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IT and Educational Technology Guru

San Antonio, TX, 78228
January 04, 2018

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ToKeisha S anders

Expert a t a pplying l earning a nd t alent t echnology g oals w ithin a n o rganizational atmosphere. A dapted t o a pplying a h igh q uality c onsulting b ackground w hile providing u p-to-date a dvancements i n l earning m anagement p latforms u se o f technology i n s oftware a nd h ardware .


DXC T echnology, S an A ntonio, T X

Cerner B usiness A nalyst October 2 016- p resent

Update R emedy i ncidents f rom c ustomers w orldwide.

Remote t raining d etailing s ystem e lectronic m edical r ecord c omponents

Support D OD w orldwide i nitiatives r egarding m ilitary h ealthcare s ystems

Ensure t hat m ilitary a nd c ontractor s ites h ave 2 4/7 a ccess t o s pecific c omponents o f MTF/DOD s ystems

Killeen I ndependant S chool D istrict K illeen, T X Campus T echnology S upport April 2 013 t o O ctober 2 016

E valuate a nd i mplement n ew i nstructional a nd t echnology r equirements f or t he c ampus

M aintain a nd u pdate o ver 3 00 M ac/Window l aptops a nd P Cs a nd a ll s oftware/utilities a ssociated with t hem

P rovide h ands o n i nstruction t o s taff a nd s tudents r egarding t echnical m atters

A ssist t he c ampus w ith t echnology p lanning t o i nclude a ppropriate i nput t o c ampus e valuation a nd plans a nd

t echnology p urchasing r ecommendations

P rovide p rofessional development to campus staff on r esources, services, and applications to include

h ardware, p eripheral e quipment, a nd o nline c ontent s ystems

A ttend p rofessional d evelopment s essions a nd t raining o n a m onthly b asis

O versee a nd s upport t he m aintenance o f e quipment a nd r esources i n c lassrooms, l abs, o ffices, and l ibraries

C omplete 9 5% o f s ervice t ickets i n a 3 -day p eriod

C onsult w ith u sers t o d etermine h ardware, s oftware, o r s ystem f unctional s pecifications

A ssign r ights/access c ontrol t o u sers a ccording t o j ob p osition/function

T roubleshoot c onnectivity i ssues, i dentify r esources t hat not a vailable f or c onnectivity a nd coordinates w ith

t echnology s ervices s upport s taff f or c orrective a ction a nd p rovide g uidance a nd s upport t o m y campus.


Ensured m y c ampus u sed t he t echnology t hat w as a vailable t o m aximize t he l earning i n K -5 Determined c ampus f uture n eeds a nd f orecasted f or n ext y ear’s b udget/needs. Skills U sed

Casper, M AC/Windows/ c ustomer s ervice, I T s ecurity, LMS A DMINISTRATOR, U SPI

Addison, T X September 2 012 - A pril 2 013 Troubleshoots d iscrepancies w ith A TS a nd L MS t o r esolve s ervice t ickets Work w ith p roject m anager, I T a nd e xternal v endors t o i mplement t he u tilization o f t he c urrent L MS, S uccess Factors f rom S aba

Uploads c ourses, a ssessments a nd o ther m aterial t o t he P ortal f or L MS Vet d ata f rom H R a nd P ayroll f eed w ith L MS s ystem. Deliver v irtual p roduct d emonstrations, a nswering d etailed p roduct q uestions. Provide s upport t o t he d ay-to-day a nd o ngoing o peration, m aintenance, u sage, a nalysis a nd a dministration of

existing L earning M anagement/Learning C ontent M anagement t echnology. Performs q uality a ssurance c hecks o n c ontent a nd t ests c ontent t o m onitor p roper f unctionality a nd communication w ith t he L MS w ithin t he n ew s ystem i n b oth s taging a nd p roduction; i dentifies, t roubleshoots, and r esolves p roblems w ith c ourse d esign, L MS c onfiguration a nd i nfrastructure. Oversee I TS m embers w ho f ield L MS r elated q uestions. Provide t raining t o I T s taff r egarding L MS. Works w ith t he i mplementation v endor t o o bserve s ystems o perations a nd u ses t hose o bservations t o identify

problems i n w ork f low, p rocedures, a nd a vailable f unctionality, a nd m akes r ecommendations b ased o n analysis

of o bservations.

Serve a s s ystem d ata e xpert. E nsure d ata i ntegrity, d ata m apping, a nd d ata a nalysis e fforts m aximize t he organization's a bility t o m ake a ppropriate b usiness d ecisions. Create a nd r un a d-hoc d ata r eports. E nsure t hat a ll a ppropriate r eports a re p rocessed a nd d istributed to

applicable r ecipients.


Arlington, T X

LMS m anager f or P erformance b ased i nitiatives M arch 2 012 t o S eptember 2 012

T rain a nd d irect u pper m anagement o n a ll P erformance b ased g oals a nd o bjectives.

C reates p olicies and p rocedures t o ensure t he o rganizations compliance w ith r egulatory agencies such a s

H IPAA t hrough s ystem c onfiguration a nd t he c reation o f u ser's g uides.

C reates R eports b ased o n u ser r equirements t hrough t he u se o f t he B IRT R eport U tility, a nd S QL coding.

L ead t he T HR U niversity C atalog P roject: o Data C lean-up E ffort

T hrough c ollaboration w ith course o wners, d ata validation, d ata m apping, a nd the

use o f a pplication c onnectors, m anipulated s ystem t he d ata t o p rovide e xtensive reports w hich w ill i nclude a ll e ntity a nd s ystem t raining c ourses.

D evelop a c ommunication p lan t o m ake t he n ew c atalog a ppealing a nd p rovide i ncentive f or u sers to a ccess

the c atalog.

T rack s ystem f laws a nd p rovide s upport t o t hird p arty v endors.

T est n ew a dministrative a nd t echnical r equirements r egarding L MS a nd a dministrative p rocesses.

D evelop r eports t o d isplay t he d ata i n a f ormat f riendly f or a ll C ompany e mployees.

T rain e ntity a dministrators o n t he u se o f Plateau a nd h ow t o t rain u sers a s w ell a s o ver 25,000 users a cross

the C ompany.

C reate f lowcharts a nd b usiness p rocesses g eared t owards i mplementing b usiness i mprovement processes.

A dminister 3 60 P erformance T ool f or o rganization a nd r espond t o a ll i nquiries. GE H ealthcare

Plano, T X

PRODUCT S UPPORT A NALYST M arch 2 011 t o M arch 2012

P repare, c reate, a nd r esearch s tatistical r eports i n E xcel a nd B usiness O bjects f rom S iebel o r c lient database

C oordinate g o-live of E MR s oftware with i mplementation team and c ustomers ensuring m ilestones are d elivered o n s chedule

C oordinate w ith t eam m embers t o a nswer c ustomer c alls a nd e mails a nd w ork w ith t hem to r esolve p roduct i ssues.

P lan a nd m anage c ustomer e xpectations w hile c ommunicating f requently w ith t he c ustomer

S uggest w orkflows d epending o n t he s cenarios.

C oordinate a nd b rief d eliverables on projects t o m anagement a nd external c ustomers

M anage m ultiple a ssigned o pen c ases a nd p rovide t imely u pdates t o o ur c ustomers a nd i nternal associates a s n eeded

A ssist p roviders i n m eaningful u se.

D evelop t raining materials a nd policies f or t he use o f the c ustomer as w ell a s C entricity A dvanced team


C onfigure E MR f or c lient w orkstations

C losed 9 3% o f t rouble t ickets w ithin 4 8 h ours o f e scalation

S chedule m ini t raining s essions t hat c ustomers n eed r efresher t raining o n CTC & U niversity o f P hoenix

Phoenix, A Z

ADJUNCT I NSTRUCTOR J une 2 007 t o February 2 011

P resents i nformation, u sing a v ariety o f on-line i nstructional t echniques f or C omputer S cience, Management

Information S ystems, a nd B usiness T echnology c ourses

D esigns, develops, a nd p repares on-line c urricula a nd c ourse outlines; a nd s elects o r develops on-line

instructional m ethods, t raining a ids, m anuals, a nd o ther o n-line m aterials u sing W ebCT a nd Microsoft S uite

D evelop t raining material u sing MS P owerPoint and M S Word f or student e nhancement a nd instructional



ONLINE C OORDINATOR J uly 2 008 t o J anuary 2011

O versee t he assimilation o f a ll academic and administrative f unctions, p olicies, procedures t o ensure

continuous e nhancement of t he e ducational e xperience a nd m aximum c ompliance w ith a ll regulatory and

accreditation r equirements.

A ssist faculty m embers i n the analysis, design, a nd d evelopment o f e ffective courses a nd instructional


P rovide w eekly s tatus r eports t o p roject m anagement t eam a s w ell a s m anagement

C onsult w ith f aculty a nd s taff o n t he a ppropriate i nstructional a pplication o f L MS a nd O perating Systems

D evelop 1 00% o f a ll c ourse c ontent f or o nline c ourses

O versee t he a dministrative f unctions o f a ll o nline p ersonal

I mplement L MS, M oodle, a nd u se t he t ool f or l earning t hroughout o rganization.


Ft P olk, L A


February 2 010

C omputer systems c oordinator f or t he d eployment and o peration of the C omposite H ealth Care System

(CHCS) a nd A HLTA w ithin t he h ospital a nd t he o utlying c linics.

S erves a s t he t echnical s pecialist i n t he u se o f C HCS/AHLTA a nd p erforms all s ystem management d uties

required t o d eploy a nd o perate C HCS/AHLTA.

D etermines s ite p reparation r equirements, p repares w ork orders, a nd c oordinates w ork r equired t o install

CHCS/AHLTA c entral, p eripheral a nd t erminal e quipment a t B JACH a nd a ll m edical f acilities a nd clinics w ithin t he a rea o f r esponsibility.

R esolved 9 5% o f a ll d iscrepancies b etween C HCS d atabase a nd A HLTA E MR w hich r esolved HIPAA c onflicts

M onitors, e valuates a nd d evelops s ecurity s afeguards t o p rotect t he i ntegrity o f p atient d ata, financial, o fficial

a nd P rivacy A ct d ata.

M onitors f actors s uch a s a mount o f s torage space c onsumed, a ccess t ime statistics, p roblem l ogs and s ystem u tilization r eports.

T horoughly t ests a nd e valuates n ew A HLTA u pdate s oftware b eing d eveloped b y t he c ontractor. Investigates u nusual r esults a nd p roblems e ncountered b y u sers o r a nalysts; d evelops a nd recommends s ystem c hanges o r e nhancements p rior t o f inal s ystem a cceptance a t a ll m edical facilities w ith t he r egion.

L ed s ystem d eployment a nd o peration i n a ccordance w ith A HLTA I nstallation P lan. C oordinates maintenance o f s ystem s upport resources a nd m onitors contractor m aintenance activities in accordance with contract r equirements.

M onitors o n-site A HLTA c ontractor s ystems o perations. P erforms C onfiguration M anagement duties t o i nclude h ardware a nd s oftware inventories, d ocumentation o f S ite Baselines, c hange control, and d ocumentation o f R evised S ite B aseline.

C oordinates installation, d ocumentation, a nd reporting o f all changes t o t he h ardware a nd software configuration.

I n t he a bsence o f t he A HLTA t rainer, p rovided t raining t o B JACH s taff.

O ccasionally s et u p C HCS/AHLTA u ser a ccounts a nd p rovided p asswords.

A ttended a ll A HLTA t raining c ourses t o i nclude M APS i nitiative a nd D ragon A s Y ou T ype s essions.



Network A naylst - J anuary 2 005 t o F ebruary 2 007 Managed t he o verall i nstallation a nd m aintenance o f h ardware a nd s oftware Oversaw d aily o perations o f s ystem a t t he c ustomer s ite t o e nsure s ystem a vailability. Assists i n t roubleshooting L AN/WAN n etwork c ommunications o perations, h ardware a nd a pplication software.

Loads n ew s oftware r eleases a t t he c ustomer s ite a nd m aintenance u pdates. Performs s ystem s ecurity.

Performs s ystem a nalysis, i ntegration a nd s upport o f n ew i nterfaces Responds t o e quipment r epair r equirements 2 4/7 Install A pplication s oftware l oads a nd u pdates, t o V MS/DSM o perating s ystem, m onitoring a ccess a nd system

performance f or d ata i ntegrity a ssurance.

Provide u pgrade a nd m onitoring o f t he T raining d atabase f or W BAMC f acility. Responsible f or g roup t raining i n m ultiple f unctionalities o f C omposite H ealth C are S ystem Create a nd m aintain u ser a ccounts.

MANAGER W eisbaden G ermany

DIGITAL T RAINING F ACILITY - J une 2 003 t o A ugust 2 004 Responsible f or c oordination, p lanning, a nd e xecution o f t he 3 D TF c lassrooms t hat w ere v ital t o t he d elivery of v arious t ypes o f t raining.

Responsible f or e stablishing a p leasant a nd m otivated l earning e nvironment t hat w as c onductive t o t he effective d elivery o f t raining m aterials t o s tudents. Compiled d aily a nd m onthly s tatistics o n s uch m etrics a s F acility u tilization, c ustomer s atisfaction, and

equipment r eadiness.

Provided i nformation a ssurance c ompliance b y p erforming s ecurity c ertification t ests a nd e valuations a nd report a s r equired.

Monitored n etworked s ystems a nd n otified t echnical s upport i f n eeded. Performed w eekly b ackups ( including b i-weekly v irus p rotection u pdates) a nd I AVA u pdates o n e quipment i n each c lassroom.

Facilitate c ourse d elivery ( resident, W eb-based, a nd V TC). R esponsible f or m aintaining 5 1 n etworked Windows 2 000 w orkstations a nd 3 V ideo T eleconferencing s ystems m anufactured b y V TEL. Analyzed s ystems a nd p repared e quipment a nd s oftware t o a ssist s tudents t o t he f acility a nd workstation

operation, n etwork a ccess p rocedures, a nd p rovided o perational s upport o f e quipment f or s tudents. LAN A DMINISTRATOR F t P olk, L A

WARRIOR B RIGADE, D EPARTMENT O F T HE A RMY - M arch 2 002 t o D ecember 2 002 Provided t echnical a ssistance t o o ver 3 00 p eople i n b rigade. Systematically r esponded t o p roblems c oncerning c omputer h ardware a nd s oftware. Served a s t he L ocal a rea n etwork ( LAN) s ystem a dministrator. Compiled f inal d aily s chedules a nd r esolves s cheduling r elated p roblems i n a n i nformation p rocessing center

operating s everal c omputer s ystems, e ach w ith m ulti-programming c apacity. Conducted c ommand i nspections ( CIP) o ver a ll t he b attalions i n t he b rigade t o i nclude o ver 5 00 systems.

Coordinated w ith l ieutenants a nd c aptains i n b rigade t o d etermine s ystem r equirements f or a ll s ystems in


Performed s ystem d iagnostic a nalysis t o p revent f ailure b etween s ystem s oftware, a pplication p rograms a nd computer h ardware.

Performed a v ariety o f a dvisory d uties t o b rigade C olonel, S gt. M ajor a nd o ther h ead a uthorities. Interacted w ith v arious v endors a nd o ther g overnment a gencies o n p urchase o f c omputer e quipment and


Developed a nd c oordinated t raining a nd p rocedures f or o peration i n t he u se o f s tandard s ystem s oftware. LMS A DMINISTRATOR

Addison, T X - S eptember 2 012

Troubleshoots d iscrepancies w ith A TS a nd L MS t o r esolve s ervice t ickets Work w ith p roject m anager, I T a nd e xternal v endors t o i mplement t he u tilization o f t he c urrent L MS, S uccess Factors f rom S aba

Uploads c ourses, a ssessments a nd o ther m aterial t o t he P ortal f or L MS Vet d ata f rom H R a nd P ayroll f eed w ith L MS s ystem. Deliver v irtual p roduct d emonstrations, a nswering d etailed p roduct q uestions. Provide s upport t o t he d ay-to-day a nd o ngoing o peration, m aintenance, u sage, a nalysis a nd a dministration of

existing L earning M anagement/Learning C ontent M anagement t echnology. Performs q uality a ssurance c hecks o n c ontent a nd t ests c ontent t o m onitor p roper f unctionality a nd communication w ith t he L MS w ithin t he n ew s ystem i n b oth s taging a nd p roduction; i dentifies, t roubleshoots, and r esolves p roblems w ith c ourse d esign, L MS c onfiguration a nd i nfrastructure. Oversee I TS m embers w ho f ield L MS r elated q uestions. Provide t raining t o I T s taff r egarding L MS. Works w ith t he i mplementation v endor t o o bserve s ystems o perations a nd u ses t hose o bservations t o identify

problems i n w ork f low, p rocedures, a nd a vailable f unctionality, a nd m akes r ecommendations b ased o n analysis

of o bservations.

Serve a s s ystem d ata e xpert. E nsure d ata i ntegrity, d ata m apping, a nd d ata a nalysis e fforts m aximize t he organization's a bility t o m ake a ppropriate b usiness d ecisions. Create a nd r un a d-hoc d ata r eports. E nsure t hat a ll a ppropriate r eports a re p rocessed a nd d istributed to

applicable r ecipients.


Master o f S cience i n A dministration

Central M ichigan U niversity - M ount P leasant, M I May 2 005

BS i n C omputer S cience

Hawaii P acific U niversity - H onolulu, H I August 1 999

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