing p rescribed stacking a rrangement and p roperly t agging p allets. S taged f inal p roducts f or s hipment. Attached i dentifying t ags t o c ontainers

Loader 0 2/2006-10/2010

Houston C hronicle

*Loaded a nd u nloaded f right t rucks w ith e lectric p allet j ack, s it d own f orklift.Shipping a nd Recieving a s w ell a s s hrink w rapping. R eading r outes t hrough m anifest. Education: P asadena h igh

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