**** * ***** * ***, U nit * **, V ernon H ills, I llinois 6 0061 +1-224-***-**** j ****.*****.***@*****.*** Personal S ummary
A p ositive, m otivated, t eam p layer w ho i s w illing t o b uild a c areer i n B usiness A nalysis, O perations and A dministration. J aaee i s M BA-HR a nd h as D iploma i n B anking & F inance. J aaee h as 2 2 m onths of b anking e xperience a nd a lso i n e arly c hildhood e ducation. S he i s p roficient i n M S-Office. Experience
JUL 2 017 - p resent
Vernon h ills M ontessori A ssistant T eacher/Office A dministrator
● Worked w ith t oddlers, 3 -6 y ear o ld a nd a fter s chool k ids
● Early l anguage d evelopment – a lphabets, w ords, r hymes
● Physical D evelopment – g ames, e xercise, d ance, Y oga
● Art & C raft – d rawing, c oloring, c ooking, s inging
● Coordinating o ffice a ctivities a nd o perations t o s ecure e fficiency a nd c ompliance t o company p olicies
● Submit t imely r eports a nd p repare p resentations/proposals a s a ssigned
● Create a nd u pdate r ecords a nd d atabases w ith p ersonnel, f inancial a nd o ther d ata
● Taking c are o f o nline w ork o f m ontessori, s uch a s m anaging s ite, s ocial n etworks, m arketing campaigns e tc.
AUG 2 013 - F EB 2 014
Genius A cademy P reschool T eacher
● Worked w ith 2 -4 y ear o ld k ids
● Early l anguage d evelopment – a lphabets, w ords, r hymes
● Physical D evelopment – g ames, e xercise, d ance, Y oga MAY 2 007 - F EB 2 008
ICICI B ank, K olhapur, I ndia - O fficer
● Good r etail b ranch b anking e xperience
● Worked a s a c ustomer s ervice m anager - m anaging a ll f iles a nd d ocuments, u pdating a udit related d ocuments, l ockers, c ash r emittance, b ranch o pening a nd c losing a ctivities.
● Worked a s a c ustomer s ervice o fficer m anaging f ront d esks a ctivities s uch a s c heck transfer, d emand d raft, f ixed a nd r ecurring d eposits, s aving a nd c urrent a ccounts, c ash transactions
● Also w orked a s a d ata p rocessor.
● Internal b anking c ompliance a udit E xperience 2
Jan 2 011 - M ay 2 011
Indian I nstitute o f B anking a nd F inance, P une, I ndia - D BF Principles a nd P ractices o f b anking
Accounting a nd F inance f or B anking
Legal a nd r egulatory a spects o f b anking
July 2 005- M ay 2 007
Bharati V idyapeeth, P une, I ndia - M BA ( Human R esource) June 2 002- M ay 2 005
Shivaji U niversity, K olhapur, I ndia- B Sc ( Chemistry) Certificate C ourse i n I nformation T echnology Pursuing C ertification i n B usiness A nalyst f rom I nternational I nstitute o f B usiness Analysis