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C Mechanical

Greensburg, PA, 15601
April 13, 2018

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John P . M iller I II

**** * ******** * ****

Greensburg, P A 1 5601

Phone: 7-24-446-****

Cell P hone: 4-12-551-****

E-Mail A ddress: j *****@*******.***

Summary: Experienced i n t he M echanical, S tructural a nd C ivil C AD & 3 D design d rafting f ield f or o ver 2 0 y ears w orking w ith m achinery. W ork H istory

10/2013 t o 2 /2016 A lcoa

Lower B urrell, P A 1 5069

2006 t o 1 0/2013 A lcoa ( thru G aletta/System O ne) P osition H eld: T echnical D esigner ( CAD, I nventor 3 D, S olid W orks) Projects:

Building A – A ided i n d esign o f n ew d ryer a ddition. R edesigned b elt v acuum s ystem a nd n ew p latform f or washer t o n ew d ryer.

Building B – 5 P it A rea – A ided i n d esign o f n ew c asting b ox a nd t roughing f or c ylinder o perator c asting b ox and f ixed t roughing. A lso, f irst c asting b ox s lide d esign; p latforms, r ailing a nd s teps t o A lcoa s tandards. Solar P anel S tances D esign – S tances w ere u sed i n t emporary s etup i n B uilding B i n h igh b ay a rea. Building B – 2 P it A rea – A ided i n d esign o f r emovable l adder f rom p it t o A lcoa s tandards. Designed m any d ifferent t ypes o f s afety g uarding f or m achinery – p latform r ailing a nd s teps t o A lcoa standards.

Layout a nd D esign – n ew a ddition f or t ruck s cale. Building B – L ithium – A ided i n d esign o f n ew l ithium v essel a nd l atch d evice d rawn i n 3 D. Building B – 2 8” H ot M ill – A ided i n d esign o f n ew e ntry a nd e xit s ide s tripper p lates. Building C F enn M ill A rea – a ided i n d esign o f:

● Rotating s pindle c arrier

● New s pray h eader w ith a djustment i ndicators ( top a nd b ottom)

● Machining s crew a djustable t ables

● New F enn M ill r oll c hange c art

● New r oll c hanger r ig ( screw j ack d esign) 2006 S NC L AVALIN A MERICA I NC.

Pittsburgh, P A 1 5206

Position H eld: C AD D esigner ( Mechanical/Piping D esigner)

● Training f or M icrostation

● Layout a nd R edesigning a nd r elocating m achinery i n A nnealing l ine John P . M iller I II ( cont’d.) Page 2

2005-2006 S herman I nternational

Greentree, P A 1 5220

P osition H eld: C AD D esigner ( Mechanical a nd P roposal E ngineering)

Downcoiler l ayout a nd d esign, d owncoiler f rame, w rapper r olls, s ide g uides, c oil car a nd s addles, h ydraulic p iping.

6 H i R eversing C old M ill, m ill h ousing p ay-off r eel, t ension r eel a nd d rive b ases

Backup a nd w ork r oll d rives a nd c hocks, c oil c ars a nd s addles

Mill p latform a nd s tairs

2004 - 2 005 CV E ngineering

Pittsburgh, P A 1 5237

Position H eld: C AD D esigner ( Structural a nd C ivil)

● L ayout M ill b uilding a nd C rane s ystems

● B eam d etailing

2003-2005 Service E xperts

G lenshaw, P A 1 5116

Position H eld: H VAC T echnician

Install a nd r epair H VAC e quipment

Complete d iagnostics o f h eating & a ir c onditioning e quipment.

● Install a ll r elated p arts s uch a s p ressure s witches, v entor m otors, g as valves, b lowers a nd e lectrical b oards.

2 002 - 2 003 Danieli C orporation

Cranberry T ownship, P A 1 6066

P osition H eld: C AD D esign D rafter

● Returned t o D anieli t o d o s tructural l ayout a nd d etailing s tructural beams f or t in m ill.

1999-2001 Danieli C orporation

Cranberry T ownship, P A 1 6066

Position H eld: C AD D esign D rafter ( Mechanical, S tructural, a nd C ivil) – Proposal E ngineering D epartment

● Layout a nd d esign o f h ot a nd c old m ills a nd r elated e quipment

● Redesign e xisting m ill h ousings f or h ydraulic r oll f orce c ylinders

● Add b ending a nd b alance c ylinders t o w ork a nd b ackup r oll c hocks

● Redesign e xisting m ills f or b etter c ontrol a nd q uality o f s teel

● Work w ith o utside v endors s uch a s b earing s uppliers a nd m achining companies f or p ricing a nd e ngineering s pecifications John P . M iller I II ( cont’d.) Page 3

1995 - 1999 WHEMCO ( Engineering D ivision)

West H omestead, P A 1 5120

Position H eld: C AD D esign/Detail D rafter ( Mechanical, S tructural, a nd C ivil) – Proposal E ngineering D epartment)

● Mechanical, s tructural, a nd c ivil d rafting, l ayout; d esign a nd d etail support o f r olling m ill e quipment; a lso b ills o f m aterial

● Visit m ill s ites f or m easuring a nd s ketching e xisting e quipment f or possible r econditioning o r f itting f or n ew e quipment

● Upcoilers w ith o utboard b earing s upport i ncluding w rapper r oll d rives and m otor b ases

● Pinch r oll a ssemblies

● Hydraulic p iping f or c ylinder o peration

● Work a nd b ackup r oll c hange e quipment ( hydraulic a nd p orto c ar)

● Hydraulic r oll f orce c ylinder f or f inishing a nd r eversing r oughing m ills

(including h ydraulic p iping)

1986 - 1 995 D anieli U nited ( formerly U nited E ngineering, I nc.) 948 F t. D uquesne B oulevard, P ittsburgh, P A 1 5222 P ositions H eld: CAD D esign D rafter ( 4 y ears) Mechanical D etailer ( 4 y ears)

Blueprint R oom C lerk ( 1 y ear)

● Mechanical d rafting, l ayout, d esign a nd d etail s upport o f r olling m ill equipment

● Drawing c onsisted o f a rrangement a nd m achined d etails, c astings a nd weldments

● Downcoilers – w rapper r olls, d rives a nd d rive b ases

● Coil B ox – c radle r olls, f orming, e ntry/deflector/bending, e tc.

● Pinch r olls a nd d rives

● Motor a nd d rive b ases

● Table r olls, b earing b locks a nd d rives

● Work a nd b ackup r oll c hange e quipment

● Tension a nd p ayoff r eels

● Adjustable s ideguards, e ntry a nd d elivery t ables E ducation

Hempfield S enior H igh S chool G raduate

G reensburg, P A

C entral W estmoreland A rea T echnical S chool Youngwood, P A

CAD D rafting I a nd I I ( AutoCAD) – C ertificate C omputer R esearch, I nc.

Pittsburgh, P A

AutoCAD 1 1 – C ertificate

John P . M iller I II ( cont’d.) Page 4

E ducation ( continued)

C omputer R esearch, I nc.

Pittsburgh, A utoCAD 1 3 – C ertificate

2 002- 2 003 Westmoreland C ounty C ommunity C ollege Youngwood, P A

Refrigerant T ransition a nd R ecovery C ertification Refrigerant & A ir C onditioning T echnology

Electricity a nd W iring D iagrams f or H VAC/R C ontrols

R efrigerant T ransition a nd R ecovery

● H eating a nd C ooling F undamentals

● E lectricity a nd W iring D iagrams f or H VAC/R C ontrols

● A ir C onditioning 1

● A ir C onditioning 2

● H eat P umps a nd C ontrols

● S heet M etal a nd D uct D esign

● H ydronics

● P sychrometrics a nd H eat L oad E st. C omputers/Software K nowledge

● AutoCAD R elease 1 0, 1 1, 1 3, 14, 2 004 t hru 2 012

● Inventor 2 008 t hru 2 012

● Microsoft W ord, E xcel

● Setup, l oading a nd u nloading o f v arious s oftware S kills, Q ualifications a nd A chievements

● Plumbing ( residential) i ncl. g as l ine i nstallation

● Electrical w iring ( residential)

● Building/Carpentry

● Fork l ift o perator

● High l ift o perator

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