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Cumming, GA
December 29, 2017

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Cumming, G eorgia - 3 0040


● 7 years of experience on A dobe Experience Manager (AEM/Adobe CQ) and I nterwoven TeamSite a nd J ava.

● Certified A dobe E xperience M anager 5 .6 D eveloper.

● Good Problem solving, Analytical, Interpersonal, Communication and Management skills. Keen on learning n ew t echnologies a nd a ttaining a g ood u nderstanding o f c oncepts.

● Extensive e xperience i n p rogramming u sing A EM, J ava a nd H TML.

● Hands on experience AEM concepts like components, templates, dialogs, widgets, multi site management, u ser r oles, r eplication, d ispatcher, d igital a sset m anagement.

● Good k nowledge o n A GILE a nd W ATERFALL m odels o f S oftware d evelopment c ycle.

● Hands-on Experience in handling projects at all phases including requirements analysis, design, programming a nd m aintenance.

● Hands o n e xperience w ith H TML, C SS, J avascript.

● Experience w orking w ith J ava, J 2EE, X ML, X SLT, a nd A pplication s ervers ( WebSphere, T omcat e tc.)

● Experience m anaging r esource u tilization a nd t ask a llocation.

● Converting user requirements into technical design. Responsible for meeting user requirements during d evelopment.

● Troubleshooting p roblems, a verting p otential c risis s ituations t hrough e arly d etection.

● Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication skills, with the ability to manage projects and meet d eadlines.

● Keen a ptitude f or l earning a nd a pplying n ew c oncepts q uickly.

● Hands o n e xperience i n D evelopment, T est a nd U AT s upport, P roduction s upport. Technical a nd P roject M anagement S kills:

Solid e xperience i n p rogramming u sing A dobe E xperience M anager a nd J ava.

● Domain: C hemical, A utomobile, B anking, E C ommerce.

● Hands-on Experience in handling projects at all phases including requirements analysis, design, p rogramming a nd m aintenance.

● Extensive e xperience w ith A dobe E xperience M anager(CQ 5 .6.1 a nd A EM 6 .1).

● Hands on experience with creating components, templates, dialogs, design dialogs, multi site management, custom widgets, fixing replication issues, dispatcher configurations, rewrite configurations, s etting u p v anity u rls.

● User I nterface: H TML, C SS, J avascript, J Query, J SP, S ightly.

● Operating S ystem: U nix, W indows X P/7.

● Good E xperience o n I nterwoven T eamSite 7 .3.1 a nd S itepublisher.

● Hands o n e xperience w ith C ore J ava.

● Hands o n e xperience w ith S VN, G it, a nd M aven.

● Good E xperience o n E clipse, C RXDE L ite a nd C RX E xplorer.

● Managing r esource u tilization a nd t ask a llocation.

● Converting user requirements into technical design. Code reviews. Responsible for meeting u ser r equirements d uring d evelopment.

● Troubleshooting p roblems, a verting p otential c risis s ituations t hrough e arly d etection. Professional A ffiliations:

● Certified A dobe E xperience M anager 5 .6 D eveloper Technical S kills:

Modeling/Tools: Eclipse, SQL, Mysql, Notepad++, Putty, WinScp, Maven, JIRA, ATLAS

Java T echnologies: Core J ava, J 2EE



CQ 5.6.1 and AEM 6.1, Interwoven TeamSite 7.3.1, Site Publisher, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, XML, XSLT, JSP, J Unit.

Build C onfigurations: Maven, S CM(SVN, G it)

Application/Web S erver: WebSphere a nd A pache T omcat Databases: Oracle 1 1g, M ySql

OS: UNIX, L inux, W indows

Professional E xperience:


Tech M ahindra

Hyderabad, I ndia D ec 2 016 – J uly 2 017 Role: S enior A EM D eveloper

Project: M asterCard P inpoint

Client: M asterCard

MasterCard P inpoint L oyalty p roject d eals w ith t he d evelopment o f v arious m odules r elated t o r ewards and r edeem f unctions. T he c redit a nd d ebit c ard h olders h aving r eward p oints, u se t his a pplication f or their t ransactions. T his a pplication a llows t he c ustomer t o d o t he s hopping w ith h is/her a vailable reward p oints a long w ith c ash t ransactions. I t m akes e asy t o m aintain t he d ynamic c ontent o f websites w hich i s c oming f rom t hird p arty s erver ( ATLAS). A ll t he c omponents w hich a re d eveloped are a uthorable a nd r eusable.

Responsibilities: -

● Worked o n A gile e nvironment. A ttended t he s print p lanning a nd d aily s crum m eetings.

● Participated i n r equirement g athering, a nalysis a nd c oordinating w ith c lient t eams.

● Hands on experience on AEM building blocks including templates, components, dialogs, widgets etc., a nd A EM d evelopment a nd d eployment p rocess a ctivities.

● Developed c ustom A EM c omponents, t emplates a nd O SGI s ervices.

● Worked o n S ightly f or r endering o f A EM c ode.

● Hands on experience on AEM concepts like dialogs, widgets, clientlibs, workflows, angular integration.

● Also w orked o n i ntegrating A EM c ode w ith A ngular c hanges.

● Worked on Integration with ATLAS confluence to get the response which can be rendered on page dynamically.

● Developed v arious s ite l evel c onfigurations.

● Worked o n I ntegration o f A ngular a nd A TLAS c onfigurations w ith A EM.

● Hands o n e xperience o n i mplementing c ustom w idgets, c lientlibs, w orkflows, a nnotations.

● Educated t he c lient I T t eam a bout t he s pecifics o f a pplications. Used: A EM 6 .1, S ightly, J ava 1 .7, H TML, J avascript, G it, S VN, E clipse, p utty, A TLAS, W indows.


Tech M ahindra

Hyderabad, I ndia J an 2 016 – D ec 2 016 Role: S enior A EM D eveloper

Project: B ASF(IR a nd B WS)

Client: B ASF

BASF is a Chemical domain project . It is developed on Hybris and AEM platforms. The website is divided into two levels of support(BWS and IR). The website involves maintaining data content in AEM, and i ntegration w ith H ybris a nd H ANA.

Responsibilities: -

● Worked o n s upport a s w ell a s e nhancements o f t he p roject.

● Hands o n e xperience o n M ulti S ite m anagement, R ollout C onfigs, U ser r oles, T agging.

● Worked o n D ispatcher a nd r ewrite c onfigurations.

● Managed c onfigurations o n O SGI F elix c onsole.

● Hands o n e xperience o n C luster e nvironment a nd f amiliar w ith m aster a nd s lave r elationships.

● Involved i n D eployments, v arious R eplication r elated i ssues.

● Participated i n k nowledge t ransfer s essions a nd d ocumentations.

● Hands o n e xperience o n p erformance a nalysis, s erver a nd a dmin r elated i ssues.

● Possess k nowledge o n T ar O ptimization a nd i ndexing.

● Involved in day to day handling of bugs, solved errors faced by the end user, clients, server administration t asks.

● Performed s erver s tart/stop a nd c leanup a ctivities p eriodically.

● Diagnosed p roduction i ssues t hat a rose a nd c oordinated d eployment a ctivities.

● Worked o n a utomation s cripts.

Used: AEM 5.6.1, Java 1.7, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Firebug, Git, Eclipse, putty, Winscp, Windows and U nix.



Bangalore, I ndia D ec 2 014 – D ec 2 015 Role: S enior C Q D eveloper

Project: L ouis V uitton

Client: L ouis V uitton

Louis V uitton i s a n e commerce r elated p roject d eveloped o n A TG, S AP a nd C Q5 p latforms. CQ has been used as an intermediate between SAP and ATG platforms to store and maintain product and s ku r elated d ata. A ll p roduct i nformation i s h andled a t C Q i nterface. Responsibilities: -

● Developed k ey c ustom C omponents, T emplates, D ialogs, D esign D ialogs, w orkflows, s chedulers

● Worked o n P roduct a nd S KU p ages a nd m apping b etween t hem a nd i nterdependency i ssues.

● Hands o n e xperience o n D atabase c onnectivity i ssues w ith A EM f or r etrieval o f S AP d ata.

● Communicated w ith t he o nsite t eam/clients r egarding t he c ritical i ssues a nd i mplementations.

● Attended B usiness C alls w ith t he C lient o n w eekly b asis.

● Participated i n k nowledge t ransfer s essions a nd d ocumentations.

● Worked o n b ug f ixes a nd c ode r eviews.

● Hands o n e xperience w ith c hecking v arious l og f iles f or r oot c ause a nalysis.

● Proposed b etter s olution a pproaches t o f ind a nswers t hat y ield b etter r esults. Used: CQ 5.3, Java, Jsp, ExtJS, Tortoise SVN, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Firebug, Eclipse, SQL, Windows and U nix E nvironments.



Bangalore, I ndia S ept 2 014 – N ov 2 014 Role: S enior A EM D eveloper

Project: L eoshop ( Internal)


Leoshop is an internal project which is a ready to use commerce provider developed on AEM 6. It is a small w ebsite i nvolving f ew p roduct p ages. Responsibilities: -

● Developed c ustom C omponents, T emplates, P ages.

● Worked o n E commerce r elated p ages l ike P roduct I nfo, P roduct F ilter.

● Created d ialogs a nd d esign d ialogs a nd c ustom w idgets.

● Hands o n e xperience o n c reation o f t ags a nd m apping t o p roducts.

● Worked o n s ervices, c omponents, s ling m odels a nd u ser r oles.

● Worked o n Q uery b uilder a nd o ther a pi. Used: A EM 6 .0, J SP, T ortoise S VN, H TML, C SS, J avaScript, F irebug, E clipse, J ava


Sapient C orporation

Bangalore, I ndia D ec 2 013 – A ug 2 014 Role: C Q D eveloper

Project: M asterCard P riceless

Client: M asterCard

Priceless Cities is a global program of experiences and offers that inspires MasterCard holders to tap the p riceless p ossibilities i n t he g reatest c ities i n t he w orld i n p artnership w ith l eading b rands. Responsibilities: -

● Involved i n d evelopment a nd b ug f ixes o f p riceless m astercard w ebsite.

● Developed c ustom c omponents, t emplates, p ages.

● Worked o n i nternationalization o f p ages.

● Created critical components, custom tag libraries, workflows, dialogs, design dialogs composite and multi f ields w idgets.

● Hands o n e xperience o n E xtjs f or c ustomizing w idgets.

● Involved i n d esign d iscussions a nd c ode m erge/deployment a ctivities u sing A pache M aven.

● Managed a t eam o f t echnologists, s ite d evelopment a nd i nfrastructure s pecialists.

● Worked o n d eployment o n L ocal a nd Q A I nstance.

● Performed S VN M erging, B ranch a nd T ag C reation.

U sed: A EM 5 .6.1, J SP, C ore J ava, T ortoise S VN, H TML, F irebug, E clipse, J IRA


Sapient C orporation

Bangalore, I ndia O ct 2 010 – N ov 2 013 Role: D eveloper

Project: C hrysler D igital A OR

Client: C hrysler D igital A OR a nd F iat I ndia Chrysler i s a n A utomobile d omain p roject c onsisting o f 5 b rands - C hrysler, D odge, R am T rucks, F iat. Each brand has a website of its own. Worked on development, maintenance and enhancements of these 5 w ebsites.

Responsibilities: -

● Interacted w ith O n-site t eam t o k now t he B usiness R equirement.

● Worked o n D evelopment a nd E nhancements o f t he 5 b rands f or N orth A merica R egion.

● Worked o n d eployment o n L ocal, T est, U at a nd p roduction e nvironment.

● Worked i n d evelopment f or l aunching F iat I ndia a nd K orea w ebsites f rom s cratch.

● Developed the pages from scratch in TeamSite 7.3.1 sitepublisher and made it reusable for various other r egions.

● Developed c ustom c omponents, t emplates, p ages.

● Handled t he M obile R edesign p roject f or N A r egion.

● Worked o n M odel Y ear u pdates f or t hese b rands.

● Point o f c ontact f or k nowledge t ransfer f or t he n ew j oiners i n t he t eam.

● Involved i n C ode r eviews a nd d iscussions w ith t he c lients.

● Took v arious p resentations o n t echnical a nd b usiness s cenarios.

● Worked o n X ML a nd X SLT t emplating.

● Also wrote automation scripts to generate the huge data content while working on Model year updates.

● Worked o n f ront e nd t echnologies l ike h tml, c ss, j avascript. Used: HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, Interwoven TeamSite-7.3.1, Site Publisher, Core Java, Firebug, AtTask, S VN, F iddler, W indows, U nix e nvironments.


Sapient C orporation

Bangalore, I ndia J uly 2 010 – S ept 2 010 Role: D eveloper

Project: T raining a nd S hadow P roject

Client: S apient

Responsibilities: -

● Trained o n J ava, J sp, S truts a nd o ther f ront e nd t echnologies.

● Worked o n a s hadow p roject t o i mplement t he s ame.

● Involved i n d evelopment a nd b ug f ixes.

● Hands o n e xperience o n d ocumentations.

Used: H TML, C SS, S VN, C ore J ava, J sp, S QL, S VN, W indows Education:

Bachelor of Technology in C omputer Science and Engineering, from Kakatiya Institute of Technology & S cience, W arangal, I ndia - Y ear - 2 010 w ith a ggregate o f 8 6%

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