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Owner/Senior Business Analyst/EBS Developer/Technical Lead

Wenham, MA
January 05, 2018

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P .O. B OX * ** W ENHAM, M A * 1984

9-78-660-**** E MAIL: S *****.*********@*************.*** Highlights o f




Functional a nd t echnical i mplementation, i ncident m anagement a nd s upport f or f ull Oracle E BS – f ocus o n O rder t o C ash, a ccounting t o f inancial r eports, P rocure t o P ay, Forecast t o P lan, P lan t o R eplenish, D emand t o B uild, I nventory t o F ulfillment, C ontract to R enewal, R equest t o R esolution, P roject t o P rofit f or O racle E BS v ersions 1 0.7, 1 1.03, 11.5 – 1 2.2.3

Report W riting, F orms P ersonalization a nd D ata F ixes t o s upport 1 0.7, 1 1.03, 1 1.5 – 12.2.3 e nvironments

Created a P ortal t o c ollect d ata f or g overnment c ontracts f rom g overnment s ites securely a nd f rom a ny b rowser f or p roject B illing.

Team L ead, C onversion f rom O racle t o S AP, f ull E RP f unctional c onsultant w ith S ole responsibility f or O racle i nstance w ith F inancials, S upply C hain, M anufacturing a nd Order M anagement

Oracle Q uality t echnical a nd f unctional C ollection p lan d esign a nd a utomation.

Sarbanes-Oxley I mplementation S pecialist.

Business P rocesses S pecialist

Very c reative a nd e xperienced i n a ddressing E nd U ser n eeds.

Blended T echnical ( Oracle D BA, D eveloper a nd F unctional l ead) a nd n on-technical

(Sales O perations M anager) p ositions w ith g reat e ase.

Responsible f or 2 n d a nd 3 r d l evel s upport o f O racle f or a n etwork o perations c enter w ith over 3 0 c lient d atabases.

Managed P roject T eams t o e nsure o n-time a nd o n-budget t asks

Knowledge o f 8 , 8 i, 9 i, 1 0g, 1 1g D atabases o n a v ariety o f o perating s ystems

0 9/17 - P resent T riage C onnect, L LC. B everly, M A Owner/Senior B usiness A nalyst/EBS D eveloper/Technical L ead

Application S upport f or P ost S AP i mplementation, p roviding s olutions t o e nhance business p roductivity a nd e fficiency

Process e valuation a nd r edesign f or p roduction a nd f inance

Oracle a nd S aleslogix a rchive o f l egacy s ystem f or R ainin a nd T HO/ING d ivisions o f Mettler-Toledo I nternational I nc.

Sarbanes-Oxley c ompliance r eview a nd s ystem c reation i n n ew S AP e nvironment

Support o f c ustomer i ssues w ith S AP i mplementation t eam

0 2/15 – 09/17 M onument D ata S olutions, N eedham, M A Senior B usiness A nalyst/EBS D eveloper/Technical L ead

Functional a nd T echnical I mplementation, i ncident m anagement a nd S upport f or f ull Oracle E BS – f ocus o n O rder t o C ash, A ccounting t o F inancial R eports, P rocure t o P ay, Forecast t o P lan, P lan t o R eplenish, D emand t o B uild, i nventory t o F ulfillment, C ontract to R enewal, R equest t o R esolution, P roject t o P rofit f or O racle E BS v ersions 1 0.7, 1 1.03, 11.5 – 1 2.2.3

Customer t ransition f rom O racle t o S ap – p rovided f ull s upport, D BA, D evelopment, Project m anager, a nd F unctional B A.


P .O. B OX 5 76 W ENHAM, M A 0 1984

9-78-660-**** E MAIL: S *****.*********@*************.***

Report W riting a nd C ustomizations u sing O racle R eports, P L/SQL, S cripts, a nd B I Publisher – o n m any O racle v ersions f rom 1 0.7 t o 1 2.2.

Technical L ead o f r esources o n e ach c lient s ite t o e nsure p rojects a re c ompleted o n time.

Forms P ersonalization, C ustomizing O A F ramework, a nd d ata f ixes t o s upport b usiness needs

Process i mprovement f or O perations, F inance a nd C ustomer S ervice

Managing C ustomer n eeds b oth r emotely a nd o nsite 11/2012 – 0 2/15 C onformis. I nc. B edford, M A Senior B usiness A nalyst/EBS D eveloper

Functional a nd T echnical s upport f or O perations, C ustomer S ervice a nd F inance

Report W riting a nd C ustomizations u sing O racle R eports, P L/SQL, S cripts, a nd B I Publisher

Forms P ersonalization, C ustomizing O A F ramework, a nd d ata f ixes t o s upport R 12 environment

Support o f O BIEE R eporting b y a dding f ields, P erformance t uning r eports, troubleshooting i ssue w ith t he t ool s et.

R12 – I mplementation o f S ieban T echnology i n s upport o f c omponent t racking f or t he product l ine.

Support O rder w ebsite b y f ixing a ll o rders t hat a re s tuck i n t he i nterface b etween t he website a nd E BS

Implementation o f S hipConsole w hich i s a t hird p arty t ool t hat r esides i n O racle.R12 – SOX c ompliance r esponsibility c onversion

R12 – I mplementation o f i Supplier p ortal

R12 – I mplementation o f P lanning, t o s treamline s upply c hain a nd p repare f or increased v olume.

2/2007 – 1 1/2012 M KS I nstruments, A ndover, M A Senior B usiness S ystem A nalyst

Created D iscoverer T raining u sing S tarcast f or 3 l evels.

Assisted i n R ollout, I mplementation a nd T raining o f N oetix i n o ur e nvironment.

Created a c ustom t ransactional q uality s ystem u sing O racle Q uality

Created p rograms f or u ploading d ata f rom l egacy s ystems i nto O racle

Wrote i ntegrations t o t hird p arty s ystems

TCA p roject t o c onvert c ustomers t o a s ingle p arty b y e xporting a nd i mporting

Assisted i n i mplementation o f t he 1 0G d atabase r oll o ut.

R12 U pgrade p roject – Q uality L ead w orking c losely w ith t he M anufacturing l ead, finance a nd O rder t o c ash t eam.

ETQ – R eliance – s ys a dmin, f unctional l ead, d eveloper r olled o ut 2 m odules c urrently working o n a m odule f or R MA a nd C APA.

Implementing O racle O perations a nd Q uality i n K orea, M exico, W ilmington, B erlin.

Helped t o d evelop a n a utomated c hange c ontrol s ystem w hich h as a llowed u s t o conduct o ur o wn a udits f or S arbanes O xley


P .O. B OX 5 76 W ENHAM, M A 0 1984

9-78-660-**** E MAIL: S *****.*********@*************.***

Assisted i n t he i mplementation o f t he E BS f or o ur d ivisions i n R ochester, N Y a nd Shenzhen, C hina

2/2007 - 1 2/2009 L -1 I dentity S olutions, B illerica, M A Business S ystem A nalyst

Remote A pplication S upport a nd s etup

Critical S ystem M aintenance

Maintained a p ortal f or P roject M anufacturing t o t rack l abor a nd m aterials f or s upport of c ontracts f or t he p assport a nd l icense s ites i n t he U S. 2/2005 – 2 /2007 V iisage T echnology, B illerica, M A Business S ystem A nalyst

Created a p ortal f or P roject M anufacturing t o t rack l abor a nd m aterials f or s upport o f contracts f or t he p assport a nd l icense s ites i n t he U S – r equired t o h ave n o d ownload – portal w as a ccessed f rom a ny b rowser a nywhere.

Supported p roject m anufacturing f or l icense a nd p assport c ontracts.

Report W riter u sing D iscoverer, D eveloper a nd P L/SQL p ackages. D eveloped 1 50 reports t o m eet v arious r eporting n eeds.

Integrated T hree c ompanies i nto t he O racle E BS S ystem a nd m ultiple M odules f or a multi-org i nstance o f O racle.

Assisted w ith t he S arbanes-Oxley C ompliance I mplementation a nd r emediation f or t he previous y ear.

Modules i nclude S ervice, P rojects, F inancials, M anufacturing, O rder M anagement, Install B ase a nd S ervice C ontracts.

Developed a m ethod u sing S QLLOADER t o u pload m ass n umbers o f i nstall b ase r ecords in m inutes ( this p rocess t ook 5 m inutes a r ecord b efore).

Support E mployees a nd c ustomers t hrough a pplication t raining d ocumentation a nd training a nd r eports

Refined p rocesses a nd p rocedures t o c omply w ith S arbanes O xley a nd r emediate a udit deficiencies

Assisted w ith O perations i n t he a bsence o f a n O perations d epartment. 12/1997 – 1 1/2004 N EXL N etwork S ystems, P eabody, M A Oracle A pplications D atabase A dministrator a nd M anager o f Database G roup / O perations M anager

Served a s T echnical L ead f or O racle 1 1i A pplications r e-implementation

Maintained a pplications a nd d atabase f rom i nitial i mplementation.

Responsible f or d atabase m ove t o U nix/Unix p latform f or i ncreasing u p t ime t o 99.999% f rom W indows/Solaris e nvironment.

On-call f or N etwork O perations C enter f or l evel 2 a nd 3 f or O racle D atabase S upport

Maintained D atabases f or C ustomers o f o ur M anaged S ervice G roup r anging f rom 8 .0.5 to 9 i.

Maintained O racle d atabase a nd a pplications w ithout O racle M aintenance S upport o r a support s taff f or 3 y ears.


P .O. B OX 5 76 W ENHAM, M A 0 1984

9-78-660-**** E MAIL: S *****.*********@*************.***

Manager o f t he O racle t eam a nd b ecame t he O racle D BA.

Certified O racle D BA

While w orking a s t he O racle D BA f or t he N etwork O perations C enter I w as e xposed t o Multiple O perating S ystems, A pplications a nd s oftware p ackages. I ncluding b ut n ot limited t o V eritas, S amba, A pache, C ustom A pplications, M onitoring S oftware, T oad, Big B rother, V PN s oftware, S weeper, S py w are, E xchange, G roove, R ight N ow, S olar Wind, B MC P atrol, H P S upport.

Troubleshot i ssues w ith i n-house O racle d atabase a nd a pplications.

Responsible f or 3 0 C ustomer S ystems o n a v ariety o f O perating S ystems, w hich N EXL managed i n t he N etwork O peration C enter.

Attended m ultiple c lasses o n D atabases, N etworking, s ystem i ntegration, O perating System i nstalls a nd c onfiguration.

Oracle r eports w riter u sing D eveloper 2 000 a nd 6 i .

Managed H elp D esk s upport f or d esktop a pplications a s w ell a s O racle a pplications.

Basic n etworking t o i nclude c abling, C onfiguration o f S ystems a nd b asic r outer configuration.

Effectively w orked t hrough c ustomer c rises a nd p revented f urther c risis b y p roviding scripts t o m onitor O racle P rocess a nd p rovide w arning f or c ustomers w ith C ustom Monitoring A pplications.

Streamed l ined p rocesses a nd a utomated f or e fficiency i ncreased o verall p erformance by 5 0%.

Assisted i mplementation f rom l egacy s ystem t o O racle d atabase a nd A pplications.

Troubleshot d atabase i ssues f or l egacy s ystem a nd O racle d atabase Education

1985-1989 S alem S tate C ollege S alem, M A B.A. P sychology G PA 3 .56 C um L aude Certified O racle D atabase A dministrator

Certified S olaris S ystem A dministrator

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