Sherry R ouse
**** * ******* * *. # *b B rooklyn, N Y 1 1210
Professional E xperience
*Nielsen, N ew Y ork, N Y 1/2016-present
Executive A ssistant/Project P lanner, N ielsen M arketing C loud ( DMP)
*Direct S upport t o C hief T echnology O fficer & G BS T eam, N ielsen M arketing C loud o General A dministrative s upport f or C TO ( calendar m anagement,extensive t ravel c oordination ( domestic & international, e xpense r eporting, e tc.)
o Minute-keeping f or v arious w eekly m anagement m eetings o Quarterly t own h all m eeting p lanning
o Procurement r econciling f or i nfrastructure t eam o Budget t racking f or a ll t ech t eams u nder C TO o On/Off-boarding o f p ersonnel
o Planning v arious t eam-building e vents & g roup o utings o Liaison b etween o ther t eams ( Commercial, M arketing, T raining, P roduct M anagement, e tc.) a nd T ech T eam o Lead v arious p rojects a s n eeded f or t eams i n T ech
*MetLife, N ew Y ork, N Y 10/12-1/2016
Communications C oordinator
*Direct S upport t o C hief C ommunications O fficer & G lobal C ommunications T eam o Full a dministrative s upport f or C CO ( travel p lanning, e xpense r eporting, e tc.) o Logistical p lanning a nd e xecution o f d epartment p rojects ( contract r esolution, c ost m anagement & a pproval, t imeline creation a nd p roject p lanning, r esource s couting & s ite v isits) o Department b udget t racking a nd r econciliation ( vendor m anagement, i nvoice & e xpense & t raining c ost t racking, e tc.) o Planned & m anaged g roup t own h all m eetings o Timeline c reation a nd p roject m anagement f or v arious i nternal & e xternal c ommunications o Created & m aintained o rganizational c harts a s n eeded f or d epartment ( domestic a nd i nternational) o Creation a nd e diting o f d epartment m emos & p resentation d ecks o Coordination o f d evelopmental m eetings & t raining f or d irect r eports
*Mylan, N ew Y ork, N Y 06/08-09/12
Executive A dministrator/ P roject P lanner
*Direct S upport t o T reasurer o f G lobal G eneric P harmaceutical C ompany & T reasury D epartment i n N YC & P ittsburgh o Coordinated d epartmental c onferences i n U .S. & i nternationally o Organized l arge-scale a nnual b ank m eetings ( location s couting, s ite v isits, c ontract n egotiation & a pproval, e tc.) o Managed q uarterly e arnings c all m eetings ( timing, e xecution a nd s ynchronization o f v arious i nternational o ffices) o Processed e xpense r eports f or d epartment u tilizing p rocurement p rograms o Created a nd m aintained d epartment a nnual b udget. o Processed v arious w eekly & m onthly B loomberg r eports o Created v arious p resentations f or d epartment a nd i nterdepartmental m eetings o Negotiated s atellite o ffice s ub-lease
*Keryx B iopharmaceuticals, N ew Y ork, N Y 04/07-04/08 Executive A ssistant t o C EO
*Direct S upport f or C EO, C FO a nd F inance T eam o Negotiated c ontracts f or t emp. s taff ( contract c reation a nd a pproval, o n-boarding) o Liaison b etween e xecutive m anagement a nd B oard o f D irectors o Implemented a nd m aintained p urchase o rder s ystem o Managed d ocument l ibrary & d igital d atabases f or F inance D epartment o Processed e xpense r eports f or C EO & C FO o Coordinated c ompany e vents ( holiday p arties, c ompany-wide t rainings, e tc.)
*Forest L aboratories, N ew Y ork, N Y 2/03- 0 3-07 Communications C oordinator- H uman R esources
*Handled C omms C oordination f or l arge U S t eam o Set u p r ecruitment s earches a s w ell a s c oordinated i nterviews f or p rospective c andidates. o Researched a nd d isseminated i nformation r egarding h ealth i nsurance & b enefits f or e mployees o Coordinated t he p ublication a nd d istribution o f a ll e mployee-specific p ublications. ( benefits m aterials, e tc.) o Contributed w ritten p ieces t o m onthly e mployee n ewsletter o Project M anager o n v arious l arge-scale s ales f orce p ieces ( forecasted b udget, c reated m ilestone t imeline, e tc.) o Organized v arious e mployee e vents ( health f airs, b enefits e nrollment, 4 01k s eminars, e tc.).
*Rubenstein A ssociates, N ew Y ork, N Y 0 4/02-01/03
P R A ssistant/PR C oordinator
*Provided P R c oordination s upport f or E xecutive V ice P resident o f R eal E state P ublic R elations o Calendar m anagement & v arious a dministrative d uties f or E VP o Liaised w ith c lients a s w ell a s p ress ( media r eporters, w riters, p hotographers, e tc.) t o p rovide c lient/event i nformation o Tracked c overage f or n ational p lacements a nd p repared w eekly r eports o n c overage o Maintained m edia l ibrary a nd a ll a rchived m aterials. S et u p a rchive s chedules o Maintained P R c alendar
o Coordinated v arious c lient e vents ( press c onferences, p ress j unkets, r eleases, e tc.) o Wrote p ress m aterials ( press r eleases, p hoto c aptions, b y-lines)
*Ogilvy & M ather, N ew Y ork, N Y 0 2/00-01/02
P roject M anager- I nteractive M edia
* Managed m id-level a nd l arge p roject t o i nclude: S, N YT, K, J aguar ( NY A uto S how k iosks) o Scope o f w ork d efinition ( deliverables/cost & s chedule). o Budget p lanning, a llocation a nd m anagement. o Aided i n t he t echnical & f unctional d esign o f s ite b uilds. o Ensured t he c reative d evelopment a nd f easibility o f a ll f inished p roducts. o Managed a t eam o f 6 i n v arious i nteractive m edia b uilds. Education
Temple U niversity; P hiladelphia, P A
United S tates A ir F orce S chool o f A erospace M edicine, S an A ntonio, T X Skills
Google S uite ( docs, s heets, s lides, f orms, d rawings e tc S AP, C oncur, S isense, M S P latform Interests/Organizations
Volunteer w ith B ig B rothers B ig S isters o f N Y Volunteer w ith t he Y oung W omen’s L eadership S chool, B ronx N Y