Kemigisha Miria Trust Maka
Curriculum Vitae
Career Objective:
To have a positive impact at every stage of service through dedication, commitment, and sharing knowledge, skills and experience in community empowerment, Advocacy, promotion and protection of human rights. Area of expertise
Program design, Long term development programme management, value chain analysis, Grants management, Public Private Partnership, Project financing modalities, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Emergency response programming, Institutional and community capacity building, child protection and education programing. SUMMARY OF MY CAREER
I have experience of 8 years working with International humanitarian agencies (World Vision Uganda ), and 5 years of which, at management level. I have offered leadership to a big and complex team of over 21 staff and I provided guidance and management function to World Vision Uganda start- up and ongoing programs and Projects in the area of operation assigned.
I have had hands on direct leadership in the project Assessment and Design of 7 out of the 19 programs that were under my leadership while working with World Vision Uganda. I also have a wealth of experience in building partnerships and strengthening local partner capacities through sub granting and direct funding and hands on support to local institutions
I have facilitated baseline surveys, program and project evaluations. These experiences have expanded my knowledge and ability to make use of research and surveys to inform the decision making processes and actions to promote community sustainable growth and development. I have worked in various ethnic and cultural back grounds.
This has built my ability to work in any setting and professional background and I do possess experience in managing multi sectored interventions in the sectors of food security/ livelihoods, health and HIV/AIDS, WASH, disaster management, advocacy, education and up scaling the child protection initiatives through a wide range of partnerships and coalitions within the legal frame work of the country policies. Education Background
1. Bachelor of Public Administration and Management Honors –Mountains of the Moon University 2009. 2. Masters in Management Studies Business (MS) Uganda Management Institute 2014 3. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management- Uganda Management Institute 2012 Employment Record/Work Experience
1. Programme Manager – World Vision Uganda; October 2016 – To date. 2. Community and Development Facilitator- World Vision Uganda – October 2013- March 2015 3. Child Sponsorship Coordinator- World Vision Uganda October 2011-September 2012 Representation & Networking:
I have represented WV Uganda at Donor meetings, been part and parcel of the joint agency assessments in child protection and education clusters in emergency, nutrition and health and also been part of the task forces in food and livelihood security.
In Uganda I maintained strong and effective relationships and networks with programming partners like local NGOs through sub granting part of the strategy deliverables.
Together with partners, collaborated in Implementing DFID Programme Supporting Public Sector Work places to Expand Action and Responses against HIVAIDS coordinating with 2 Districts.
Represent World Vision by participating in stakeholder inter-NGO Coordination meetings such as interagency coordination with UNDP for WTO project for cross border women on livelihood security, UNICEF on children’s rights for presentation of memorandum to Uganda’s parliament, Kemigisha Miria Trust Maka
I created a District coalition called justice forum of key stake holders to address issues of child protection in higher local governments in Uganda. This has been replicated by other local governments and agencies country wide.
Liaised with Country programme managers of WV Australia, and WV USA and WV UK by preparing itinerary and programmes for their visits and moving alongside them and meeting National Director.
Legal and Policy Influencing; Successfully coordinated Civil Society Organizations’ engagement to lobby for the inclusion of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) in Kiboga and Kyankwanzi Districts in Uganda and the eventual development of the resolution on Maternal Child Health. Supported a District wide coalition in Kiboga and supported the development of an Ordinance on promotion of Girl Child Education by-laws on child labour in Buliisa district and by-laws on school feeding. This culminated into the prayer breakfast with members of parliament for a resolution into increase of the national health budget by 2%. Guided Area Development Programs technically to mainstream child participation in programs and DIPs, Log frames, mainstreaming child participation in LEAP. This has also involved coordination of child participation activities.
Initiated and piloted Global Centre Urban Programme (Australia Support Program) in Uganda Nakasongola IPM site designing the programme and fundraising that attracted $2M for child rights and youth programmes.
Established Networks with Central and Local Government, CSOs, and Institutions of learning for urban programming and attracted initial funding for kick-starting the urban project. Strategic Leadership:
o I have offered leadership in the development of a results-based accountability system in our programs at country level addressing where we are, what do we have to work with? Where do we want to be? And how do we get there? In WV Sudan I developed sector strategies for 5 sectors and compiled the country strategy 2016-20 and helped in monitoring of strategies and plans for the operations and programs in line with WV Sudan overall strategic plan. o In 2011 participated in the preparation of WV Uganda country strategy using global and EARO regional office requirements.
o I Provided leadership support and coordination to field operation teams in World Vision Uganda and World Vision Sudan in areas of operation. This was done in an efficient and cost effective way meeting goals and objectives of WV and community partners. This was done right from assessment in communities to National level with hands on operation. o I single handedly and as a team carried out from assessment of 9 programs and un accountable projects at micro to country level in ensuring the integration of all programs and projects creating situation of a holistic approach to transformational development in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the work of WV communities. I utilized the 5 domains of change, DPA and LEAP in programming and am well versed with all of them. Monitoring for effective Implementation:
From development of projects and Implementation of activities, I designed projects, put in place a plan of action and Detailed Implementation Plan through putting quality monitoring system in place through activity and output monitoring using monthly activity reports and quarterly output monitoring and semi/annual reporting.
I have carried out Management and regular review of all operations budgets on monthly quarterly and annual basis of project and programme expenditures and accomplishment of Ministry objectives. In this decisions were made on catch up programs for projects that were behind schedule for a reason or another.
I have reported and supported teams to provide Programs/projects reports as required by internal and external stakeholders using LEAP formats and review tools and completing donor reports according to their formats like OFDA, AUSOAID, DFATD, and UNICEF.
I have Provided information on community needs to donor relationship managers, donors and other stakeholders beginning from project briefs, brochures, MSC booklets, output monitoring and country annual child wellbeing reports to support offices and shared with state governments in Sudan and lower and higher local governments.
Kemigisha Miria Trust Maka
I have at all levels built cooperation, team spirit, and provided supportive and learning environment in collaboration with all other departments at work places. This has been through implementing team building events at all levels, built resources centers and created reflection moments for staff, worked with P and C on rewards for staff.
I have carried out implementation of programs and projects operations activities and processes in sync and compliance with all relevant sections of the Field Financial Manual. ensuring all necessary approval levels are followed,
I have ensured green acceptable audit rating for all the projects/programmes and provided appropriate responses on all audit reports and findings. This was possible through following guidelines and policies in all areas such as P $C on staffing and their documentation, employing staff who are suitable to work with children through back ground checks,DME, Sponsorship KPIs management, inventory and asset management among others ensuring are followed and upheld. Worked with audit teams to distribute reports to programmes/projects managers for timely implementation of the recommendations of the reports and providing feedback timely.
Spear headed the production of several hand books with stakeholders in skill full parenting funded by WV/USA and child protection hand book for Districts funded by WV/Ireland, success stories for impact on food security and Nutrition by W V Australia
Programme Management & Capacity Building:
Provide effective supervision to the Area Managers and support & mentor them for their work, including supporting them to build relationships with donor facing staff.
I have participated in the recruitment, selection and development of operations and technical staff from area program level to technical specialists at country level.
I helped area and project managers to meet high standards of grant management and in compliance with all donors’ requirements. With the assistance of an excellent tool I followed my staff to accomplish tasks sequenced schedules for reflection on their projects.
Ensure that the communications and representation of WV Area Offices and Operations staff is of the highest quality and transparency.
I set up review team and timelines for staff to do quality of programs and appropriate reporting to donors. This has been carried out following WVI policies, LEAP and donor requirements. WVI LEAP has provided rich resources which I have used with my team of highly performing technical specialists in M and E
I am a Trainer of Trainers (TOT) in livelihood/Food security. I have a wealth of adult learning skills, participatory learning and action skills and facilitation skills. I have successfully organized, coordinated, facilitated in; project design using LEAP, Food security and .Child Protection.
I have contributed to research; capacity building and networking of staff and partners to development of key documentaries strengthening our advocacy work in the Districts. These processes involved supporting them in developing work plans, constitutional development and organizing trainings to enhance their capacity in advocacy, management and development programming.
Community Empowerment: I have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in planning and managing community-based programmes as well as enhancing community participation for transformational development. I have been directly involved in facilitating and managing community-based development programmes in Uganda for more than 5 years. I have a passion for working with communities and strength in facilitating them to analyse own situations; design/plan; implement; monitor and evaluate own development initiatives. I am proficient in applying a cross section of Participatory Learning and Action tools to facilitate communities develop Community Action Plans and employing the Logical Framework Approach in project design.
Strategic Thinking and Alignment:
I have ensured that all annual operation plans, Design documents, concept notes and proposals are designed with a link to country strategy. Logical frame works, cash flows, detailed implementation plans are in sync with country strategy. I have worked with field teams to ensure that Managers clearly understand strategic objectives for operations. I have got the country strategy and split it into understandable concepts for project staff and ensured that all people are working for projects and programs deliver each according to strategy.
Kemigisha Miria Trust Maka
In the matters of having one operation one organisation and saving costs I have implemented integration of all projects and programmes bringing a true holistic approach to development. Very critically this has been at project, program and Country level across HEA and Sponsorship using the same staff and resources and equipment to deliver the country strategy.
At all stages of programming effectiveness I and my teams have worked towards contributing to the wellbeing of children within communities, families especially the most vulnerable, worked effectively with partners, equipping all staff especially local level staff and taking into consideration the basic parameters. I have utilized the compendium of indicators starting from project, program and country level ensuring alignment with country strategy & sectoral strategy, integration and alignment with WV Global framework/initiatives for instance CWBO, H&N approach, IPM DPA and measuring global targets locally.
I have ensured that reflections are done quarterly to bring about creativeness and innovativeness into the projects/programme have allowed both internal and external initiatives from GC and accepted to be a pilot with consent of the senior leadership.
I have participated with cluster, project and program teams in encouraging the full and appropriate expression of World Visions Christian identity. I have through the 8 years Participated in and lead devotional meetings, weekly chapel, annual staff retreat, annual Day of Prayer events. Worked with chapel committees to make rosters, invited key note speakers to nurture staff in the fear and admonition of the Lord in a sequenced schedule.
Fund raising
I have experience in organization wide resource acquisition, management and have participated in program proposal process and I ensure that all programs progress in accordance with grant agreements are completed within time and on budget
I have participated with a team to compete for grants ranging from 268,000 US$ to 10,000,000 USD and worked jointly with other sector heads to deliver a five million dollar ECHO grant in livelihood security in a recently awarded proposal for Blue Nile state.
I have experience with the following agencies whom I have obtained funding from AUSOAID,IRISH AID,OFDA, DFATD and concept notes to various support offices like WVUSA,WVUK and WV Australia. I have managed integrated programs in Uganda hosting a cluster of area development programs with 6 managers a budget portfolio between 3.3to 5 million US$ per year for five years.
I reviewed all other proposal in the country program to ensure Peace building, Gender and child protection are main streamed in the other sectors like WASH Food Security and Livelihood and Health and Nutrition and worked with the PDQA Director to ensure design documents for World Vision’s partnership and major donors are prepared and submitted.
Worked with Health sector specialists to develop a two million five hundred thousand dollar project to assist government fight malaria in Uganda funded by private non sponsorship funds from World Vision US.
Worked on an uplift project of 2,000,000 US$ on an urban program in the slums of Kampala to solve the livelihood problems of jobless youths focusing on girls who have dropped out of school which has been funded by Australia Aid that is the center of expertise on urban programming.
With the National Office DRR specialist, we have developed a new climate change proposal and funding was obtained for a 300,000 $ Project from ECHO for 12 months drumming up support for adaptation by the leadership of government on strategies to be implemented. This has now led to acquisition of the Africa climate change initiative of a 300,000 dollar project on use of traditional and modern methods in forecast of weather from SIDA Canada.
Kemigisha Miria Trust Maka
Professional Trainings courses
Dates Details of courses
August 2015 Training in public speaking organized by Public speaking Uganda July 2014 Staff safety and security Online Training August 2013 Participated in the leadership development program, Facilitated by Coach Africa.
2010 Participated in the Bullet Proof Managers training. August 2012 Attended Course on Advanced poverty Impact Evaluation organized by centre for Socio- Economic Research and Training
November 2005 Participated in Organizational Development (OCB) training facilitated by Centre for Peace and Research, Capacity building Program May 2014 Participated in Design Monitoring and Evaluation training organized by World Vision Uganda
Trainer of Trainers (ToT) for Community Care Coalition model and Hope initiative
Participatory Planning Monitoring and Evaluation ( 2012) by WV Uganda:
Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) (2012) by WV-Uganda .
Sustainable Agriculture training by National NGO Forum(20011)Uganda
HEA Programme officer capacity building by Global Centre Rapid Response Team 2012 Kampala Uganda
Partnership and Learning (Nairobi, Kenya by World Vision East African Region.
Foundation Course for Financial Community Based Organizations (FCBOs) (2013) Organized by Private Sector Development and Consultancy Centre (PRICON),Fort portal.
Special Assignment Worked
Managed Uganda’s center of learning on nutrition infant child feeding and partnerships engagement.2013/2014
1.Kadobera Moses
Senior Programmes Manager
World Vision Uganda.
P.O Box 5319,Kampala
2. Humphry Rwabugahya
Democratic Governance Facility, 1st
Floor East African Development
Bank Building,
Plot 4 Nile Avenue,
P.O BOX 8772.
Email: ***********@*****.***
3 Rhoda Nyakato
Child Protection Manager
Plan International Ethiopia
Gambella Emergency Response