Navod P M
Email: n **************@*****.***
Contact N umber: +973-******** ( Bahrain), +91-956******* ( India) Professional O bjective
T o a ccept c hallenges w here I c an e ffectively c ontribute m y s kills a s s oftware p rofessional, processing c ompetent t echnical s kills.
Professional S ummary
- Over 3 .6 y ears o f e xperience o n M icrosoft T echnologies, and 6 m onth a nd a bove e xperience in a ndroid a pplication
- C#, V, . Net v ersion 3 .5 a nd a bove, A jax, J query, J avascript, S QL S erver-2012 a nd above,A ndroid d evelopment.
- Expert i n M VC t echnology.
- Experience o f w orking i n t he c omplete S oftware d evelopment l ife c ycle i nvolving development, d ocumentation, t esting a nd m aintenance.
- Flexible a nd v ersatile t o a dapt t o a ny n ew e nvironment, w ork o n a ny p roject a nd r elocate.
- Worked o n R eporting T ools l ike C rystal R eports.
- knowledge i n H TML.
- Knowledge i n w riting S QL Q ueries u sing M S-SQL S erver a nd S qlite f or a ndroid .
- Good k nowledge o f D atabase M anagement, p rogramming a nd W eb A pplication.
- Good W ork e thics w ith c ommunication a nd i nterpersonal s kills.
- Worked o n I IS-Internet I nformation S ervice, w orked o n d eployment s ection.
- Ability t o w ork w ell i n b oth t eam e nvironment a nd i ndividual e nvironment.
- Worked o n w indows a nd w eb a pplication.
- Worked W indows S ervice.
- Knowledge i n X amarin a nd I onic t echnologies t o d evelop c ross p latform a pplication f or Android,Ios,Windows u sing v isual s tudio 2 017 l atest
- Android A pps D evelopment
- Writing w eb s ervice u sing b oth r est a nd s oap t echnologies f or m obile a pi, w eb a nd windows
- Interest t o s tudy n ew t echnology a nd n ew p latforms Work S ummary
- Currently w orking i n T echno P rosys,Bahrain m ain o ffice a bout 1 .8 y ears.
- Software d eveloper i n K luster T echno S olutions f rom 2 013 f or 2 .5 y ears.
- Worked a s S oftware T rainee i n R iss T echnologies P vt L td,Kozhikode f rom J une-2012 t o December-2012 ( 6 m onths)
- B.Tech f rom C ochin U niversity V adakara.
- Higher S econdary e ducation f rom b oard o f h igher s econdary e ducation K erala, I ndia.
- 10t h f rom b oard o f s econdary e ducation K erala, I ndia. Technical S kills
Microsoft T echnologies : C #.Net,VB.Net, j ava f or a ndroid(Other L anguage). Framework : . Net 4 .0/4.5
Web T echnologies : A sp.Net 4 .5,Ajax,Web S ervices IDE : V isual S tudio 2 017 RDBMS : M S-SQL S erver 2 012 Reporting T ools : C rystal R eports Operating S ystems : W indows-XP/7/8.1 W indows S erver-2003 Web S erver : I IS 7 .5,6.0 Project D etails
Project 1 #
Project : Wholesale m arketing,cms a pplication
Client : wholesaler
Technology : Android j ava t echnology
Role : Developer
This i s a n a ndroid a pplication w hich h elp t he w holesaler t o t ake t heir o rder w ithout u sing notepad. t hey c an d irectly s elect t he s ale o rder a nd e nter i n a ndroid a pplication a nd v iew t heir f ull
d etails a nd t hey c an d irectly c all t he c ustomer t hrough t his a pplication. a nd s ynchronise o ption i s
a lso t here.. s o i t w ill m ake f ast t he a pplication.and t he f ull f ollow u p d etails o f t he c ustomer b y
t heir d ate.
My R esponsibilities:
- Coding
- Design a nd a nalysis o f p roject
- DataBase d esign
- Work o n p rocedures a nd s ql q ueries
Project 2 #
Project : Building M anagement S ystem
Client : Building O wners
Technology : Android j ava t echnology,Ionic,Xamarin Role : Developer
This p roject.this i s a b uilding m anagement p roject h elpful f or b uilding o wners t o c ontrol b uilding facilities b y u sing p hone a nd w eb . some o f t he m ain f unctionalities l ike c omplaint r egistration o n a p roperty b y T enants c an d o i t w ith t heir m obile P hones a nd r aise c omplaint. A nd t he s taff u nder these p roperty o wner c an v iew t heir t asks a nd t hey c an c hange t heir s tatus f rom p hone o nce i t i s
C ompleted. A nd t rack c omplaint f or t enants . f ast a nd e asy m ethod t o r educe r isks. F or a ndroid users c an u se t he a pps a s n ative a pplication f or i os a nd w indows u sers c an u se i onic a nd x amarin App a ss c ross p latform, platform i ndependant . My R esponsibilities:
C oding
- Design a nd a nalysis o f p roject
- DataBase d esign
- Work o n p rocedures a nd s ql q ueries
Project 1 #
Project : Navigate
Client : Saudi G ulf
Technology : Asp.Net M VC 4 .0, C #.Net, S ql S erver 2 012, J Query, A jax, J avascript Role : Developer
IDE : Visual S tudio 2 015
Navigate i s a p roject c onsist o f 5 s oftwares. T he c oncept o f N avigate i s S ingle s ign o n, m eans can m ove t o d ifferent p roject f rom a s ingle s oftware.done w ith n ew m vc a rchitecture. T he p roject it c onsists o f C OMS- T his i s f or f light o peration, C rew m anagement o n a f light w ith d ifferent rules. L ike c rew p airing a nd r ostering. A nd f light s cheduling f or t he f eature a nd f light t racking.the other 4 p rojects a re r elated t o a irport . f light a ccident r eport s ubmitting. R eport s tore o n c loud. Project 2 #
Project : BMS(Building M anagement S ystem)
Client : -
Technology : Asp.Net M VC 4 .0, C #.Net, S ql S erver 2 012, J Query, A jax, Javascript, A ndroid
Role : Developer
IDE : Visual S tudio 2 017,Android S tudio
BMS i s t o h elp b uilding m anagement t hrough w eb/mobile a pplication. I t m ake e asy t he relationship w ith c lient a nd o wner t hrough w eb a nd m obile a pp.Tenant i n a h otel c an r egister their
complaint t hrough t heir p hone.Give f ull s ervice t o t enant t hrough w eb.Customer c an b ook f lat through o nline b y s eeing t heir p ictures a nd f ull d etails. I f t he A pplication i s a pproved c an c reate Contract t hrough o nline. E ach t enant c an s ee f ull d etails h appening o n t heir f lat. L ike i nventory management.
History o f e quipment c omaplned i n t hat f lat a nd a ll.It D igitalize t he P roperty.Accounts r elated with t enants, i nvoices,rent r oll,receive m oney t hrough o nline,cash o r c heque.different f acilities provided t o t enant c an s ee i n g raphical g antt c hart.different t ypes o f r eports.contract w ith t hird parties f or t he m aintenance a nd t enants.Help d esk, task m anagement f or s taffs. Project 3 #
Project : Clinic M anagement S ystem(CMS)
Client : Sharjah I nternational A irport C linic. Technology : Asp.Net 4 .0, C #.Net, S ql S erver 2 005, J Query, A jax, J avascript Role : Developer
IDE : Visual S tudio 2 010
CMS i s a p roject f or c linic m anagement i n S harjah a ir p ort. W hich c ontains t he w hole d etails About t he p atient . H ere f irst m odule i s t he p atient r egistration i t w ill s ave t he w hole d etails o f patient.their h eight w eight B MI c alculation.the o ther m ain t wo m odules a re d octors a nd n urse desk.
Doctor c an v iew t he w hole d etails o f p atient t hat t he n urse e ntered.and t heir p revious m edical history.and s leeping s cale,immunization,medical h istory,audiogram,vaccination d etails o f patience a re c ommon f or t here t wo m odules. A nd d octor c an p rescribe t he c urrent m edicine a fter the c heck u p v ia s ystem. I t c an s hows t o n urse a nd c an s hows t o l ab a ssistant i f t hey w ant a ny check u p o f t he p atient.
My R esponsibilities
- Managing t eam m embers b y a ssigning w orks a nd m onitoring
- Involved i n C oding, D esign a nd T est P hases.
- Research a nd d evelopment
- Analysis o f m any c ustomizations d one.
- Reporting t he s tatus a nd p rogress o f I nterface r elated a ctivities o n r egular b asis t o c lient
- Testing o f v arious c ustomizations.
- Deployment p rocess, c onfigure I IS e tc
Project 4 #
Project : Kamfin
Client : Acefin L ease i nsurance c ompany,calicut Technology : Asp.Net 4 .0, V b.Net, S ql S erver 2 005, J Query, A jax, J avascript Role : Developer
IDE : Visual S tudio 2 010
This i s a n i nsurance b ased p roject f or w ho a re b uying v ehicle f rom a cefinlease. W hich c ontains customer d etails,Branch m aster,Account M aster,Loan d etails,Asset M aster,Financial M aster, a re the m ain m odules. L oan m aster c ontains t he w hole h istory o f t he c ustomer w ho t ake t he l oan. Their e ach m onth l oan d etails,what t he a sset t hey b ought h ow m uch t hey w ant t o r eturn t o c lose the l oan.Have u ser m enu m odule i s t here w hich i s f or g iving p ermission f or t he e mployees b y t he admin. M odules c an o nly s how f or a p articular e mployee c an f ix b y a dmin.Enquiry d etails adding o ption i s a lso t here. A nd E CS d etails w ith l oan n umber a nd d ate w ise v iewable o ption i s also t here.
My R esponsibilities
- Interaction w ith c lient
- Managing t eam m embers b y a ssigning w orks a nd m onitoring
- Involved i n C oding, D esign a nd T est P hases.
- Research a nd d evelopment
- Deployment p rocess, c onfigure I IS e tc.
- Reporting t he s tatus a nd p rogress o f I nterface r elated a ctivities o n r egular b asis t o c lient
- Testing o f v arious c ustomizations.
Project 5 #
Project : Medicart
Client : Online R etailers
Technology : Asp.Net 4 .0, C #.Net, S ql S erver 2 005, J Query, A jax, J avascript Role : Developer
This i s a S ite l ike F lipkart.the r etailer c an d irectly b uy t heir m edical p roduct t hat t hey w ant through o nline w ithout g o t o t he w hole s ailer d irectly. J ust l ike f lipkart t hey c an a dd t heir p roduct into c art a nd a dd t heir a ddress f or t he d elivery. Personal D etails
Name : Navod P M
Father's N ame : Sreenivasan P P
P ermanent A ddress : Vanamali H ouse
P aral P ost, K odiyeri V ia, K annur, K erala, 6 70671. Date o f B irth : 16-12-1990
Sex : Male Email : ***************@*****.***
Phone : +973-******** ( Bahrain), +91-956******* ( India)
M arital S tatus : Single
S kype : navodthalassery
I h ereby d eclare y ou t hat t he a bove m entioned i nformation i s t rue a s f ar m y k nowledge. Place: T halassery Navod P M