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Healthcare Business Professionalp

Aurora, CO
January 03, 2018

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Daniel R S alus

Accomplished m anagement p rofessional f ocused o n d eveloping a nd

implementing i nnovative s ales a nd m arketing s trategies w ith o perational and f inancial i mpact.

** * ** * orge D rive

Castle P ines, C O 8 0108




Apria H ealthcare, Lakewood, C O H ospital A ccount M anager February 2 017 - A ugust 2 017

Managed O xygen, s leep c are, a nd w ound c are f or p atients i n t wo h ospitals in L akewood. S et c ompany r ecord f or s ales i n M arch. Colorado A rmy N ational G uard, Buckley A FB C aptain February 2 009 - P resent

Platoon l eader i n M edical C ommand a nd c ertified P atient A dministration Division l eader r esponsible f or p hysicals f or o ver 4,000 C olorado s oldiers. Full t ime r ecruiter f or p rofessional d octors, d entists, n urses, a nd chaplains J une 2 016 t o J anuary 2 017. C urrently i n t he A rmy R eserve s ince April 2 017.

24 H our F itness, H ighlands R anch, C O Sales M anager December 2 015 - M ay 2 016

Responsible f or m anaging f ive s alespeople t o c reate n ew m emberships and p romote n ew p rograms. E xceeded a ll q uotas e ach m onth. Target C orporation, E nglewood, C O - Assistant M anager October 2 014 - N ovember 2 015

Executive T eam L eader i n L ogistics. M anaged 5 5 e mployees a nd t hree departments - L oading/Stocking, B ackroom, a nd S ales P lanning S etup. EDUCATION

University o f N evada, L as V egas, L as V egas, N V MBA August 2 008 - D ecember 2 010

Graduated a ccelerated p rogram i n M anagement w ith a c oncentration i n Healthcare.

Arizona S tate U niversity, Tempe, A Z B S F inance/Pre-Med August 2 003 - M ay 2 007

Graduated C um L aude a nd f inanced e ntire e ducation w ith s cholarships. University o f P hoenix, Tempe, A Z D octor o f H ealth A dmin May 2 017 -

Estimated g raduation M ay 2 020.


● Results d riven

● Energetic s elf-starter

● Business o ral a nd


communication s kills

● MS O ffice e xpert

● Effective l eadership


● Customer s ervice


● Training a nd


● Strategic a nd

operational p lanning


● Scholarships:

● ASU P residential


● T.W. L ewis


● Fry’s S cholarship

● Elks C lub


● Dale C arnegie S ales

Leadership A ward

● Set C ompany r ecord

monthly s ales a t

Apria i n M arch 2 017


● English

● Read a nd w rite

Spanish, s peak


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