Joyce N ewell
*** * * ***** # **, P rescott, A Z 8 6305 928-***-**** j **********@*****.*** Objective To w ork f or a s table c ompany t hat w ill a llow m e t o u se t he s kills a nd k nowledge t hat I have o btained a nd t o l earn n ew o nes
Experience: P rogram C oordinator
1/16-8/17 R escare A rizona
10555 W . I ndian S chool R oad, S uite D 101 Avondale, A Z 8 5392 6-23-931-****
Supervisors: K im H ill/Christina G rubbs
Duties; M anager 6 g roup h omes, p ayroll, h iring&terminating e mployees, t raining, providing s ervices t o c lients. r eports, r eports, D rs. a ppointments, a ssisting m anager, writing B TP’s, f inancial r eports, a ttending a nd s etting u p m eetings a nd a ny o ther d uties as a ssisgned,
Group H ome M anager
7/14-1/16 R esCare H ome C are
6001 E . M ain S treet, P rescott V alley, A Z 8 6314 9-28-717-**** Supervisor - E ileen G nabasik
Duties: M anaged 7 g roup h omes i ncluding b ut n ot l imited t o: B udgeting, r eports, managing t he d ay t o d ay o perations o f a ll h omes. s cheduling, h iring & t erminating empoyees, t raining, a ttending a nd c onducting m eetings, Lead D SP ( Queens G roup H ome)
5 /13 – 7 /14 R esCare H ome C are
6001 E . M ain S treet, P rescott V alley, A Z 8 6314 9-28-717-**** S upervisor: D on D avis
Duties: P ersonal C are, s hopping, p reparing m eals, c leaning, t aking c lients t o appointments, d ocumentation ( meds, I SP, B MP, f inancial, e tc) r eports, a ttending meetings a nd m any o thers
C aregiver
10/2012 – 7 /2013 G ranite M ountain H ome C are a nd H ospice 3107 C learwater D rive, P rescott, A Z 8 6305 9-28-445-**** Duties: P ersonal C are, s hopping, p reparing m eals, c leaning, t aking c lients t o appointments, a ll a spects o f p rivate d uty c are. Caregiver
4 /13 – 7 /13 Y avapai C ounty H ome H ealth 1090 C ommerce D rive, P rescott, A Z 8 6305 9-28-771-**** Supervisor – C hris W hite
Duties: P ersonal C are, L ight H ousekeeping
CSR S upervisor - M ental H ealth & M ethadone C linics 5 /2011 - 2 /2012 S outhwest B ehavioral H ealth S ervices 7763 E . F lorentine, P rescott V alley, A Z 8 6314 9-28-772-**** Supervisor - A pril L antz
Duties: M anaged O ffice/CSR: T raining, c onducting m eetings, h iring, s upervising employees, scheduling, a pproving b ills, o rdering s upplies, s olving c ustomer complaints, p roviding internal/external c ustomer s ervices, A hcccs c hecks/eligibility, data e ntry,
A ccomplishments:
Certified - C PR, F irst A id, M ental H ealth F irst A id, C IRT Fingerprint C ard
C aregiver
3 /11 - C urrent P eter S tephens
335 L aureleaf,Prescott, A Z 8 6303 9-28-776-**** Duties: S hopping, p reparing m eals, c leaning, t aking c lient t o a ppointments, w ound dressing, g eneral m edical c are
C ompliance/Risk O fficer - C ommunications M anager 7/97 - 1 /10 L ife L ine A mbulance S ervice 915 H inman S treet, P rescott, A Z 8 6305 9-28-445-**** Supervisor - J acque H olladay
7/97 - 1 1/2000 L ife C are M embership C oordinator ( p/t) Managed L ife C are M embership P rogram - d ata e ntry, p ayments, d eposits, a ccount balancing, g eneral c lerical.
11/2000 - 2 /2006 C ommunications M anager
Manager o f D ispatch C enter - s cheduling, t raining, c reated/updated p rocedure m anuals, hiring, p erformance e valuations, t esting n ew & c urrent e mployees, i nternal/external customer s ervices, s olving c ustomer c omplaints, g enerated r eports, a ssisted w ith employee d rug t esting, m aintained e quipment, d esigned/implemented n ew s ystems. budgets, o n c all m anager, s cheduled p ublic e vents. 2/2006 - 1 /2010 C ompliance O fficer ( Medicare, H IPAA, R isk) Insured c ompany w as c ompliant w ith f ederal/state l aws, r ules, a nd r egulations, processed w orkman’s c omp/auto a ccident/OSHA c laims a nd r eports, c onducted a udits on a ll d epartments, p rocessed m edical r ecords, v erified r eports t urned i nto S tate o f Arizona, c onducted e mployee/vendor f raud c hecks, c onducted e mployee D rivers L icense checks, c onducted D rive C am a udits, a udited a ll b illing o f a mbulance c laims, L ife C are Membership P rogram, i nstalled/data e ntered/processed p ayments f or L ife L ine S ystems
(Medical A lert S ystem). A ssisted o ther d epartments a s i nterim M anager u ntil o ther Managers c ould b e h ired, i ncluding H /R, A sset/Supply, V ehicle M aintenance a nd Accounts R eceivable.
Certified - C ommunication C enter M anager - E MT/EMD/CISD/HASMAT Certified A mbulance C oder
911 D ispatcher
9/1995 - 1 1/2000 C ity o f P rescott P olice D epartment 222 S M arina, P rescott, A Z 8 6303 9-28-777-**** Supervisor - B renda K asun
Received/dispatched e mergency a nd n on e mergency c alls, d ata e ntered w arrants, received/processed i nformation f or S ilent W itness.. Accomplishments:
Certified A CJIS - A rizona C riminal J ustice I nformation S ystem Certified N CIC - N ational C riminal I nformation C enter Recognized b y t he S tate o f A rizona 9 11 s ystem r egarding a ssisting i n t he c apture o f a n armed c riminal t hrough S ilent W itness).
8/1986 - 3 /1995 L ife L ine A mbulance
915 H inman S treet, P rescott, A Z 8 6305 Received/dispatched e mergency a nd n on e mergency c alls f or a mbulance t ransport, scheduling, t raining, p roduced m anuals, b illing o f c alls, s cheduled p ublic e vents, employee e valuations, C AD s ystem, m aintaining e quipment, m ap r eading, r eports, responded t o a mbulance c alls w hen n ecessary a s E MT. A ccomplishments:
Certified a s E MT/EMD
Admitting C lerk
3/1976 - 1 /1984 Y avapai R egional M edical C enter 1003 W illow C reek R oad, P rescott, A Z 8 6301 Multiple P hone l ines, F iling, p rocessing p atients a dmitted t o t he h ospital a nd o r t he emergency r oom. P atient B illing, c ollecting f ees, t ransported p atient’s t o r oom a nd o r a ny other d epartment i n t he h ospital. A ssisted i n H /R, f illing o ut f orms, p rocessing p ayroll.. Accomplishments:
Certified - E MT
Medical T erminology
Education P rescott H igh S chool, P rescott, A Z Graduated 1 977
Yavapai C ollege
1977 t hrough 1 979
General S tudies
Medical T erminology, C ertified E MT
References R eference’s a re a vailable o n r equest.