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Manual & A utomated T est S ystems Q uality M ethodologies
● Staff Software QA Engineer w ith full M anual and Automated testing lifecycle experience, including test plan designing and developing. In charge of implementing test cases and test processes fueling swift corrective actions, significant c ost s avings a nd f ault-free a udits.
● Hands-on QA technology professional a ccustomed to working in complex, project-based & multicultural environments across multiple timezones o ver 18 years. Multifaceted experience in QA software testing, software development a nd u ser-acceptance t esting.
● Knowledgeable in Big Data QA w ith a wide range of experience in industries like Advertising, Public Relations & Marketing S ervices
● Backed by strong credentials including advanced command of testing suites like Selenium, agile methodologies and m onitoring t ools; a nd c ross-platform s kills i n W indows, M acOS a nd U nix. EXPERIENCE
Tremor V ideo P te L td – S ingapore, h eadquartered i n N ew Y ork, U SA 2013 - P resent Tremor V ideo i s a p remium m arketplace f or b rand-effective v ideo a dvertising t hat p rovides a gencies w ith a S AAS p latform on w hich t o b uy a nd s ell c ross-screen v ideo a dvertising Staff S oftware Q A E ngineer ( Mar 2 017 – P resent)
● Sole Q A i n c harge o f a d ata p ipeline t hat p rocesses 2 B illion b id r equests a d ay a nd a mounts t o r oughly 1 .5 T B o f d ata being p rocessed d aily.
● Built a nd m aintained f ully a utomated s cripts t o v erify t he a ccuracy o f k ey b usiness m etrics d ay i n a nd d ay o ut s o t hat the c ompany’s b ottomline i s r eflected a ccurately
● To e nsure q uality o n a r apidly d eveloped p ipeline p roject, b uilt a r obust r egression f ramework t o a utomate r egression detection a s n ew f eatures a re c ommitted.
● Working r emotely w ith t he U SA t eam
Senior S oftware Q A E ngineer ( Jun 2 015 – M ar 2 017)
● Was a s ubstantial c ontributor t o t esting i n t he B ig D ata t eam t hat r amped u p a n ew p ipeline
● Developed a utomation s cripts t hat c ompares b illable m etrics a cross m ultiple e nvironments t o d etect d iscrepancies. Software Q A E ngineer ( Mar 2 013 – J un 2 015)
● Was a n i ntegral m ember o f t he V ideohub A nalytics t eam
● Performed m anual r egression t est o n t he a nalytics p latform, a nd m aking s ure t hat a ll t he d ata a ligned c orrectly.
● Did a n i nteractive w alk t hrough o f t he V HA u sing t he B alsamiq t ool, w hich u pon c licking o n c ertain s ection i t w ill s how the q ueries o n h ow t he m etrics s hown a re d erived f rom
● Developed a utomation s cripts v ia s elenium i de t o c heck o n v arious f eatures, l ike d eals, c reate p lacements, e tc. Fleischhacker L LP – S ingapore, h eadquartered i n G ermany Feb 2 010 - M ar2013 MEDICONNECT® i s a s tate o f t he a rt I T i nfrastructure u sed t o m anage t he c linical p rocess f rom a ppointment p lanning t o studying o f p atient d ata
Software Q A E ngineer
● Was r ecruited t o s et u p t he Q A T eam a nd g rew t he t eam t o a s ize o f a nd m anaged t hem
● Set u p t he Q A p rocess f rom s cratch i ncluding h ow w e i nterface w ith t he d evelopers a nd t he p roduct m anagers
● Worked o n M EDICONNECT t eam, d eveloped d etailed t est d ocuments i ncluding t est p lan, t est c ases. A dded o n, document a nd p resent a ll f indings a nd p roject p rogress Razer I nc – S ingapore, h eadquartered i n S an F rancisco C alifornia D ec 2 007 – N ov 2 009 Razer s pecializes i n c omputer p eripherals m arketed s pecifically t o g amers Software Q A E ngineer
● Was r ecruited t o s et u p t he Q A T eam a nd m anage t he t eam
● Developed a nd s et u p Q A p rocess
● Conducted i nterviews f or r ecruitment, a nd p repared b udget f or t he t eam
● Liaised w ith v endors t o d iscuss o n t he s oftware a nd f irmware e xpectation
● Conducted t esting l ike s ystem p erformance a nd i ntegration t o v erify t he c onformance t o t he r equirement.
● Worked o n M S W HQL c ertifications
Creative T echnology P te L td – S ingapore J ul 2 000 D ec 2 007 Creative T echnology i s i s a S ingapore-based g lobal c ompany h eadquartered i n J urong E ast, S ingapore. T he p rincipal activities o f t he c ompany a nd i ts s ubsidiaries c onsist o f t he d esign, m anufacture a nd d istribution o f d igitized s ound a nd video b oards, c omputers a nd r elated m ultimedia, a nd p ersonal d igital e ntertainment p roducts. Associate E ngineer
● Was p art o f t he S oundBlaster t eam a nd U SB A udio t eam
● Test p lanning
● Developed d etail t est d ocument i ncluding t est p lan, t est c ases
● Documented a nd p resent a ll f indings a nd p roject p rogress.
● Provided t raining a nd g uidance
● Ensure p roject o rganization, s tructure, d eliverables a re c ommunicated t o p roject t est t eams a cross t he d ifferent regions l ike A merica, E urope, C hina a nd J apan.
● Conducted t esting l ike s ystem p erformance a nd i ntegration t o v erify t he c onformance t o t he r equirement.
● Updated t he m anagement a nd e ngineering t eam o f t he p roject s tatus. Matsushita K otobuki– S ingapore A ug 1 998 J ul 2 000 Matsushita K otobuki i s a h ard d isk m anufacturer Senior E ngineering A ssistant I I
● Analysed o n h ard d isk f ail d rive
● Generated r eport b ased o n f indings o n t he h ard d isk
● Held m eeting w ith t he r elated p ersonnel o n c omponent i ssues f ound Technology S kills
● QA M ethodologies: E xperienced i n p erformance o f B uild V alidation a nd V erification, P ositive a nd N egative, B oundary Values A nalysis, E quivalent C lasses p artitioning, S moke ( Sanity), F unctional, I ntegration, S ystem, R egression, A d-hoc
(Exploratory), C ross–Browser, U ser I nterface a nd U ser A cceptance t ests
● Databases & Q uerying S kills: S QL ( MySQL), H ive
● Scripting & A utomation: P ython, S elenium I DE, C ++ EDUCATION
Temasek P olytechnic - S ingapore 1995 - 1 998 Diploma i n i ntelligent b uilding t echnology ADDITIONAL
● Languages K nown: E nglish, C hinese & J apanese
● Referees: P rovided o n r equest