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Sunnyvale, CA
January 06, 2018

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Jason L ong

714-***-**** j ***********@*****.***


Test E ngineer G oogle, M ountain V iew, C A 0 9/ 2012 – 0 6/2017

● Played m any c ritical r oles a nd t ook r esponsibilities t o a chieve t he f irst p ublic l aunch i n S eptember o f 2 013 b y working c losely w ith t he d eveloper t eam, T E t eam, P roduct M anagers, L ead P roduct M anager a nd o ther t eams i n Google a ssociated w ith t he p roduct s uch a s t he D oubleClick S tudio t eam a nd A dWords t eam

● Contributed 6 m ajor u pdates i n t hree y ears i nclude m any n ew f eatures, e xtended s upport f or G oogle A ds s ervices and A ds t emplates

● Assisted t he G oogle s ervices t eam t o t est t he f unctionality o f a ll o f t he A d T emplates o n m ultiple d evices o n different O S s uch a s A ndroid a nd i OS a s w ell a s t esting i n t he D oubleClick S tudio, A dWords a nd A dMob t ools

● Played a m ajor r ole o f t he d evelopment a s I c reated f eature s pecifications, t est p lans a nd t est c ases f or N ew Color S ystem, A ssets L ibrary, N ew f ile d ialog, P ages, S nap t o ( Grid, o bject a nd a lign), T ransform c ontrol, Selection t ool: A lignment ( Align, D istribute a nd S pace e venly), S VG, R uler w ithin t he G WD

● Wrote a utomation t est s cripts t o t est f eatures i n G oogle W eb D esigner ( GWD) t o r educe t he m anual t esting t ime. The a utomation t est s cripts a re s imple t ext s cripts w hich d escribes m ouse a nd k eyboard o perations, a nd p arses the s cripts a nd m imics t he u ser a ctions

● Assisted o ther T E t eam m embers t esting a nd d esigning t est p lans & t est c ases f or E vents i n E vents p anel, M edia rules, T imeline a nimation a nd T imeline e vents f eatures

● Helped m anager t rain n ew h ired c ontractors

● Participated i n h elp a nswering c ustomers’ q uestions a nd p roviding w orkflows a nd s olutions f or t he c ustomers Quality A ssurance E ngineer M otorola M obility, S unnyvale, C A 0 5/ 2011 – 0 9/2012

● Assist i n d esign i nnovation, t esting, i mplementation a nd t he r elease o f n ew f eatures u sing c reative & m anipulative tools, s uch a s P en, B rush, C anvas D rawing a nd 3 D w ithin t he N inja A uthoring T ool

● Develop t est c ases f or t ool e nhancements a nd w rite t est p lans f or t he d esigner’s f eatures, l eading t o i mproved testing w orkflows a nd m aturity o f s oftware p roduct l ifecycle

● Perform f unctional a nd r egression t ests o n d esign p roducts, i dentifying b ugs a nd l iaising w ith d evelopers t o implement s olutions

● Recognized a s h igh p erformer a mongst p eers f or i dentifying o ver 5 0% m ore p roduct d eficiencies w ithin t he Q A team

● Successfully m anaged a d-hoc t esting p rocesses u sing t he c ompany’s p roduction e nvironment

● Packaged N inja A uthoring O pen S ource T ool a nd p ublished o nline f or w eb d esigners & d evelopers EDUCATION

Diploma A rt I nstitute o f C alifornia - S ilicon V alley 09/2013 – 0 3/2016

● Major: W eb D esign a nd I nteractive C ommunication Bachelors o f F ine A rt C alifornia S tate U niversity o f F ullerton 0 5/ 2006 – 0 6/2009

● Major: E ntertainment A rt

● Concentration: A nimation, C haracter a nd E nvironment D esign PROFESSIONAL & T ECHNICAL S KILLS

● Google W eb D esigner ( GWD)


● Software t esting & v alidation

● Android D ebugging B ridge ( ADB)

● Corel P ainter, A dobe ( Photoshop, I llustrator a nd I nDesign)

● Basic k nowledge o f M aya 3 D, 3 D A nimation u sing M aya 3 D

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