Personal Curriculum Vitae
Name: Manas Biswas.
Fathers Name: Subhas Biswas.
Address: B-3/12, Vidyasagarpally,
PO. Benachity, Durgapur, West Bengal,
Pincode- 713213, India.
4. Date of Birth: 18/05/1959.
5. Sex: Male.
6. Religion: Christianity.
7. Educational Qualification: Graduate Degree.
8. Language Known (speaking): English, Hindi and Bengali.
(writing) : English and Bengali.
9. Occupation: Retired, (searching for another job).
10. Experience: 20 years of experience in Back Office & Computer Data
Entry Job worked in different Sections of Stores Department
of Indian Railway Eastern Division, posted at Halisahar,
West Bengal. And 7 years of experience in Online Proof
Reading Job.
11. Mobile No. 933-***-****.
12. Contact Email: *********@*****.***
Thank you.
Manas Biswas
Dated: 2nd January 2018.
Place: Durgapur.