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Administration. Logistics

United States
January 11, 2018

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Shari W illiamson


**** * ******** * ** W estlake, L A 7 0669


Job O bjective

Obtain a position offering the opportunity for ingenuity, growth, and success. Energetic and reliable Office Manager that is skilled at working with diverse group of people. Strong organized communication, and relationship-building skills. Eager to bring strong administrative skills to a growing company i n n eed o f s upport b oth a dministrative a nd c lerical s upport. Work Experience

Admin - D ocument C ontrol, A ugust 2 017 t o O ctober 2 017 CB&I

OFFICE M ANAGER, J anuary 2 015 t o P resent


● Issuing P urchase O rders.

● Prioritized a nd h andle m ultiple t asks w hile m eeting d eadlines.

● Strong k nowledge o f a ll I .T p ackages ( Microsoft W ord, E xcel, e tc.).

● Collating t imesheets, c alculating h ours a nd p roducing i nformation t o f orward t o p ayroll.

● Ensuring o ffice e xpenditure i s m aintained w ithin b udget l evels.

● The a bility t o p lan, a nticipate a nd r eact p ositively.

● Ability t o c ommunicate e ffectively a t a ll l evels.

● Ensuring t hat p roper o ffice e vacuation p rocedures a re i n p lace i n c ase o f a n e mergency s ituation.

● Writing u p s imple i nstructions, s hort c orrespondence, a nd m emos.

● Providing r eports a s r equired o n t ime.

● Monitor d aily E DI a nd f ax o rders t o i nsure a ll o rders w ere r eceived a nd p rocessed b y v endors. E nsure t hat a ll v endors a re s ending R eceipt C onfirmations for a ll o rders, i ncluding c redit c ard p urchases.

● Resolve p rice d iscrepancies w ith A ccounts P ayable.

● Resolve a ny p roblems w ith b ack o rders, s hortages, r elease d ates, a nd r eturns.

● Keep p ricing a nd p roduct n umber i nformation a ccurate i n t he s ystem.

● Create a nd a dd i tem n umbers i n t he I tem M aster t o s pecific l ocations a nd d epartment r equisitions.

● Assist w ith a nnual i nventories a nd b udgets.

● Maintain f iling s ystem f or c ontracts, p rice q uotations, a nd p urchase r equests.

● Research v arious w ebsites a nd c atalogs f or b est p ricing.

● Process a nd t rack a ll o ut-bound f reight. Allergy N urse / M anager, J anuary 2 005 - 2 015 The P ediatric C enter o f S WLA

● Managed o ver 3 00 p atients t hat r equired a llergy n eeds.

● Supervised a nd e ducated N urses o n t he a llergy m edications.

● Supervised a t eam o f m edical s upport p ersonal.

● Marketing f or n ew o ffices.

● Trained s taff o n E lectronic M edical R ecords ( EMR). M icrosoft W ord a nd E xcel s preadsheets.

● Recorded p atients m edical h istory, v ital s tatistics a nd t est r esults i n c omputer s ystem ( EMR).

● Provided c are a nd a ssessment t o d evelopment a nd i mplementations o f c are p lans.

● Evaluated p atient c are n eeds, p rioritized t reatment a nd m aintained p atient f low.

● Maintained p atient c harts a nd c onfidential f iles.

● Maintained b udget f or a llergy i nventory.

● Client R elations.

● Patient a nd p arent s atisfaction.

● Ordered a nd m aintained a ll a llergy m edications w ithin t he d epartment.


Marketing D irector / N urse L iaison, D ecember 1 989 - J anuary 2 005 Summit H ospital, C ommunity H ome H ealth, M artin D e P ores

● Patient S atisfaction w ith e xcellent c ustomer s ervice s kills a long w ith c omputer g rowing k nowledge..

● Traveled t hroughout t he U nited S tates h elping V eteran H omeless f ind s helter / p lacement.

● Customer S ervice.

● Client R elations.

● Ensured t he s atisfaction o f p atient n eeds a nd r elationships.

● Maintained p hysician r elationships a nd c oordinated p atient n eeds t o t hem.

● Computer s kills.

● Over 5 0 W PM.

● Oversaw o ffice s taff a nd t rained n ew e mployees o n p rocedures.

● E valuated p atients t o b e a dmitted i nto c are f acilities.

● Scheduled e xecutive t ravel a nd s upported m eetings. Determined, e fficient a nd d iligent p roblem s olver w ho i s m otivated t o e xceed p osition r equirements. Areas o f s kills i nclude:

Extensive k nowledge i n M icrosoft O ffice a pplications ( Word, E xcel, e tc.) a nd c omputer s kills.

Issuing P urchase O rders, I nvoices, C redits; P rice D iscrepancies.

Computerized p urchase o rder m anagement s ystem.

Excellent c ommunications s kills, b oth v erbal a nd w ritten.

Strong o rganization s kills.

Strong m ulti-tasking a nd t eam-working s kills.

Able t o t ype 5 0+ w pm a nd u se t he 9 -key n umeric k eypad.

Buying g roup k nowledge.

Knowledge i n C ontracts: M aintenance, S ervice, S oftware, e tc. Education

High S chool D iploma, 1 988

Bachelor’s D egree i n H C A dministration, 2 009 University o f P hoenix

References a re a vailable u pon r equest

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