Victoria J . L ong
Registered Nurse,License #****91
Turlock,Ca 95380
Covenant C are H ospice, T urlock C a D irector of Clinical Services (20 staff with a patient census of 50 )
10/2016 -09/2017
Direct S upervisor: R onda M almberg
*Monitored a dmissions a nd D iagnosis.
*Monitored D ME, R x a nd m edical s upplies u sage/cost.
*Provide d irection a nd g uidance t o c linical t eams t o a ssist t hem i n continually i mproving a ll a spects o f c are.
*Medical r ecord a udits.
*Assured c ompliance w ith a ll h ospice r elated l ocal, s tate a nd f ederal laws a nd r egulations.
Bristol H ospice, M erced C a D irector of Patient Care Services (staff 20+,census grew from 50 to 100)
05/2013 -10/2016
Direct S upervisor: D iann S imon
Telephone: 2-09-384-****
*6 m onths a s C linical S upervisor
*Monitored a dmissions, D x a nd L CD c odes.
*Monitored D ME, R x a nd m edical s upplies u sage/cost.
*Provided d irection t o c ase m anager a nd c linical t eams r elated t o patient c are.
*Lead q uality i mprovement p rogram.
*Conducted a nnual s taff e valuations.
*Assured c ompliance w ith a ll h ospice r elated l ocal, s tate a nd f ederal regulations.
*Assisted w ith c ensus g rowth f rom 5 0 t o o ver 1 00. SKILLS
*5 y ears e xperience a s a
director o f a h ospice o ffice
with a c ensus o f 5 0+.
*Helped g row p atient c ensu
from 5 0 t o o ver 1 00.
*5 y ears e xperience a s c ase
manager o f 2 0 p atents.
*Medical c areer i ncludes
nurse a ide, L VN, a nd R N
*2 y ears e xperience a s H ouse
Supervisor o f S NF.
*2 y ears e xperience a s
Assistant D irector o f N urses
at S NF.
*Over 2 0 y ears e xperience i n
acute c are, i ncluding
med/surg, P eds a nd O B.
*Palliative c are a wareness.
*Patient a nd f amily f ocused.
*Problem r esolution
*Professional b edside m anor.
*Strong c linical j udgement.
*Excellent a ssessment s kills.
Optimal H ospice, M odesto C a C ase Manager 07/2008 -04/2013
Direct S upervisor: C arol H oward
Telephone: 2-09-338-****
Cased m anaged 2 0 p atients, s upervised t eam m embers ( L VNs & H HAs )
*Liasised b etween p atients a nd M Ds t o e nsure p atients c omprehension of t reatment p lans.
*Instructed p atient a nd f amily m embers o n p roper m edication administration a nd t reatments.
*Developed p atient c are p lans, i ncluding a ssessments, e valuations a nd nursing d iagnoses.
*Documented p atient i nformation o btained f rom i nterviews.
*Trained n ew s taff.
Turlock N ursing a nd R ehab, T urlock, C A - A ssistant Director of Nurses
03/2006 -06/2008
*Facilitated m onthly a nd Q uarterly p atient r eviews.
*Assisted i n o verseeing a nd m anaging c linical s taff i n p atient c are activities w hile m aintaining a h igh l evel o f s taff m orale a nd professionalism.
*Closely m onitored a cute c onditions.
*Monitored c hronic p atient c are, h andling a ll a spects o f t reatment f rom medications t o w ound c are.
*Instructed p atients a nd f amily m embers o n p roper d ischarged c are.
*Ensured H IPAA c ompliance.
*Assisted i n p roviding D HS w ith c orrective a ction p lan.
*Developed a nd i mplemented n ursing c are p lans.
*Delegated s taff n urses d uties.
*Followed i nfection c ontrol p rocedures.
English O aks C onvalescent H ospital, M odesto, C a - H ouse Supervisor
02/2004 -03/2006
*Admission, p aperwork a nd p t a ssessment.
*Reviewed p atient a bnormal l abs a nd t ests.
*Assisted c harge n urses w ith e mergencies.
*Chronic p atient c are, h andling a ll a spects o f t reatment f rom medications t o w ound c are.
*Instructed p atients a nd f amily m embers o n p roper d ischarged c are.
*Ensured H IPAA c ompliance.
*Assisted i n p roviding D HS w ith c orrective a ction p lan.
*Developed a nd i mplemented n ursing c are p lans.
*Delegated s taff n urses d uties.
*Followed i nfection c ontrol p rocedures.
Memorial M edical C enter, M odesto, C a - S taff Nurse 2002 -2004
Emanuel M edical C enter, T urlock, C a - Nursing assistant to LVN to RN
1981 -2002
Merced C ollege, M erced C a R egistered Nurse 1992-1994.
Merced C ollege, M erced C a L VN
1990 -1991
Personal r eferences
Patricia G rave, L VN ( co-worker) 2-09-620-**** Brenda W hitney, R N ( former S upervisor) 8-01-696-**** Gloria T aylor, R N ( former n urse u nder m y s upervision) 209-***-****