S hallem R avonne G reen
Cell : 503-***-****
Message N umber 2-53-572-****
Email: S ***********@*****.***
To o btain a p osition i n m aintenance, s and b lasting, f ork l ift d river, p lant a nd f acility repair a s w ell a s S afety i nspections.
Training C ertification
● Certified f or s afe u se o f f orklifts i n W ashington S tate.
● HAZMAT certified training in chemical placard identification, MSDS-log keeping, c lean-up p rocedures, s afe u se o f i ndustrial p roducts.
● Trained i n w orking i n c onfined s pace a reas.
● Trained i n P ersonal P rotective E quipment ( P.P.E.)
● EPA r egulations, a ir-surface w ater-worker e nvironments Experienced & S kills P rofile
● Setting u p p reventative m aintenance p rogram f or p lant o perations.
● Experience i n a ll g uidelines f or s afe p lant o perations i ncluding
● OSHIA, W ISHA r egulations.
● Experience p roblem s olving o f a ll m achinery a nd e quipment.
● Certified F ork l ift o perator a ny s ize
● A r esponsible t eam p layer. C omplete t ask t o t he e nd.
● Sets a nd m eets g oals u sing e xcellent o rganizational a nd t ime m anagement s kills.
● Purchasing a nd i nventory c ontrol o f a ll e quipment f or p lant r epairs.
● Effective ability to assess/analyze situations and communicate with precise written i nstructions.
● Experiences i n a ll t ypes o f s and b lasting t ools, e quipment
● Apt M aintanance,plumbing,
● Supervisor e xperience f or a partment c omplexes
● Construction 1 6yr e xperience
Employment H istory
L anding a t A ngle L ake
1 9800 I nternational B lvd
S eaTac, W ash 9 8188
T itle: L ead T echnician 2 016 t o p resent
● Repairs, a ll k itchen a nd b athroom f ixtures.
● Carpet r eplacement a nd r emoval
● Replacement o f a ll l ighting
● Assignment o f d uties t o o ther w orkers
● Removal o f a ll t rash f rom a partments l eft b ehind b y t enants. Puget S ound C oatings
9220 8 t h A ve S outh
Seattle, W ashington 9 8108
Title: I ndustrial w orker / Sand B laster
Contact R oberto T rejo @ 2-53-335-**** f rom 2 012 t o 2 013
● Industrial w orker.
● Prepping a nd m asking j ob b efore b lasting a nd o verlay.
● Safety i nspection f or p lant.
● Forklift d river.
Promoted t o S and B laster f rom 2 013 t o 2 015
● Sand b lasted c rane p arts.
● Sand b lasted I ndustrial e ngines.
● Sand b lasted A uto p arts.
● Sand b lasted M arine p arts.
● Bridge a ll p arts r elated t o s and b lasting.
G reen b rothers h ome s ervices
PO B ox 2 8342
Seattle, W ashington 9 8118
Title: F orman, F ramer, D rywall i nstallation, P ainter, f rom 2 005 t o 2 012 Contact p erson A vrem G reen 2-06-250-****
● Safely C ontrol
● Framing
● Tile w orker
● Installing d rywall
● Perform f acility m aintenance a nd m aintain c lean a nd s afe w ork a rea
● Generate a nd c omplete w ork o rders a s a ssigned
● Cabinet i nstallations
● Kitchen a nd B ath r emodels
E ducation:
Pierce C ollage, P uyallup, W ashington 2 008
General e ducation d iploma
E verest C ollege R enton, W ashington 2 011
M edical A ssistance p rogram
Computer E xperience:
Microsoft W ord
All b asic s pread s heets