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Project Manager Scientist, Electrochemistry

Glastonbury, CT
April 10, 2018

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Wayne Gellett, Ph.D.

** ***** *****, *** * 636-***-****

Glastonbury, CT 06033 ********@*******.***

Highly motivated, goal orientated professional seeking leadership position with a company focused on electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. Dr. Gellett has 14 successful years as principal investigator with progressive experience in electrochemical energy devices, electrochemical double layer capacitors, fuel cell balance of plant, and fundamental research in catalysts and catalyst layer development for biofuel cell, hydrogen/oxygen PEM, direct alcohol fuel cell, and alkaline fuel cell power supplies. In addition to electrochemical energy storage and conversion system development, Dr. Gellett has 10 years of experience with developing and scaling CO2 capture technologies, nitrate remediation, and low temperature ammonia generation using electrochemical and enzymatic approaches in projects funded by NASA, DOD, USDA, private equity, and DOE. Self-motivated with the demonstrated ability to develop and implement a research program through project management, attracting and retaining key scientific and engineering personal, and generating successful proposals for funding and generating new intellectual property.


• PEM fuel cells and fuel cell components

• Electrochemical energy production and storage devices

• Material synthesis and design

• Electrochemical based sensors

• CO2 gas separation technologies

• Environmental electrochemical remediation systems for nitrate and carbon dioxide contaminates

• Electrochemical generation systems for low temperature ammonia generation

• Analytical characterization of materials for electrochemical energy production and storage devices PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

2015 – 2018 Principal Engineer, Proton OnSite, Wallingford, CT

• Principal Engineer serving as a PI in new electrochemical technology projects o DOD Navy SBIR Phase I & II program for submarine cabin air purification system utilizing a newly developed electrochemical carbon dioxide membrane electrode assembly system for low concentration gas separations

o DOE Phase I and II program for nitrate remediation in ground water supplies utilizing newly developed microbial biofuel cell technology

o USDA Phase II program for low temperature electrochemical ammonia generation using intermittent renewable energy sources

o DOE AMO Phase I SBIR for peptide based electrochemical ammonia generation o NSF Phase II SBIR program for Hydrogen Bromine Electrolysis for Highly Efficient Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage and High Value Chemical Applications

Electrochemical support for flow battery system development

Led commercialization efforts including commercialization plan development and identifying commercial applications

• Supported the electrochemical efforts of Proton OnSite’s research and development programs for high pressure electrolyzer systems

o Catalyst and microporous layer development for improved electrolyzer performances for hydrogen generation

o Improved stack and membrane electrode assembly component resistance to oxidation and hydrogen crossover in high differential pressure electrolyzer systems 2011 – 2015 Senior Research Scientist, Energy Storage Development, eSionic Corp., Menlo Park, CA

• Developed and tested ionic liquid electrolytes for use in electrochemical double layer capacitors

(EDLC) and battery applications

o Successfully developed electrolyte systems that enabled high temperature (70 C) and voltage (3.0V) EDLC applications

o Tested and evaluated successful electrolyte systems in industry leading customers commercial EDLC devices (700 to 3000F)

• Lead the design and synthesis efforts for novel ionic liquids for electrochemical applications o Developed a library of over 50 electrolyte systems that could be tailored to customer devices and chemistries

• Performed electrochemical and physical property evaluation of ionic liquids and electrolyte systems

o Cyclic voltammetry, conductivity, viscosity, electrode/electrolyte interface compatibility, and purification qualification

• Principle investigator and project manager for CO2 gas separation technologies o Phase I and Phase II proposals, $600K, awarded by NASA NIAC and Game Changing Development (GCD) for the development of a solid state air purification system to purify cabin air aboard the International Space Station

o Reduced power requirements, size, and weight by 75% over current air purification system currently used

2006-2011 Akermin, Inc., Saint Louis, MO

2008-2011 Director, Chemical Systems

• Responsible for building and training a multi-discipline, cross functional team consisting of chemists, biochemists, biologists, and chemical, mechanical, and electrical engineers for fuel cell and CO2 capture R&D programs

• Principle investigator and project manager for fuel cell development programs o 3 phase, $2.6 MM, multi-year Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) program to develop fuel cell systems for unattended ground sensor power supplies o 2 phase, $1.5 MM, multi-year program to develop a BA5390 battery replacement for military applications using a direct alcohol, anion fuel cell system o National Science Foundation (NSF) SBIR Phase I program, $100k, focusing on bioanode catalyst development for coin-sized fuel cell power supply o Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) STTR Phase I and Phase II program,

$250k, focusing engineered catalyst support for improved oxygen reduction reaction

• Responsible for developing custom fuel cell system applications for military and domestic/international commercial customers

• Managed the revenue/expense budget for the chemical and engineering groups on all new and existing fuel cell projects

• Directed polymer R&D efforts for fuel cell and carbon capture programs

• Led initial proof of concept engineering efforts for CO2 capture systems using enzymes

• Organized the relocation of R&D facilities and research efforts to new location, with minimal impact to ongoing R&D efforts

2006-2008 Senior Scientist

• Created and implemented an initial R&D program for a new start-up biotechnology company with successful results

• Tasked with successfully promoting team growth and reaching aggressive R&D targets

• Principle investigator responsible for designing micro-fuel cell systems that utilize enzyme catalysts for anode and cathode electrodes

• Accountable for project fund raising through proposal preparation

• Created intellectual property through invention disclosures and working with IP attorneys for the development of patent applications

• Responsible for reporting of R&D activities to military program managers 2004-2006 Research Scientist, Lynntech, Inc., College Station, TX.

• Principle investigator for multiple energy conversion projects, including proposal preparation o Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC), direct formic acid fuel cells, biofuel cells, and high temperature/high pressure electrolyzers

o Catalyst development for hydrogen generation systems using chemical hydride and borazane as hydrogen sources

• Co-developer of fuel cell systems for soldier power and hydrogen generation

• Development of multi-kilowatt fuel cell and electrolyzer for NASA use in high altitude airships o Material optimization for corrosion resistance and pressure differential operation

• Developed precious metal catalyst recycling program that resulted in savings to the company in excess of $20,000

• Refined fuel cell component electroplating process that resulted in substantial savings in time and cost

2001-2004 Research Assistant, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

• Research focus on physical electrochemistry of transitional metal complexes, carbon monoxide tolerant fuel cell catalysts, and Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA) capable of low humidity operation

• Managed the University R&D component of 3 Phase I and 2 Phase II programs for carbon monoxide tolerant fuel cell catalysts

o Proposal preparation, material development, and reporting 1999-2001 Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

• Responsible for lab setup, instruction, and report grading for physical chemistry and instrumental analysis undergraduate labs

• Discussion group leader for undergraduate general chemistry courses EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND

Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, University of Iowa, 2004 Thesis: Magnetic Microparticles on Electrodes: Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Carbon Monoxide Oxidation, and Transition Metal Complex Electrochemistry Thesis Advisor: Dr. Johna Leddy

B.A., Chemistry, Northwestern College, 1999


American Chemical Society

Electrochemical Society


1. US 8,907,133, Gellett, W., Rupert, B., Irwin, L., Beer, L., Worlikar, S., and Shi, S., “Electrolyte compositions and electrochemical double layer capacitors formed there from”, Dec. 9, 2014 2. US 8,227,134, Leddy, J., Gellett, W.L., and Dunwoody, D.C., “Self-Hydrating Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Fuel Cells”, Jul. 24 2012 3. US 8,178,332, Gellett, W.L., Bucholz, T.L., Zvosec, R.T., Schumacher, J., Clayton, R.A., and Shirtum, R.P., “Process for Accelerated Capture of Carbon Dioxide”, May 15, 2012 4. US 7,998,714, Gellett, W.L., Bucholz, T.L., Zvosec, R.T., Schumacher, J., Clayton, R.A., and Shirtum, R.P., “Process for Accelerated Capture of Carbon Dioxide”, Aug. 16, 2011 5. US 7,842,178 B2, Leddy, J., Wolf, A., Dunwoody, D., Gellett, W., and Unlu, M., “Magnet Incorporated Electrically Conductive Electrodes”, Nov. 30, 2010 6. US 7,585,543, Leddy, J., Minteer, S., and Gellett, W., “Magnetic Materials and Metallic Particles and Methods of Making Same”, Sep. 8, 2009


1. Gellett, W., Knoche, K., Rathuwadu, N., and Leddy, J. “Electron Hopping of Tris(2,2’-bipyridyl) Transition Metal Complexes M(bpy)3

2/3 in Nafion”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2016 163 (7) H588-H597

2. Knoche, K., Renner, J., Gellett, W., Ayers, K., and Minteer, S. “A Self Sufficient Nitrate Groundwater Remediation System: Geobacter Sulfurreducens Microbial Fuel Cell Fed By Hydrogen from a Water Electrolyzer”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2016 163 (7) F651-F656

3. Gellett, W., Kesmez, M., Schumacher, J., Akers, N., and Minteer, S. “Biofuel Cells for Portable Power”, Electroanalysis, 2010, 22, No. 7-8, pg. 727-731. 4. Gellett, W., Schumacher, J., Kesmez, M., Le, D., and Minteer, S. “High Current Density Air- Breathing Laccase Biocathode”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157, Issue 4, pg. B557-B562.

5. Gellett, W., Busekrus, D., Le, D., Schumacher, J., Trentmann, D., “High Energy Biofuel Cell for Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS)”, Proceedings of the 44th Power Sources Conference, June 2010 pg. 553-556

6. Dunwoody, D.C., Unlu, M., Wolf, M.K., Gellett, W.L., and Leddy, J., “Magnet Incorporated Carbon Electrode: Methods for Construction and Demonstration of Increase Electrochemical Flux,” Electroanalysis, 2005, 17, No. 15-16, pg 1487-1494. 7. Dunwoody, D.C., Wolf, A.K., Gellett, W.L., and Leddy, J., “Magnetically Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes: Methods for Construction and Demonstration of Increased Electrochemical Flux over Unmodified Carbon Paste Electrodes,” in Electrode Processes VII ECS Proceedings, edited by V. I. Birss, et al., PV 2004-18, pg 181, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJ, 2004.

8. Gellett, W.L., Dunwoody, D.C., and Leddy, J., “Self-Hydrating Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells,” in 41st Power Sources Proceedings, 2004, p.25. 9. Dunwoody, D.C., Gellett, W.L., Chung, H., and Leddy, J., ”Magnetic Modification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells for Improved Carbon Monoxide Tolerance,” in 40th Power Sources Proceedings, 2002, p. 262-265


1. Gellett, W., Busekrus, D., Le, D., Schumacher, J., Trentmann, D., “High Energy Biofuel Cell for Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS)”, 44th Power Sources Conference, Las Vegas, June 2010 2. Akers, N., Gellett, W., Schumacher, J., Le, D., Patterson, W., and Atanassov, P., “Engineered Bio- Nano Materials for Improved Biofuel Cell Electrodes”, 217th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Vancouver, April 2010

3. Gellett, W., “Stabilized Oxygen Reducing Enzyme Systems for Fuel Cell Applications” ACS Awards Symposium – St. Louis Section, April 2008, Invited Speaker. 4. Teodorescu, S., Gellett, W., Kesmez, M., and Schumacher, J., “Development of an Enzymatic Biofuel Cell Stack” 209th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, October 2006. 5. Gellett, W., and Leddy, J., “Self-Hydrating Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells,”, 41st Power Sources Conference, Philadelphia, June 2004

6. Gellett W., and Leddy, J., “Magnetic Field Effects on the Performance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Systems”, American Chemical Society Meeting, Anaheim, March 2004 7. Gellett W., and Leddy, J., “Spectroelectrochemical Study of Magnetic Field Effects on the Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide,” Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, March 2004 8. Gellett W., and Leddy, J., “Self-Hydrating Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Fuel Cells”, 204th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Orlando, October 2003. 9. Gellett W., Bahramahi, K., Minteer, S.D., and Leddy, J., “Facilitation of CO Oxidation on Pt Impact of Magnetic Fields”, 204th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, October 2003.

10. Gellett W., and Leddy, J., “Magnetic Field Effects on Carbon Monoxide Oxidation”, 202nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT October 2002

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